Author Topic: Catching up on notable TI/Casio game releases & little surprise below  (Read 10417 times)

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In the last year or so, there have been fewer news about new and notable calculator games coming out in the TI community, due to various factors, such as being busier with life, projects and work. Don't worry, though: they were not ignored (although it's still possible that we missed some stuff). Here are 20 TI and Casio games that we have spotted in the last months that you might want to give a try, if you have a TI-84 Plus, TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition, TI-89 or FX-9860G!

TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition

If you like Guitar Hero, Stepmania and other similar games, but do not mind playing them with no sound, Buttonz, by AssemblyBandit, might be for you! It's a key mashing game with a twist: In addition to pressing the appropriate F1-F5 key matching the block color, you sometimes have to move the associated colors around with the LEFT/RIGHT arrows, adding to the challenge. This was the first 84+CSE game that proved that smooth graphics were possible on the 15 MHz Z80 machine.

-Pegs BASIC port for the CSE
This is a TI-84+CSE BASIC port of the popular PuzzPack game Pegs. Original version by Fred Coughlin, ported by Osias Hernandez.

-Pacman for the CSE -;sa=view;down=867
The Z80 on the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition may barely be able to support such large color LCD, but don't worry, Pac Man won't be as bad as it was on the Atari 2600. This port, by AssemblyBandit, features top notch 160x120 graphics and gameplay is true to the original game for the most part. Like many AssemblyBandit games, this one will surely remain a big TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition classic for years to come!

-Calcuzap CSE
Patrick Davidson might have started calculator programming 15 years ago, but today in 2013, he still has it! He now comes back with yet another great game, Calcuzap, a Galaxian clone for the new color 84+ model!

-Frogger CSE
If you liked Frogger, you'll like this port by AssemblyBandit. Gameplay is very close to the original and it features nice graphics, running at 160x240 to maximize speed.

-Snake CSE
Another nice game by the same author, Snake is a clone of the good ol' classic, but with many features and richer in graphics.

-Tunnel CSE -
By the same author, here comes the first ASM Tunnel game for this color platform! Although this game is not particularly impressive in terms of gameplay, it was the game that showed the true potential of the 84+CSE's built-in horizontal scrolling features, ending all doubts that Mario would never be possible on this calculator. Basically, in this game, the screen constantly loops around at a very fast frame rate and only the part it's scrolling it gets updated, as well as the car position. Like on the NES, some artifacts might appear on screen edges, but I guess this just gives the game more of an old-school feel.

-HP Prime Tunnel 84+CSE Demake;sa=view;down=865
This is the xLIBC counterpart of AssemblyBandit's tunnel, by me, and it's actually a port of my HP Prime game, hence the title. Although the game runs 5 times slower than the HP version (which was actually slowed down to 33% its original speed to remain playable), this game uses a similar technique to the ASM Tunnel, by looping through the screen instead of redrawing everything each frame. This version only makes this list because of the extreme limitations it had to face compared to its ASM counterpart: Because xLIBC uses a double-buffering technique involving switching back and forth between two halves of the screen in 160x240 mode, it was not designed for side-scrollers. As a result, xLIB had to be used in rather unlikely ways to achieve such game, while trying to overcome TI-BASIC speed limitations.

-Steins;Gate 8-bit Demo;sa=view;down=869
This is probably, by far, the most revolutionary Z80 calculator game ever, but coming from Calc84maniac, we can pretty much expect anything by now. Not only this uses an advanced vector engine to render extremely complex pictures that barely takes any memory, the game even features music! And good music at that, by calculator standards. Unlike every other calculator game where music consists of short beeps with gaps of silence, Steins;Gate 8-bit for the 84+CSE nearly matches the Nintendo Entertainment System and Sega Master System in terms of sound quality, with barely any impact on game speed. If you like visual novels and anime, you gotta try this demo. Beware of the random crashes, though!

TI-83 Plus/84 Plus series

Years ago, Travis Fischer released a TI-BASIC Bomberman clone using no picture, no external file nor any ASM library, which ran at good speed, except for slow map loading. Now, Villicus takes TI-BASIC Bombermans one step further, with his own pure BASIC port of the game. Clearly taking advantage of new TI-BASIC tricks discovered after Travis Fischer released his version, Villicius' version of the NES classic features very fast map loading, which could lead to some newer calculator users mistaking this game as an ASM one.

-Dot Run (2011)
Now let's go for some older material: In this Axe game by Darl181, you are a dot trying to rush towards gray squares. The problem is that while doing so, there are 10 other dots in the screen that try to reach small circles and if you get hit by one of the black things, you lose.

In this platform game by the same author (also from 2011), you must reach the end of each level by walking on various kind of platforms, including ones that disappears once you step on them. There are other obstacles in the way.


-Tank2004 for TI68K
This is a clone of the classic game on e-dictionary (most likely some device only available in China, as I could not find any info about it on Google), also similar to Battle City for the NES. This version is available in Chinese and English and was made by Zhen Zeng

-Magic Box (TI-89) (Puyo Puyo clone)
By the same author as the Tank game above, Magic Box is a clone of the old classic Puyo Puyo.

-Delsgolf Demo (TI-89) (variable wall height FPS)
The author of this game suddenly showed up in #omnimaga a few months ago, presenting this game demo, but was never seen again afterward. However, even in a possible permanent demo status, this grayscale, variable-wall height first-person shooter pushes the 68K platform even further.


-La quête du Mipjabok (FX-9860GII)
It is rare to see new platformers come out on calculators nowadays, especially Casio models. The last few months were an exception, with Louloux' release of Mipjabok. The character can morph into different forms and you can even design your own. If you like Mario platformers and such games you should give this a try!

-Bomberman (9860G) (In grayscale for SH3 calc owners, monochrome for SH4 ones)
This is another rare add-in release for the FX-9860G models. This Bomberman clone by Dodormeur features an adventure mode, a survival mode, power-ups and more. If you got an older calculator model, the game will even feature grayscale, but if you got a SH4 model, grayscale will unfortunately be disabled.

-Evasion Survival (9860G)
In this game released last Winter by the same author, you must avoid the many dots that cross the screen. It is very hard, but very entertaining and fast.

-Andropov 2 (FX-9860GII)
In this game, by Btl, you cross some tunnels filled with blocks, some of which can fall on you or move towards you at the very last minute, so you must be very careful. A very challenging platform game for the FX-9860G models!

-Gravity Guy (FX-9860GII)
A port of the Flash classic, where you run on platforms and must invert the gravity in order to avoid getting stuck. You die if you end up out of the screen.

So what are you waiting for? Check those links out if you haven't already! Also, there may not be much HP Prime material in here, but who knows? There are already some 3D works out there, ranging from 3D graphing... things that could potentially lead to 3D games, even without ASM/C!
« Last Edit: November 10, 2013, 12:31:59 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: Catching up on notable TI/Casio game releases & little surprise below
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2013, 04:01:16 am »
You gotta love how for the 84C it is 'programs by AssemblyBandit and others' XD

Anyways, nice collection, this has been kinda over-due :P

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Re: Catching up on notable TI/Casio game releases & little surprise below
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2013, 09:38:59 am »
woa that desgolf demo is mindblowing. really hope that gets continued some day.

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Re: Catching up on notable TI/Casio game releases & little surprise below
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2013, 09:46:41 am »
Wow, these are fantastic o.o I definitely missed a lot of these.

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Re: Catching up on notable TI/Casio game releases & little surprise below
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2013, 12:20:14 pm »
It's sad that not a single PRIZM game made it into this post...
* flyingfisch needs to start programming again.

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Re: Catching up on notable TI/Casio game releases & little surprise below
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2013, 12:28:18 pm »
Indeed. There were some when I last featured color-only games, but I haven't seen new notable PRIZM games ever since. But again, notice how no Nspire game made it either. :P (Although Super Hexaspire will probably make the next news)
« Last Edit: November 10, 2013, 12:28:53 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: Catching up on notable TI/Casio game releases & little surprise below
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2013, 12:41:05 pm »
Now i understand why you were so silent (but logged-in) a couple of days ago. Good job!

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: Catching up on notable TI/Casio game releases & little surprise below
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2013, 10:36:43 pm »
Well, those programs have been listed for quite a while actually in the news sub-forum for staff. I just kept adding more and more the weeks afterward and only wrote descriptions the day before the news was posted. The reason why I wasn't very active was more because I was doing sprite art and working on the pseudo 3D engine, though. :P

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Re: Catching up on notable TI/Casio game releases & little surprise below
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2013, 08:51:39 pm »
Wow there are video for the calculator 

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Re: Catching up on notable TI/Casio game releases & little surprise below
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2013, 08:52:55 pm »
I would like to give a pat on the back to the creator of omnimaga