View full version: News
  1. SAD, Hnefatafl & Portal demos available. Project M, Axe Parser & others progress
  2. March 2010: busiest month in Omnimaga history
  3. Axe Parser v.0.2.0 BETA avaliable community-wide
  4. OmnomIRC back up
  5. Post notifier bot now also does United-TI, Cemetech, MaxCoderz and TI-Freak Ware
  6. Introducing OmnomIRC - The integration of IRC in our forums
  7. Forum activity notifier IRC bot and custom forum profile fields added
  8. Latest IRC conversation logs now avaliable on board index and other additions
  9. UTI is down for a little bit.
  10. March 2010: Month of the records (and Ninjas)
  11. Site hosting package ownership change and new staff
  12. #omnimaga avaliable again to Utwente University & UPC Internet users
  13. Alternate version of our new skin added and minor posting update
  14. A note regarding double-posting
  15. New pages added and navigation bar updates
  16. Axe: a new TI-BASIC-like language for the TI-83+ and 84+
  17. Axe Parser now has a 68K brother: NewProg
  18. New Topic & Poll buttons now inside topics & those on topic list re-ordered
  19. Omnimaga hits 2500 posts in a month for the first time since 2006
  20. Please do not post anything hosted on themuncher . net server anymore
  21. "New Post" section fixed
  22. Dual-layer ASCII madness and load of file archive additions
  23. New Posts/Active Topic lists bugs
  24. Video tribute to the TI-Nspire cracking (and the GBC emulator)
  25. A remake of the old board theme added to the site
  26. New sections added, others revamped, multi-theme support added
  27. New board feature on trial: large latest activity page based on topics and posts
  28. Omnimaga goes dark
  29. CTRL+R! We have a new banner!
  30. TI Releases the new OS
  31. Attachments thumbnails desactivated
  32. Renewal of .net and .com domains ends soon
  33. ADE added to our projects
  34. A new 84+ OS ???
  35. Board and front page layout updates
  36. First monthly postcount above old board average
  37. New anti-spambot-advertising measures
  38. ZagorBNK joins Omnimaga staff
  39. New Subforum
  40. The revival of #TI
  41. 2 million page requests
  42. New user group: Non-Staff IRC ChanOps
  43. JCW & Hot Dog joins Omnimaga team. Eeems swaps position with {AP}.
  44. ASM now possible directly on the TI-Nspire!
  45. Magic Hardcore song wins CoLD SToRAGE's TIMGUL Christmas contest
  46. GB/GBC emulator running on real TI-Nspire hardware.
  47. First Omnimaga POTY win ever!
  48. A page in Omnimaga history is turned, then hiring time arrives once again.
  49. Ztrumpet joins Omnimaga staff.
  50. Illusiat 13 v.0.90 release