Author Topic: ASM now possible directly on the TI-Nspire!  (Read 32494 times)

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Re: ASM now possible directly on the TI-Nspire!
« Reply #15 on: December 30, 2009, 01:36:09 pm »
There is some elitism to a certain extent, like for example, some TI-BANK admins tries to keep some of that info exclusive to their site by not posting it anywhere (you have no idea how much discoveries were posted on their forums by Critor that was never revealed anywhere else), so for example, I have to keep grabbing info from there and translate it for Omnimaga users when posting it here (since it's in french), and in the english TI community, some programmers seemed to act as if they were superior to anyone else, but they aren't in high number anymore it seems. There was also rivalries between websites and IRC channels before, altough these seems to have became kinda quiet in the past two years. It was mostly due to differences between websites, for example, back in 2005 there was UTI vs MaxCoderz because on UTI they were stricter on flaming and did TI-BASIC, while MaxCoderz members did mostly ASM and enhanced TI-BASIC instead of pure BASIC. Then there was Omnimaga vs #tcpa, because on the former we were too strict against trolling/flaming for them and they mostly did ASM while we did enhanced TI-BASIC. In fact, a dozen of users from there were banned over here. There are also some places that aren't really welcoming to newcomers... at least, when certain of the elitist members posts in their thread. However, this hasn't been as visible in the past few weeks because the places where hostility occured seems to have been less active these days. I wouldn't be surprised if people got sick of it, especially since "it's just calculators" to many people. Heck, TIMGUL had hostility and look what happened.

On the TI-Nspire hacking and key factoring side, most of the community kinda went together to help, though.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2009, 01:52:40 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: ASM now possible directly on the TI-Nspire!
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2009, 03:25:01 pm »
Well I think that's really noble of you Omni to be the go between for the sites as well as the language barrier, must take some time and effort to be sure. I remember when I was active in the RE/RE Beta/Modding community where, for RE2 especially, skinning models was exclusive information and no one would help by telling people the proper way to do it. It was nice to download stable and good looking character, weapon and enemy models for the game but people had so many ideas they couldn't fulfill. Often methods would come to light that would leave gaps and bugs and it was never fully possible until recently when some former members decided to spill to beans and release tools that they had in their possession for years. It is now possible and is being explored modifying things like entire rooms, item placements, even triggers and even coding completely new areas in Resident Evil. But still, I dislike that type of elitism and won't forget it. That's kind of why I left the scene as well, I used to be pretty hands on with the team but now the Beta seekers/masters have become elitists.

I'm glad it seems to be levelling out though from what you say, although I may not see a lot of what goes on behind the scenes. The mere fact programming games is possible on a calculator really blows my mind, and this is from an outsiders point of view. I think people are just too narrow minded these days.

Heck, TIMGUL had hostility and look what happened.

I know all too well.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2009, 03:28:59 pm by JCW »
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Re: ASM now possible directly on the TI-Nspire!
« Reply #17 on: December 30, 2009, 03:51:51 pm »
This is awesome.  Along with Goplat's emulator, calc84maniac's TI-Nspire built of TI-Boy, and all the other action in the calculator community, this has been a pretty exciting winter break for me. 8)  ...even though I don't actually have a TI-Nspire  :P
« Last Edit: December 30, 2009, 03:53:08 pm by bfr »

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Re: ASM now possible directly on the TI-Nspire!
« Reply #18 on: December 30, 2009, 04:06:06 pm »
Heh, that reminds me of all of the elitism in TF2 Xbox 360 modding.
As much as I hate to say it, I was part of that problem, though, but I think we had good reasons to not share everything, some of that shit was just downright dangerous to use
(could forcefully remotely unbind peoples controls so that their controllers did nothing, could remotely generate 'dirty disc' errors, kick, make people explode, etc..., and that's just using one command for the most part)

But, YAY nspire ASM! As BrandonW Said: "Suck it, TI. Suck it long and hard."

I'm not sure of the technical limitations of the nspire, but would a GBA emulator be possible?
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Re: ASM now possible directly on the TI-Nspire!
« Reply #19 on: December 30, 2009, 04:10:27 pm »
Yeah I agree dangerous stuff shouldn't be shared easily. As for ROMs and warez, that stuff is illegal so it's good to not share it either to not get in trouble. For TI-Nspire stuff, though, it can simply open new possibilities for the TI community and is not that dangerous unless the stuff is buggy and damages the calc

Off-topic: Nice try netham45, to steal the 2000th post this month :P
« Last Edit: December 30, 2009, 04:10:53 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: ASM now possible directly on the TI-Nspire!
« Reply #20 on: December 30, 2009, 04:14:26 pm »
I can understand and agree with that part, some of the tools released they warned about backing things up first and stuff like that. A lot of it was also run through command and not from an executable so it could be a little risky if not confusing for members. Capcom would come down on the community like a ton of bricks if anything was publicly released or they got wind of the hacking. There are some videos on YouTube of minor changes but news tells me bigger things are in the pipeline with the community. It's nice that this community doesn't have any real danger of things like that though.
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Re: ASM now possible directly on the TI-Nspire!
« Reply #21 on: December 30, 2009, 04:24:11 pm »
lol, yea. The worst we've gotten are misdirected DMCA posts
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Re: ASM now possible directly on the TI-Nspire!
« Reply #22 on: December 30, 2009, 04:31:34 pm »
That said, I noticed it seems to be in hacker nature to be less courteous to new members in general in certain kind of hacking. Usually, people who are a lot into programming just for the love of it and not necessarly making games tend to be less social toward others and less understanding of others, and some acts elitist. Because of this, this can cause feuds among communities. Nowadays, what usually happens is new memebrs getting told to JFGI when they ask questions in help forums, even thought their question might be their first ever post on a forum. Altough it's recommended to search first before asking questions, new people may not know this and everyone has to start somewhere.

Because people don't take calcs as seriously as other stuff like music and pc programming, simply because they aren't as widely used for gaming and only used temporarly by people, this makes new people skeptical about staying in the community even more. Why would someone devote effort programming for a calculator and not get paid for it when he's not gonna be treated nicely?

Oh well, that's a bit why there's Omnimaga. That stuff is not allowed here (the reason why some people hated us on other forums. I don't have anything against free speech, which they advocate, but only as long as it's not used at the expense of respect), altough if someone absolutely does no effort himself to learn, eventually we might lose patience. Also, we are more welcoming to any kind of projects, regardless of what was used to program them and their size.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2009, 04:33:56 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: ASM now possible directly on the TI-Nspire!
« Reply #23 on: December 30, 2009, 05:02:24 pm »
That's what I like about this site;  People don't get mad at you, unless you do something that is compleatly wrong.  :)
Omnimaga is almost compleatly hostility free, and that's why it is so great.

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Re: ASM now possible directly on the TI-Nspire!
« Reply #24 on: December 30, 2009, 11:37:40 pm »
When development on Nspire turns popular, the z80 and 68k will turn less interesting and popular as time moves... In my school Nspire's calcs are getting more users since this year... Nspire cost a bit more than TI-84+SE and its features like larger memory, speed and better graphics makes it very appealing.

z80 development decline is going to happen. It will just occur soon or later, though.
So an excellent emulator of z80 calculators on the Nspire (especially for the TI-84+SE complete hardware support as possible) would be a very nice addition to keep in mind. Even for CAS keyboard... :P

There's really no way to tell at the moment. Likely Z80 ASM is simpler than ARM ASM, so many may stick with Z80 because it's eaiser, and they're already familar with it. Just look at when the 68k calcs came out and developed over the years. Not everyone jumped ship to the 68k series. Of course the Z80 series was more widespread in schools and "qwerty" calculators weren't allowed on standardized tests. That's another factor, it also depends on if schools systems embrace the Nspire more in the coming years. If not, Z80 will still be the most popular simply because of the number of people using them.

I'm not sure of the technical limitations of the nspire, but would a GBA emulator be possible?

As far a size, GBA games are anywhere from 8MB to 32MB from what I've seen. As far as preformance... it seems doubtful to me. NES emulation would be much more feasible, hell maybe even Genesis.

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Re: ASM now possible directly on the TI-Nspire!
« Reply #25 on: December 30, 2009, 11:40:19 pm »
Omnimaga is a rare place free from the hostility of the world :).  And when troll occasionaly break their way in, we just /kick them right out again :D

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Re: ASM now possible directly on the TI-Nspire!
« Reply #26 on: December 31, 2009, 07:10:23 am »
It will possible to do C and C++ programming, too. :)

Nspire ARM cpu has ARM9 instruction set, right?
Just starting to find some resources...
« Last Edit: December 31, 2009, 07:12:12 am by Galandros »
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Re: ASM now possible directly on the TI-Nspire!
« Reply #27 on: December 31, 2009, 10:05:13 am »
Great! Seems I'm gonna have to register to TI-bank as well.

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Re: ASM now possible directly on the TI-Nspire!
« Reply #28 on: December 31, 2009, 10:28:54 am »
I'll be out of town till Saturday night or so, so if the hack gets released before then, you'll know where I am.
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Re: ASM now possible directly on the TI-Nspire!
« Reply #29 on: December 31, 2009, 04:52:38 pm »
I hope someone writes an interpreter or compiler like BasiC++ that mio is making for the PC