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Hays game is back once more
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Topic: Hays game is back once more (Read 18108 times)
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DJ Omnimaga
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Hays game is back once more
July 06, 2005, 03:06:00 am »
I know most ppl in the TI community might have heard about this alerady but anyway here is the Quote from Cemetech:
It is my profound displeasure to have to announce that the blight on the TI programming community know as Hays Games has once again poked its head out of the ugly mess of their swamp of stolen code. As Frydsoft put it here, "Hays Games Co. is the echelon of everything that is bad about the Ti-Community. they lie, they cheat, they steal. they do it all. they like to make enormous claims about their software when they know that it is crap. They also have a thing for bashing top programmers in the Ti community, such as Bill Nagel, Joe Wingbermuehle, and countless others, and spread Propaganda all over the place accusing them of everything they do, and more. But their biggest thing that they are known for, is their code stealing. These people take Code stealing to an unbelievable level. They steal code from websites, and will steal entire programs, label it as their own, and then proceed to proclaim how great their program is vs the same programs they stole from." This group has repeatedly been shut down by ticalc.org, Geocities, and many other hosting and archiving sites, only to reappear in another annoying form. Please see for youself - gee, that "Doorways" logo looks awfully familiar - here:
. Also please sign the petition to help get rid of them here:
. If we can get 100 signatures, they say they will disappear. Please help with this community project.
info on what is hays can be found here:
I dont care much but I signed the petition anyway, that way if enough ppl sign we dont risk of seeing a BASIC remake of Destiny Realm or a clone of Zilak with another title come out copyrighted by Hays
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Hays game is back once more
Reply #1 on:
July 06, 2005, 08:01:00 am »
well it broke 100.
Now to see if it breaks 300
BlueCrimson - The Future of Ti-Basic, Today
DJ Omnimaga
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Hays game is back once more
Reply #2 on:
July 06, 2005, 08:27:00 am »
at 200 we will ge ttheir programs deleted from ticalc.org and calcgames.org if I remember correctly
at 300 they will reveal the entire truth to the TI community :laugh:
Hays game is back once more
Reply #3 on:
July 06, 2005, 08:50:00 am »
they will reveal the "truth"? i saw that and thought... we hit 300 sigs, they're gonna say "heres the truth: f*** yall..."
DJ Omnimaga
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Hays game is back once more
Reply #4 on:
July 06, 2005, 09:19:00 am »
or they will lie again pretending to tell the truth
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Hays game is back once more
Reply #5 on:
July 06, 2005, 10:53:00 am »
hmmm... or you know what? one of us could attempt to infiltrate them, and "accidentally" uncover the entire truth...
DJ Omnimaga
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Hays game is back once more
Reply #6 on:
July 06, 2005, 12:31:00 pm »
well I dont think on the geocities site there is much thing anyway :?
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Hays game is back once more
Reply #7 on:
July 06, 2005, 12:37:00 pm »
Yeah, I guess they are shocked as to how much people really hate them...
And there is nothing on their site yet, but who is to say that they won't just restart as another company name...?
BTW, how old are these guys now? I mean, think of it. Ed was bashing them, and by what I gather they were in highschool then... I wonder if this isn't a different band of people from the same school or something...
If it is the same people, they are just retarted...
*suddenly has stange urge to go play FFVII on ps...*
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Hays game is back once more
Reply #8 on:
July 06, 2005, 02:43:00 pm »
This is my first guestbook entry. It should be still there. It should give you an idea how long I've been dealing with them. And I thought it was something I did between coding FF7. Maybe It was Punisher X-treme I was coding in 98.
QuoteBegin-The GOD Guestbook Chronicle+-->
(The GOD Guestbook Chronicle)
Record 24
Name: GOD
Website: Heaven: The Alternative Afterlife
Referred by: From AngelFire
From: Heaven
Time: 1998-05-29 01:52:52
As for the "Secret" it's probably something we've heard before. I bet it sounds something like this, albeit more up to date.
QuoteBegin-Mike Smith in Hays Games Co. Admits Defeat in the A83 mailinglist 23 Jun 1999+
(Mike Smith in Hays Games Co. Admits Defeat in the A83 mailinglist 23 Jun 1999)
It all started in a yahoo chat room, four of us were chatting and found out we each had Ti83's and we
wanted to use them to make money, so we founded the Hays Games Company. Our
plan was to make it so that Hays Games Company owned all the archives and
programs, and charged a small $1 per month and we would just send you
upgrades to your software. There were some problems however, and Bill Nagel
to us was the main one. We were going to monopolise the Ti83 using these
1. Get rid of Bill Nagel (at all costs)
2. Get on one ti sites good side
3. Release quantity over quality
4. Programmeral Diffusion of major OS
5. Release new Doorways with 50+ programs at once
6. Charge money for program upgrades.
We got as far as to step four, until something went wrong, Bryan Rabeler
found out about our copies and deleted all of them. This was our first major
set back. Then along came the New Programmers Order, which was founded by
Chuck Taylor, one of our former members. Soon we had more enemies then we
could handle, and had to hide out for awhile. We started a new company
called Ellis Industries as a front to our operations while anti-hays died
down a bit. Then we came back, but the NPO had allied itself with a group
called Z8-AC and took over our homepage. After we made our new homepage,
Kirk Meyer informed us that ticalc.org, the last site to hold Hays Games Co.
Programs, has deleted all of our software and will not accept it anymore. We
then knew we would never get further then step 3 in our plan for a Ti83
monopoly. The folowing is a list of games we have copied:
Championship Bowling - Fella Bowling
NBA Jam - NBA Hangtime
Baseball - Major League Baseball '98
Jackoff - Batman and Robin's MOM?
ZTetris - Tetris Gold
Duckhunt - Duckhunt 83
All Star Baseball - All Star Baseball '99
Race IV- San Francisco V: Extreme Driving, San Francisco V, Rush the Rock,
San Francisco V: Rushin' in Russia, San Francisco V: Turbo, San Francisco V:
Screensaver 83: Hays Plus Screen Saver
ZCon83: Hays Plus Contrast Changer
and for fun, because i'm bored and it's probably never going to see the light of day outside of this post...
QuoteBegin-nPo Vs Hays 2: Something Survived Storyline Teaser+
(nPo Vs Hays 2: Something Survived Storyline Teaser)
The nPo thought that the Hays game company was no more after the last confrontation that they had with them.
unfortunatly they were wrong.
somehow, Some members of the Hays Game Co. survived and sought to rebuild their evil syndicate.
Over time, and under many guises, they had built a Stonger, more powerful organization, bent on not only Destroying the Ti community or the nPo, but conquest of the Entire world!
The androids have gotten completely upgraded as well, the older, weaker bots have been replaced with more sophisticated ones, namely the deadly New NineBot, The unspeakable Fellabot, the guardian bouncer doorwaysbot, and the ultra destructive PacManson.
But thats not the worst of it, The hays Game Co. have the ultimate weapon at their disposal, the Programmeral Diffusor! Created by the President of Hays himself, the Programmeral Diffusor, If activated, will cause every Program in the Ti-community to become Hays programs! If the machine is activated, the Entire Ti community will be lost!
Fortunatly, for the nPo, the Programmeral Diffusor hasn't been completed yet, Just one part is missing that will make it complete. The ION cannon. Created by renowned nPo Scientist Dr. Joewing, and in the possession of the nPo, the ION cannon was designed to be the ultimate weapon to Destroy Hays and ironicially is the only power source on earth that can generate enough power for the Programmeral Diffusor. Luckily the nPo found out about the Programmeral Diffusor and obtained information that Hays will be trying to claim the Cannon tonight, and have increased security around the ION Cannon, but will it hold against this New, More threatening Hays?
Thats where you come in. You are the Newest recruit in the nPo. You hate what Hays stands for and want to see them destroyed as much as the higher ups do. You have been put in charge as your first assignment to protect the ION cannon at all costs. You know that it's a big task, especially considering the consequences if you fail. Total World domination by Hays.
Hey, now that I think about it, posting all of this will probably get me some kind of hall of shame award. The Certified Psychopath of the Century has a nice ring to it.
BlueCrimson - The Future of Ti-Basic, Today
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Hays game is back once more
Reply #9 on:
July 06, 2005, 11:14:00 pm »
lol, that is great. Have you seen the post on your forum Ed?
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Hays game is back once more
Reply #10 on:
July 07, 2005, 07:03:00 am »
yeah. not really anything to reply to.
BlueCrimson - The Future of Ti-Basic, Today
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Hays game is back once more
Reply #11 on:
July 07, 2005, 07:09:00 am »
@ Fry's Hays rant.
THis is why I have been a little hesitant about posting my personal code because I don't want people to steal it.
To avoid this I will use xlib for the 89 to compress my files, and then I will use Flib to qroup it. My 500 plus file app will be condensed into 3 or 4 files. I may even make a launcher in C to make it next to impossible to crack without know exactly how it is constructed. To fortify this I will disable the "ON" breaker.
DJ Omnimaga
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Hays game is back once more
Reply #12 on:
July 07, 2005, 12:35:00 pm »
xlib for the 89
I guess this is another kind of xLIB than the one we have on the 83+
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Hays game is back once more
Reply #13 on:
July 07, 2005, 12:55:00 pm »
Personally, I'm against not having open source out there. Just for the Record, I'm not a Linux fan, but I like how open source software (GNU in Particular) helps a programming community learn from it's own mistakes and make an overall program better. Another reason is that most of my programs could be typed in manually on a calculator. I never released text files of my programs simply because it's a pain to debug a program typed in, and some of the characters don't translate well to a txt file, but I did allow ti-graph link to view it (unfortunately Ti for some reason doesn't think that this is necessary to have in ti-connect. Here's a petition I'd sign in a heartbeat)
I don't think that edit locking code is the answer, since many of the techniques can be hacked and it doesn't help anyone learning to code, but a community that highly discourages code ripoff is the next best thing, and Hays is a shining example of what should happen when entire programs are blatantly ripped off and pawned off as original programs. I mean what would happen if you blatantly ripped off Linux and called it Winux and give no credit to Linus Torvalds? Slashdot would be lighting the torches, sharpening the pitchforks and tying the nooses is what would happen.
I'm expecting their answer to be "it's a joke" Frankly there was a lot of joke Ti sites out there (Psychocorp comes to mind almost immediately). The difference though was that the group that did it (sicode I believe) didn't blatantly rip off entire code from other programs, pontificate it as the second coming while bashing the original author in the process, then Publish it on major Ti sites as their own original work. I'm not saying that hays was the only one that ripped off games, (look at the racing clones alone for the 83) but they were by far the most vocal, blatant and disrespectable of the rest out there.
So to summarize:
Open Source = Good Thing
Using Source for your game while giving Credit to original coder = Good thing
Using Source for your game with no credit to the original coder = Bad thing
Using Source for your game while bashing the original coder = Worse thing / Hays
BlueCrimson - The Future of Ti-Basic, Today
DJ Omnimaga
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CodeWalrus founder & retired Omnimaga founder
Hays game is back once more
Reply #14 on:
July 07, 2005, 02:20:00 pm »
I used to lock up my program code until CODEX came out. With this tool you ju8st need to do two command to open program source. You can even unlock ASM games and edit them on calc. It only show weird characters but editing some part of this can do fancy stuff sometimes (I once hacked Galaxian and the ships were all shooting at the same time, it was wicked hard >D
Back on topic, now that they said they would reveal the truth even if the petition wont reach 300 signatures I am curious about what will happen then
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Hays game is back once more