Author Topic: Calculator Community Music News/Showcase #1  (Read 8668 times)

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Calculator Community Music News/Showcase #1
« on: May 28, 2016, 03:12:07 pm »
Hello everyone! Now that school is out, I once again have time to devote to news articles, and today, I present onto you a new occasional news series: the Calculator Community Music News/Showcase. I figured that it's about time the many talented musicians, composers, and producers in the community get recognized. This first article will cover the musicians themselves, and less so the individual tracks. In the future, individual tracks released between now and the next article will be showcased. So without further blabbing, let's get to the features!

GTemples27 has started composing his own music very recently. Here is his first piece. He has some potential to make some really great music in the future, and I wish him the best of luck doing so.

Our friend unknownloner is a cool dude. He also began producing some pretty cool DnB music around February. While he hasn't posted much of it on the forums recently, it is worth mentioning that his Soundcloud has been pretty active. His stuff is worth the listen.

Guitar player and CodeWalrus admin aeTIos has been experimenting in the last few months with a cover of "Sweet Child of Mine" and a Funk-style track. Check out his Soundcloud to hear what he has put together.

Velocity Games
The guys at Velocity Games have been working on the game "Valhalla" for a while. Recently, they composed a theme song for Valhalla that is worth listening to.

Matref has always been a metal man. And dang, he slays at guitar. Just check out his Soundcloud to hear what I'm talking about. He recently got someone else to help with mixing to increase production quality, and I certainly believe this decision is paying out.

JWinslow is a great singer. He also is a great mathematician. Just check out his latest track about how tau is superior to pi.

This guy just loves making music on everything, especially calculators. His tracks are on his Soundcloud, and they're pretty awesome.

DJ Omnimaga
If I didn't mention DJ, I might as well have not written this article. This CodeWalrus admin has been producing music using MTV Music Generator/Music Generator 2000 for a long time. His BandCamp certainly proves it.

Shameless Self Plug Time!
If you didn't know already, I compose a lot of music myself. My Soundcloud showcases some of my best stuff, as well as some of my older, not-so-best stuff. In some exciting news, one of the pieces I wrote, "Shattered Glass," is currently being considered for publication. Whether or not it will actually be published is yet to be seen, but it is a huge step for me, and I couldn't have gotten as far as I have without the community's support and feedback!

That wraps it up for now! See you in the next (calculator/programming related) article!
« Last Edit: May 28, 2016, 03:15:27 pm by pimathbrainiac »
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Re: Calculator Community Music News/Showcase #1
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2017, 12:21:51 am »
Will the super smash bros be playable?

Offline Eeems

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Re: Calculator Community Music News/Showcase #1
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2017, 03:28:17 pm »
Will the super smash bros be playable?
This topic is over a year old. This topic also has nothing to do with smash bros. Please don't necropost, and please keep your posts on-topic. If you want to talk about something new open up a new topic.