i dont remember who said it, but using 2nd to retry instead of Y in my thingamabob is a very good idea
now on to reviews:
amazine title screen

it's nice to see a shooter that doesnt require button mashing. like someone or other said, with the addition of a few features this could be very fun. nice work!
i really liked this, dthought!
sure, it is very similar to that multigame thing that was posted a while back, but very well implemented and addicting. the switch between gray background and clean upon switching games was very innovative and helpful to the gamer. one thing: the paddle in pong stops one pixel away from the left side of the screen and one pixel past the right side.
i was really looking forward to a nostalgia demo...
however, the graphics were brilliant! multi-ships and extreme testing of reflexes make this a nice little time waster,
-Mansion Impossible
like some others, i wasn't able to figure this one out (short of the object being buying and selling stuff), and unfortunately i didnt have the readme at school. i'll have to check it out again later.
the concept is totally original and totally awesome. i wasnt able to get past level one, though

is there a jump key or something? what am i missing...
-Heroes Of Might And Magic
this is the only one i wasnt able to test out, as i am hard-pressed for space on my calc and couldnt get it to work on the emu. i have fond memories of HoMaM, though, and will test it soon(changing my vote, if need be)
-Axe Minesweeper
nice, nice
additional features makes this a superior minesweeper to the others out there, as i've stated before(i think). im not much of a minesweeper guy, though. great work!
-Advance Wars TI
Sir, this shall be epic! i couldnt bring myself to vote for it now because of its current state of completion, but all the same i am filled with anticipation!
-Wacky Fun Random Numbar Generator v1.00000069
it asplodes
-Space Dash
this is my favourite(so far)
the graphics are superb(only odd part is the fact that the background stars disappear when the user's ship passes them by and the gray text not erasing when switching to game play[clearing the screen for that split second would look better, i think]). the gameplay is also superb(a simple concept with variety in obstacles[not to mention the shooting option] to keep it interesting. the difficulty curb is also very well implemented[it starts off slow enough for a beginner to adapt to the situation, but increases in difficulty enough to keep it interesting after that])
and im glad to see you're fixing that instant-asplosion bug
-Axe Platformer Demo
this looks ever so promising, tloz!
the controls do feel a bit sluggish(but then again, you do have all those sprites for running =D), and i think a new scrolling method would probably be in order if you plan to add in enemies. i love the door effect!
it's a jumping game...(of course im one to talk about originality, seeing as my entire entry is made off ripoffs

). the jumping animation was super cool. nicely done for so little time
oh, and dj: couldnt you just set up a second pole for 2nd place choice? it may be a little to late to do for this contest, but i think that would be a good idea for future events