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-- Development Update --Although I have run my fair share of tests it would be cool if some other people can test it and report any errors found. Like graphical errors or crashes.So if someone wants to test it here is a current build + sources. You need a CX to run, non-color nspire wont work.In addition to the quake binary for the nspire you need at least the shareware data file pak0.pak. This is kind of hard to get when not running MS-DOS and one wants to honor the license so I deliver instructions:-- Begin of Instructions of how to get the Shareware pak0.pak --Get the quake shareware release quake106.zip somewhere of the internet.One place is here: ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/pkgsrc/distfiles/quake106.zipInside the quake106.zip is a file called resource.1 - Extract it and rename it to resource.xGet the LHa compression/uncompression utility. For Unix ask your packet manager. On windows this is somewhat hard but you can get a binary release here: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/lha.htm ( Binaries, the lha.exe inside the .zip is in /bin ). I read somewhere that the japanese Windows 7 gets it as an addon for the file explorer so you can also try that.Move resource.x to a temporary directory and extract it. On windows you can do this with "lha x resource.x" if you moved lha.exe to the same temporary folder or lha.exe is in your $PATH. This hopefully creates a lot of obsolete files and a directory called "id1" which contains "pak0.pak"You can also get Quake off Steam or so I heard.-- End Of Instruction of how to get the Shareware pak0.pak --MD5 Sums of the quake data filespak0.pak 5906e5998fc3d896ddaf5e6a62e03abbpak1.pak d76b3e5678f0b64ac74ce5e340e6a685 ( registered version )On the calculator you need a directory structure like so:quake/nquake.tnsquake/id1/pak0.pak.tnsquake/id1/pak1.pak.tns ( optional, if you bought Quake and got the pak1.pak file of the registered version put it there )Then run nquake.tns
That's mighty impressive. What's next, UT2004? With LAN that'd be a lot of fun!
Well as long as you can use USB, Ndless can actually add drivers (see the keyboard and mouse thingy).