Author Topic: Not a Number: The Ghost Inside  (Read 2109 times)

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Not a Number: The Ghost Inside
« on: May 09, 2013, 07:08:06 am »
Title:The Ghost Inside


This song actually carries on from the same story as Cure?, a track I wrote last year. Well, I say "carries on"; it's actually a few chapters ahead. It's a pretty complicated story, which I guess can be best summarised as "Terminator meets The Matrix" - make of that what you will. :P In this song, Mankind has broken free from Machine's reign after being trapped in virtual reality. However, the character in this song doesn't know whether or not he is a real person or not (and I deliberately made it so that it could be either: Is he a Machine that wants to be human, or is he a human that didn't escape from virtual reality? It's purposefully written to be ambiguous, and as I said, it could be either).

I'll be sure to write the rest of the songs that comprise this story; how did Machine take over Mankind, and how did Mankind defeat Machine?
Of course, all of that is just one chapter in the entire Saga that I've got planned. ;)
« Last Edit: May 09, 2013, 07:08:24 am by Not a Number »