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In other news, Frey continues kicking unprecedented levels of ass.
After reading all of this, i am glad i joined the omni forums. You guys are crazy awesome.
Spoiler For Spoiler: Part #3The man with the iron planLooked up yet againThe music was too loudYet not loud enoughIt just wasn't up to snuffThe man jumped upBut he jumped too highAnd fell too farAnd now he's a smear on the groundWaiting to be foundAnd put back together again.Elsewhere, an offshoot of the evil team decided to stop research into communications warfare and go into bioengineering. They kidnapped innumerable people, and put fakes in place. They tortured those they took, to see the limits of the mind and the body. But enough was enough. The Stolen rebelled, and won. Now they are free.Where do they go?Nobody knows.All that can be saidis that they are not dead.Some scattered to the windSome went back homeOthers had no home to go toMore could not go back at allSo changed were theySo differentSo aloneBut they weren'tThey had each other.And that was enough.Enough, for the revolution to begin.