Author Topic: A fresh restart  (Read 3449 times)

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A fresh restart
« on: August 06, 2007, 06:08:00 pm »
After thinking again about the huge staff management, I finally decided to just keep everyone as staff but Jc and JFISH, who did nothing in a long while or doesn't seems much involved into Omnimaga anymore.

Right now there is 7 staff positions open for the forums, either TI calculator, computer or music programming, depending of your area. If you are interested, feel free to send me a private message or an e-mail. As requirement, you must:

-Be good in one of the following: TI calculator programming (BASIC, ASM, C, etc...), computer game making or programming (any programming language or game maker/factory/RPG Maker) or music producing (making your own stuff, not just remixes).
-Be currently active on the forums (not just the spam, general talk and introduce yourself forums)
-Have something in the works at the time of your applying.

Please include a short briefing of your knowledge and your current projects in the PM if you are interested.