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export PATH=$PATH:/Users/christiancoors/Desktop/TI-nspire/ndless/trunk/bin/
nspire-gcc -Os -nostdlib -Wall -W -Wno-strict-aliasing -c syscalls_cas-2.0.1.cnspire-gcc -Os -nostdlib -Wall -W -Wno-strict-aliasing -c syscalls_ncas-2.1.0.cnspire-gcc -Os -nostdlib -Wall -W -Wno-strict-aliasing -c syscalls_cas-2.1.0.cnspire-ld --light-startup -nostdlib install.o ploaderhook.o ints.o syscalls.o utils.o emu.o syscalls_ncas-1.7.o syscalls_cas-1.7.o syscalls_ncas-2.0.1.o syscalls_cas-2.0.1.o syscalls_ncas-2.1.0.o syscalls_cas-2.1.0.o -o ndless_core.elf"/usr/local/arm-elf/bin/arm-elf-objcopy" -O binary ndless_core.elf ndless_core.binstage2_hexsize=`wc -c ndless_stage2.bin | cut -f1 -d' ' | xargs printf '%04x'` \ && test -n "$stage2_hexsize" \ && echo -e -n "\x${stage2_hexsize:2:2}\x${stage2_hexsize:0:2}\x00\x00" > ../calcbin/ndless_resources.tnsmake[1]: *** [ndless_resources.tns] Error 1make: *** [subdirs] Error 1
Just found a little bug: I notice that when Ndless tries to restore the FIQ vector (in arm/bootstrapper.S main_copy), it overwrites the Undefined Instruction jump instead:A4000000 18 F0 9F E5 E4 66 26 10-18 F0 9F E5 18 F0 9F E5A4000010 18 F0 9F E5 18 F0 9F E5-18 F0 9F E5 18 F0 9F E5A4000020 30 60 26 10 28 48 04 11-4C 47 04 11 20 48 04 11A4000030 18 48 04 11 00 00 00 00-C0 66 26 10 40 00 00 00
In the meantime, I think that the number keys may actually be easier to use. But do you think it would be possible to move the down arrow to 5? If you're using one hand, the key in the middle makes it hard to use the keys as a joypad.So:....8.... = up4 = left5 = down6 = rightand then maybe make click "2".Have any apps other than block dude been compiled with this configuration? (i.e., gbc4nspire or nes)
Quote from: critor on February 10, 2011, 07:27:51 amQuote from: ExtendeD on February 04, 2011, 09:17:50 amI haven't touched a single line of code since then, but I'm keeping track of your bug reports and suggestions, hopefully I'll try to integrate them soon.What have you decided about the arrow and number keys?I think mapping arrow keys to number keys at the Ndless level (which has been introduced in the last builds if I've understood well) is a bad idea.I can understand this "hack" has been introduced to make old Ndless 1.7 games work without modifying the source...But let's look at the future and not at the past: there are many reasons a program would like to test for number keys (numerical input, menu choice...).I think it's up to the program itself to test for number keys and to decide to handle them either as numbers either as arrows.About this, I have an idea that might make everything work great: how about add a line in Ndless program headers so as to specify for which version they were compiled for. If this line is absent, consider it to be an Ndless 1.7 program, and make Ndless decide which buttons to use, but if the line says that the program was made for Ndless 2.0, let the program decide its own course of action in regard of the keys.What do you think?
Quote from: ExtendeD on February 04, 2011, 09:17:50 amI haven't touched a single line of code since then, but I'm keeping track of your bug reports and suggestions, hopefully I'll try to integrate them soon.What have you decided about the arrow and number keys?I think mapping arrow keys to number keys at the Ndless level (which has been introduced in the last builds if I've understood well) is a bad idea.I can understand this "hack" has been introduced to make old Ndless 1.7 games work without modifying the source...But let's look at the future and not at the past: there are many reasons a program would like to test for number keys (numerical input, menu choice...).I think it's up to the program itself to test for number keys and to decide to handle them either as numbers either as arrows.
I haven't touched a single line of code since then, but I'm keeping track of your bug reports and suggestions, hopefully I'll try to integrate them soon.
Hi Cuervo and welcome to the forums (I wonder if I missed anyone else, but welcome to others too). Hopefully now you should no longer need to compile Ndless as ExtendeD posted a binary of it here: http://ourl.ca/9367Just make sure to send the right file to your calculator, though. There is one for OS 1.7, one for 2.0.1 and one for 2.1, and you must also send the resources file.
make all in arm...make[1]: Entering directory /d/Nspire/Ndless/armnspire-as -Os -nostdlib -Wall -Wno-strict-aliasing -D OS_VERSION_INT=17 -c bootstrapper.Sc:/program files (x86)/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/stdint.h: Assembler message:41: Error: bad instruction 'typedef signed char int8_t'c:/program files (x86)/yagarto/lib/gcc/../../arm-none-eabi/sys-include/stdint.h: Assembler message:42: Error: bad instruction 'typedef unsigned char uint8_t'......lots of similar errors...