The latest TILP-II 1.17 beta brings a feature we've been waiting for for more than 15 years: TI-80 support!

Did you think TI-80 didn't have a link port?
They have one...
As I discovered some years ago, the TI-80 VSC teacher model has the usual mini-Jack link port.
Normal TI-80 apparently don't have the link port, but the needed circuit is present.
You would just need to solder missing components.
The link port was not meant to transfer programs, but screenshots using the TI-Graph Link 80 software I've never been able to find anywhere. That software might be lost forever.
The TI-80 doesn't use a z80 CPU, but some proprietary 16-bits ASIC from Toshiba @ 980KHz, without any public datasheet.
Christmas 2009, as dumping through software was impossible, I hard-dumped the 64KB ROM chips from TI-80 3.0 and 4.0:
I only got 32KB of useful data from each chip, the same data being repeated in the higher ROM addresses.
Strangely, the dump was incomplete as some system strings were obviously missing. But this, was the beginning of everything!

So where was the missing data?
With only 3 chips, excluding the ROM and the RAM, the only possibility left was the proprietary ASIC, which of course couldn't be hard-dumped.
Randy Crompton studied the partially dumped systems, documented the used assembly language, and developped a dumper he could store in the calculator through some exploits, like the dumping method for the TI-81.
The dumper revealed 16KB missing data, hidden in the ASIC chip. So strangely, the TI-80 is the only graphing TI calculator whose system is stored on 2 different chips.
Summer 2011, Randy acquired a TI-80 VSC, added some TI-80 support in his local copy of TiLP, being able to get the 16KB missing data for the 4.0 system, and to develop an emulator.
So today, at last, two years and a half after my hard-dumping, TiLP replaces the lost TI-Graph Link 80 software thanks to the integration of Randy's code. You can now finally connect your TI-80 to the computer to get screenshots again, and maybe more in the future if a kernel is developped for the TI-80.