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I found the makefile it was executing, but i have no idea what the problem might be...Aren't there any precompiled versions of this sdk? It would work for me, if tey wuldn't beterribly outdatet...I'll send the makefile, if it helps. It was located at <ndless directory>\ndless-sdk\toolchain\build .Unfortunatley i have no idea what those default commands might be...
@r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \
php (5.6+), libboost-devel, libboost_program_options*, binutils, gcc-core, gcc-g++, git, mpfr, mpfr-devel, gmp, libgmp-devel, libmpc3, libmpc-devel, make, zlib-devel, wget
Also, you still need to fix the zehn.h symlink, but it is located in ndless-sdk/tools/genzehn. You need to replace it with the file in ndless-sdk/include.
Is this link done in a way that cygwin libraries can't handle?
Unfortunately, Git on Windows doesn't enable support for symlinks by default because of differences between Windows symlinks and POSIX symlinks: https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/wiki/Symbolic-Links
I still don't know why it does not work...Maybe i could use a copy of someone's toolchain folder? Would this work?Eems, you said some people had precompiled packages. Do you know how i could reach those persons?
It has nothing to do with genzehn. Did you install gcc-g++ (the C++ compiler) in cygwin? I think that is the issue.Make sure you have all of the dependencies in the list given on https://hackspire.org/index.php/C_and_assembly_development_introductionQuotephp (5.6+), libboost-devel, libboost_program_options*, binutils, gcc-core, gcc-g++, git, mpfr, mpfr-devel, gmp, libgmp-devel, libmpc3, libmpc-devel, make, zlib-devel, wgetYou can install these with the cygwin installer.Also, you still need to fix the zehn.h symlink, but it is located in ndless-sdk/tools/genzehn. You need to replace it with the file in ndless-sdk/include.