Author Topic: Erktheorc announces Dragon Song for the TI-83+  (Read 3139 times)

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Erktheorc announces Dragon Song for the TI-83+
« on: September 11, 2005, 02:57:00 am »
Yesterday "Erktheorc" announced his new turn-based strategy game with many RPG elements on MaxCoderz forums!

"Most of the engine of my game is finally completed, so i thought it was time to announce it.
It's a turn based strategy game for ti83(venus)/ti83+(mirageos) with many rpg elements (sometimes it's more like a turn based rpg with some strategy elements). The game also uses a simple script language for events to enhance gameplay (150 events/level is the maximum though). Levels are 24x24 large and uses it's own tileset. It's single player only, with a quite crappy ai Wink
The game has 3 save files, and every level has it's own save slot, so it's possible to move information betwen levels, if you make something in an early level of a campain it may affect later levels (or earlier if someone wants that Razz
It's not possible (yet) to save the game in the middle of a level, it only saves whereever you have completed a level or not.
There will be two campains, one fantasy based called Dragon Song (18 levels) and one sci-fi based called Balance (8-10 levels). Both will have many different endings and different paths.
Things left to do:
*Creating the campains. (the hard part)
*Add some more text and eyecandy.
*Port it to mirageos.
*Find all remaining bugs (or at least most of them).
user posted image
I took a screenshot of the game, though the quality is quite bad. It's also quite hard to see how the game is played since you can't see when I press the end of turn button most of the time (might add a splash screen later), only when enemies attack (the screen moves and my unit blink). It's also quite hard to see when an unit can't move more that turn.
The level is the one I used to debug the script engine, so most of the events are used quite badly. The tileset will most likely change and the ai script used in this level is not very interesting.
I hope the game will be finished some day, hopefully this year.


I added the projects in the featured project section of Omnimaga