This song has been available for download in the downloads section for a long while, after being recomposed from scratch like many of my older songs, instrument by instrument then recorded again, for optimal sound quality.
However I always noticed that this new recording doesn't sound as hard as the original audio-cassette one. I think the reason why is because the tape recording sound quality caused the kickdrum and bass to become distorted, along with some of the bell sounds and in the new recording, the louder low frequencies of the bassline and kickdrums drowns out some of the harder parts or something. Also in the original there were some differences, too, such as the wind sweep effect sometimes reaching lower pitches than in the other version and there is an extra wind sweep effect after the first part with beat. Despite the crappy sound quality of the original, I think it sounds kinda cool and harder, so I thought I would share this recording too, in case you might actually like it better.
It was originally recorded in December 2003. I remastered it to remove most of the buzz and noise effects that we hear on crappy tapes. There might still be some wear and tear and some warping, though.
Original recording quality recording (in the downloads section since 2008);sa=view;down=100