Author Topic: 84 Plus OS 2.71MP leaked: The beginning of the end of TI-84+ programming?  (Read 143024 times)

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Offline Xeda112358

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Oh, that is at address xxxxh But actually, they just changed the pointers of several rom calls to C9s (ret).

EDIT: Remembered I'm not allowed to release that bcall.

Offline ralphdspam

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Lol, there is an actual bcall?
I must have accidentally done that one time.

That is too bad that they just made them "ret".  :(

They also added pointless loops to the display command, and now it's slower than a snail.  (and I thought that MP was slow)
ld a, 0
ld a, a

Offline Compynerd255

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They also added pointless loops to the display command, and now it's slower than a snail.  (and I thought that MP was slow)
* Compynerd255 simply stares in amazement at how stupid TI could be.
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Wait? Hooks got removed too? O.O
Well, the bcalls to set up the hooks were removed, so any program/app that uses hooks needs to be modified a little.
Ah weird. X.x

I wonder if they removed anything else...

The last day of work thing could be possible, although I think if it's something like that it would probably instead be a teacher who hates calc games who visits calc forums or Google groups and in revenge to the rants about TI lately he could have made some sort of prank or something and upload that modified OS.

Offline GB

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This is  the  funniest  April  Fool's  Day  joke I've seen  in  a  while!

I can't believe you  all  are  believing  this.


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Offline Compynerd255

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This is  the  funniest  April  Fool's  Day  joke I've seen  in  a  while!

I can't believe you  all  are  believing  this.
But the thing is, it was posted, and it was real, at least for a few minutes. What we are unsure of is if they are actually going to release this OS, since TI killing ASM support is not out of the question.
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You don't, Mr. President, sir?

Offline ralphdspam

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Here, Goplat found this in the new text routine:
Quote from: Speed is Relative
ld b,$1E
djnz $-1

Brilliant, just brilliant.  Better than the sliced bread routine. [/sarcasm]

EDIT: Actually, I have to give TI props from optimizing the routine from
dec b
jr nz, $-1
« Last Edit: April 01, 2011, 07:08:04 pm by ralphdspam »
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Offline Xeda112358

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Sliced bread routine? Might I look at that? I need ideas for my next BatLib command...

EDIT:by the way, who is Godplat? :P

Offline GB

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This whole story about  System  2.71MP has  many  red flags.  First off,  TI is  releasing  2.56MP  with  System  3.0 for the  TI-Nspire. Why would they  just come  up with  this version  out  of the blue?

Second, it's on  April 1st.

Third,  this  OS came  from  only two  people  on  this forum.

Fourth, I found this interesting.
Nice try! ;D

DJ, it seems you have been tricked, or that you're trying to trick us.

868 138 bytes is the size of the original 2.55MP OS
You told me the 2.71MP OS was 868 115 bytes.

The size is just wrong, 23 bytes too small.
It's the exact size you get by resigning the 2.55MP OS with RabbitSign.

Official OSes end with ":00000001FF   -- CONVERT 2.6 -- \n0x1A".
RabbitSigned OSes just end with ":00000001FF", which is exactly 23 bytes smaller.

There is no way TI would have started to use RabbitSign with the 0x0A key we've hacked. :P

That OS is probably just a 2.55MP OS with its version & welcome strings modified, and then resigned with RabbitSign.

Strangely, nobody has sent it me up to now, although I'm usually sent important things.

I can release the 3.00MP OS for the TI-84+ immediatly if you want :P

Fifth,  the  stories  in the  news and  the  original  thread don't add up.

Quote from  News  Article
Earlier this evening, ThePenguin77 went on TI Education website to download a copy of TI-84 Plus OS 2.55MP to test his video player, but he was instead greeted with OS 2.71MP:

Original  Post about  2.71
Have you guys heard the news? TI just released OS 2.71. Here's the link. Go get it.

I'm pretty busy so I don't have much time to test it out tonight, but if I find anything cool, I'll definitely tell you guys.

The  post says absolutely nothing about  downloading it to  test a video  player.

Sixth, why would TI release an  OS that  is ten  times slower  and  full  of  bugs  on  top of  all this?


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Offline ralphdspam

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Oh, I meant Goplat. :P

The  post says absolutely nothing about  downloading it to  test a video  player.

Sixth, why would TI release an  OS that  is ten  times slower  and  full  of  bugs  on  top of  all this?
TI actually did receive an OS that is lower and full of bugs.  I think it is called MP 2.55. :P
« Last Edit: April 01, 2011, 09:30:07 pm by ralphdspam »
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Offline Xeda112358

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I know, I was just playin' Anywho, I am kind of liking this new OS... I like trying to figure out how to get around certain barriers :)

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Note: You know the CX no longer includes 84+ emulation, right, and that OS 3.0 is actually smaller than 2.1? I wouldn't be surprised if 2.56MP was cancelled and that they removed 84+ emulation from OS 3.0 altogether.

Also as we said many times, this OS is clearly not final and was probably not meant for release, hence the removal.

As for the news post, it was after he finally gave me the link to the OS. Maybe he finally found some time to test it afterward.

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A patch to fix 2.71MP
« Reply #178 on: April 01, 2011, 07:08:16 pm »
I've been working on this all day and I think I've cleaned up the mess. This patch should fix 2.71MP.

I took care of:
-Parser Hook
-USB hook
-Asm(, AsmComp(, and AsmPrgm tokens, all reinstated and all working
-The random crashing
-ClrHome, Output(, Disp, and ClrDraw being slow
-Apps over 2 pages not running
-Output( not displaying in row 8
-Asm(, AsmComp(, and AsmPrgm no appearing in the catalog
-The weird advertisement

Hopefully the OS is now in a more recognizable state.

    You might want to press F8 in wabbitEmu because this is going to take a while.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2011, 07:09:42 pm by thepenguin77 »
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Offline ralphdspam

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Re: A patch to fix 2.71MP
« Reply #179 on: April 01, 2011, 07:10:16 pm »
Did TI add anything for the new OS? (other than bugs)

How about the disp command? How did you optimize that?

Great job, btw. :D
« Last Edit: April 01, 2011, 07:16:04 pm by ralphdspam »
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