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Offline timwessman

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First PRIME Update
« on: December 03, 2013, 08:35:19 am »
First updates are live. The check for update in the emulator/connkit should find them. If not for some reason (usually due to proxy or other funky network things on your end, use Many thanks to people who've reported issues here in this forum or in other spots. You may notice some direct called out items that go back to a specific post. Even though we consider this a "bugfix" release with no empasis on new features, there are still about 2-3 times or more new capabilities compared with the recent "2.0" casio update I saw...  O.O

Items of interest for many here might be the new TRIANGLE and FILLPOLY commands. The TRIANGLE command allows you to pass a large matrix of vertices, colors, rotation data, and z-clipping info (solid colors only at the moment). This means you can draw complicated 3D shapes in basically a single user function call! Here's an image of a 3D graph drawn with one single draw command. Oh, and did I mention I could rotate it at about 20-25 FPS with no optimizations yet? :-D

Who's going to get on that X-Wing game.... ?  ;)

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HP Prime – Release Notes

Date Released: 11/25/2013

Internal Versions
Firmware Version: 2013 11 25 (5447)
Emulator Version: 2013 11 25 (5447)
Connectivity Kit: 2013 11 25 (5442)

This is a defect fix release of the HP Prime firmware, emulator, and connectivity kit.
The specific fixes are listed in the table below. There were a number of stability,
on-calculator help and memory usage improvements not listed in the table.

Backward Compatibility
This release of the Connectivity Kit is backward compatible with the HP Prime 1.0 firmware.
However, some unexpected results may occur sending data from the Calculator to the
Connectivity Kit when using prior versions.   HP recommends that you upgrade your
calculator to the matching 1.0.1 version of the firmware for best results.

Release Notes
Removed unused "Method" variable in advanced graphed.
Resolved issue with OTHER box display in help catalog.
Resolved issue with Gamma function in degrees mode.
Resolved problem with WAIT(0) on PC emulator and PC keyboard.
Resolved issue with cursor position in CAS while using |x| template.
Resolved problem with INPUT help line not adding a space before variable name.
Resolved potential problem while editing function inside advanced graphed plot view.
Changed EDITLIST and EDITMAT to work with user defined variables.
Resolved issue with unit not waking after USB connection.
Resolved issue with Base menu key not working in RPN mode.
Resolved issues with running spreadsheet in RPN mode.
In RPN mode, symb screen and dialogs will now add ' 'automatically if symbolic input is required.
Assorted improvements and corrections in on-calc help.
Pressing ENTER will now open chooser in a dialog, or toggle checkbox.
Improved memory use when calling a CAS function with local variables inside a user program.
Added calendar in corner popup. Click on battery, then time to access.
Resolved issue with list editor and larger items.
Resolved issue with entering a complex number into a real matrix in the matrix editor.
Increased terminal character count limit.
Help in data streamer views now linked to on-calc help entry.
Pressing HELP in chars, templates, and math character menu now linked to on-calc help.
Improved fraction toggle with complex numbers.
Improved note sending to multiple units.
Resolved issue where formatting was lost in app info screen.
Integrals such as sin(x)*ln(x) return results using special integral functions Si(x) and Ci(x).
Improved display of units with very high powers.
Removed limit on numerical SIGMA function.
Resolved issue where START app customization function did not always run on application start.
Pasting in a very large piece of text could sometimes cause the emulator to crash.
"Connect To" menu added in emulator allowing user to specify which device will receive communication links.
Added Si and Ei into help tree.
Exported variables not always initialized in some cases.
"1234"[n] now works to access a specific character in a string with no memory copy.
Matrix declarations in programs allow local variable usage.
MAKEMAT now works with complex matrices.
Ans(n) to get access to prior results.
WAIT(-1) will also be interruptible by a screen touch event.
Added display of remaining time in exam mode to exam password screen.
Many improvements and enhancements to CAS.
Resolved issue with list/matrix editor and larger items. Improved conversion
 from real to a complex numerical matrix inside editor.
Added new graphical commands FILLPOLY and TRIANGLE.
Added INTERSECT and DIFFERENCE list commands.
Improved drawing of F1-F0 items in CAS view.
Fixed issue with STARTVIEW not causing redraw in some situations.
Added numerical .+ and .- commands.
Changed matrix limit to 20000 items, and list limit to 10000 items.
Resolved issue with SHIFT-UP/DOWN in the symb screen.
Resolved issues with user app programs.
Resolved issue with using ?<command> in the CAS screen.
Renamed finance PMTV variable to more standard PMT naming.
Using "to" in solver could conflict with built in command word.
Added ability to specify start of row/column header in spreadsheet from a program.
Resolved issue with string REPLACE command.
Resolved issue with DMS values not having ' or " for some numbers.
Improved memory use while calling function app AREA command.
Improved IFERR to work when no ELSE clause defined.
Improved the templates and entry of matrices to support use of (,) decimal mode.
Resolved issue where a user program that brings up the terminal could cause a crash in the program catalog.
Improved memory use in deeply recursive user functions.
Updated units to use NIST2010 values. Units now also show in menu when VALUE is not selected.
Resolved issue with MKSA and _mol unit.
Improved rendering of characters on hardware. Improved J character.
Resolved issue where having more then 10 arguments did not have enough boxes in DEBUG/RUN dialogs.
Resolved issues with ITERATE command.
Resolved issue where program arguments >16 did not error with CHECK.
Resolved issue with exact(1e14) not returning correct value.
Resolved issue with CASE having more then 126 levels.
Resolved issue where the CAS would create strange variables such as x*y.
Resolved issue with many apps disabled using exam mode, the APPS screen could draw strangely.
Disabled ability to move app position while in exam mode.
Resolved issue in RPN mode, which prevented entry of a complex in the 1i-1 form.
Resolved issue where USIMPLIFY did not handle case where all units cancelled.
Resolved issue where diff command in graphed could cause a crash.
Resolved situation where pressing APPS could crash the calculator.

« Last Edit: December 03, 2013, 06:51:50 pm by Eeems »

Although I work for the HP calculator group, the comments and opinions I post here are my own.

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Re: First PRIME Update
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2013, 08:41:54 am »
Cool stuff. :) It's nice to see updates this soon.

Offline SpiroH

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Re: First PRIME Update
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2013, 09:45:15 am »
Nice to hear! The problem with this funky Omnimaga "http" host, tho, is that is always prefixes FTP URLs with "http://". :( ? (@Mods: Any help on this basic issue?)
So, if one clicks on the provided link it leads nowhere, unfortunately . Temporary remedy: Copy the link, remove the damned 'http://' prefix and you're set to go.

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Re: First PRIME Update
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2013, 09:51:44 am »
Thank you Tim.

Nice things about matrixes.
Do you know if the sequence problem I've reported to you is still pending for a next update or has been rejected ?
TI-Planet co-admin.

Offline MacBernick

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Re: First PRIME Update
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2013, 11:37:34 am »
Will this update the simulator too ? I still have version 2013 8 13 Rev.5106, and no update required. Will the new features be usable though ?

Offline timwessman

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Re: First PRIME Update
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2013, 11:42:02 am »
Do you know if the sequence problem I've reported to you

There has been no changes to the sequence application to support 0 based sequences in this update.

Will this update the simulator too ? I still have version 2013 8 13 Rev.5106, and no update required. Will the new features be usable though ?

Using the check for update from the virtual calc will find the update. If you'd prefer, just downloading the new installer directly and running it will also do the same thing.

Although I work for the HP calculator group, the comments and opinions I post here are my own.

Offline MacBernick

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Re: First PRIME Update
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2013, 11:48:56 am »
Will this update the simulator too ? I still have version 2013 8 13 Rev.5106, and no update required. Will the new features be usable though ?

Using the check for update from the virtual calc will find the update. If you'd prefer, just downloading the new installer directly and running it will also do the same thing.

Nope it doesn't find any update. It worked for the connectivity kit. I'm going to download the new installer then. Thank you.

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Re: First PRIME Update
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2013, 01:25:19 pm »
Ah cool to hear about bug fixes. Also this 3D thing. O.O

Offline sailerboy

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Re: First PRIME Update
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2013, 01:44:13 pm »
Among many other things, I really like how ex shows up properly now, instead of just exp(x). Some other things look like they have been fixed too. The lack of implicate multiplication is still very annoying though.

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: First PRIME Update
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2013, 06:17:00 pm »
Nice to hear! The problem with this funky Omnimaga "http" host, tho, is that is always prefixes FTP URLs with "http://". :( ? (@Mods: Any help on this basic issue?)
So, if one clicks on the provided link it leads nowhere, unfortunately . Temporary remedy: Copy the link, remove the damned 'http://' prefix and you're set to go.
That's a SMF 1.1 limitation actually. Not sure if it was fixed in 2.0.

Also awesome to see an update. Hopefully, unlike the recent HP 39gII update, this HP Prime update will fix most math bugs and more importantly, not add any other bugs that are nearly as bad. I love the 3D graphing idea though. One day, i need to learn some trig and 3D to attempt some real 3D stuff on the Prime (that isn't just pseudo 3D)

EDIT: Ok, so it looks like that the firmware update would not be able to perform the update. It just said Update failed, then retrying (error 104 I think). After a Google search, it turned out that my solution was to push the reset button while holding down Symb to force recovery mode, then the firmware updater worked. If you have problems with that too, it might be worth the try, but I don't know if that can be risky.

My calc now runs version 1.02 and has not exploded (yet).

Also, unlike the 39gII connectivity kit update, the Prime one got detected and installed on first try. It still takes A LONG while to find every file on the calc, although it seemed to work on first try.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2013, 11:51:00 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

Offline cutterjohn

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Re: First PRIME Update
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2013, 06:41:40 pm »
Nice to hear! The problem with this funky Omnimaga "http" host, tho, is that is always prefixes FTP URLs with "http://". :( ? (@Mods: Any help on this basic issue?)
So, if one clicks on the provided link it leads nowhere, unfortunately . Temporary remedy: Copy the link, remove the damned 'http://' prefix and you're set to go.
That's a SMF 1.1 limitation actually. Not sure if it was fixed in 2.0.

Also awesome to see an update. Hopefully, unlike the recent HP 39gII update, this HP Prime update will fix most math bugs and more importantly, not add any other bugs that are nearly as bad. I love the 3D graphing idea though. One day, i need to learn some trig and 3D to attempt some real 3D stuff on the Prime (that isn't just pseudo 3D)

EDIT: Ok, so it looks like that the firmware update would not be able to perform the update. It just said Update failed, then retrying (error 104 I think). After a Google search, it turned out that my solution was to push the reset button while holding down Symb to force recovery mode, then the firmware updater worked. If you have problems with that too, it might be worth the try, but I don't know if that can be risky.

My calc now runs version 1.02 and has not exploded (yet).

Also, unlike the 39gII connectivity kit update, the Prime one got detected and installed on first try. It still takes A LONG while to find every file on the calc, although it seemed to work on first try.
Did mine on Monday, since it was announced almost immediately on the few HP calc oriented forums.

Yes, it takes FOREVER and then some to do whatever it does when you first hook up the Prime, and that was with an essentially, blank/stock Prime(just changed it RPN and a few other minor things plus some q&d test calcs/CAS).

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: First PRIME Update
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2013, 06:46:34 pm »
In my case, when my calc is empty it doesn't take too long for it to allow me to send files, but I wish that another communication method, similar to the Casio PRIZM, was used.

On the PRIZM, you connect the cable, then the calc asks you in which mode you want to put the calc. You choose USB mass storage mode, then it appears as a Flash drive on your computer. Then you can immediately send files to it. Once cutting the connection, the calc converts the received files into compatible format. Transfer occurs at 22 KB/sec rate.

On the TI-Nspire and 84 Plus, you need an extra software to transfer files. However, in the 84+ case, it doesn't require you to wait until it scanned the entire calc to list all files before sending files, and while transfer is slow, it's still way faster than on the HP Prime. On the Nspire, it displays all calc files, but unlike the Prime, it's very fast. You need 100% battery power to update the Nspire OS or install Ndless, though.