Author Topic: French IRC channel and rules update  (Read 2472 times)

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French IRC channel and rules update
« on: October 17, 2006, 12:43:00 pm »
There is now two Omnimaga IRC channel: the original #omnimaga channel, and a new one, called #omnimaga-fr, which is the same than the old one, but to discuss in french. The channel still doesn't have a java chat avaliable but when joining #omnimaga type /join #omnimaga-fr and you'll get in.

I also updated the forums and IRC rules so they are easier to read. Instead of 3 big paragraph they are now into a list, like on the old Omnimaga forums.

I've also did some updates to them and added a rule about calculator website advertising (which now require that you have at least 50 posts to do so), and a rule about IRC bots (which are no longer allowed in the #omnimaga channel, except for the two official bots: troll and xLIB).