Author Topic: Ndless sdk toolchain not building  (Read 11278 times)

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Offline Ralph367

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Ndless sdk toolchain not building
« on: May 15, 2022, 10:14:00 am »
Currently trying to install the ndless sdk on windows 10. Have installed all the packages and trying to run
Code: [Select]
./ but it doesn't print anything to the console. running
Code: [Select]
echo $? returns 1 meaning that it didn't install. Any advice?

Offline E37

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Re: Ndless sdk toolchain not building
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2022, 08:39:29 pm »
I googled and found this github page. I assume that is what you are using.

I'm not sure what the sdk is supposed to do, but I went ahead and just tried to get that file to run. I have a Debian partition and not Cygwin so any differences may of course be caused by the OS. I had a couple errors from libraries that weren't installed but after I installed them it got started for me. It errored out after ~30s of compiling due something or other. But it spit out a bunch of text.

I would suggest adding an echo to various lines so you can see how far it gets before exiting. That may give you an idea of what is causing the problem. Alternatively you can try setting up a virtual machine or using WSL and see if either gives better results. I haven't messed with Cygwin but I kinda doubt that it is the problem by itself but a fresh start may work if there is some system config that is causing the problem. If you give me a more detailed account of what you did I may be able to be more helpful. I don't know if @Vogtinator is still around...

Off topic, but why did you choose Cygwin over WSL?
I'm still around... kind of.

Offline lolpro11

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Re: Ndless sdk toolchain not building
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2022, 08:48:34 pm »
Hello, @Ralph367

Here's a link to the installation guide of Ndless:
Are you missing dependencies?
@E37, I think that they saw to install Cygwin on the installation guide.

Offline Ralph367

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Re: Ndless sdk toolchain not building
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2022, 11:35:39 pm »
Hello, @E37. Yeah as lolpro11 said the wiki asks you to use Cygwin so that's why I chose it. I'm new to the Ndless scene and haven't dabbled much in C or C++ before that so I'm not actually sure what WSL is. I'll look into it though and see if it helps with anything, thanks. Also, the wiki said that on windows you had to fix a few symlinks in the files before building. I only fixed the one it mentioned with zehn.h, but yeah that's probably why it's not running. I have a Manjaro partition so I'll see if that gives me better luck.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2022, 11:39:43 pm by Ralph367 »

Offline Vogtinator

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Re: Ndless sdk toolchain not building
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2022, 03:04:39 pm »
IIRC there was a report of failing so early that there was no output, I think it was because the "which" command was not installed.

Unfortunately the SDK setup on Cygwin doesn't quite work as easily as it used to, not sure whether that was due to changes in Cygwin or binutils. There is a report that it practically doesn't work at all:

I just updated the hackspire wiki to make it more clear that WSL generally works better.