Omnimaga => News => Topic started by: DJ Omnimaga on May 26, 2006, 03:10:00 pm
Kalan Scallan has recently showed how bad he was at playing MineSweeper (just kidding) with Fred Sparks newest release: MineSweeper Grayscale!

Using xLIB to create Beautiful GreySacle Graphics he have made a MineSweeper game easy to use, looks great (the screenshots don't give it justice) and run quite fast on a regular TI-83+ considering the use of grayscale.
Easily the best Minesweeper clone for the z80 line!!!
wow, simply beautiful! Great job, Fred!
Nice job CDI...
Looks great! Are those the gs sprites from your xlib gs tutorial?
the other way around ^^ in reality this has been sitting on calc since Janurary, and that version was siphoned out of my March 21st backup :o
there has been one on my site since early Feburary
woah - great job, we need some more classics :)

and this one looks really !awesome!
O_O with xlib, basic knows no bounds!!!
sexy. this fully justifies the use of xLib imho.
seriously, this is awesome. keep up the good work.
I think kalan_vod missed my joke