Author Topic: Help our community by being a good example  (Read 11669 times)

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Re: Help our community by being a good example
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2011, 09:41:47 pm »
Well I got logs of the instances of what we considered as bashing actually, which Merthsoft got and the entire Omnimaga staff has them. You could always ask him or I could forward you the 4 PMs I sent to him containing them, or I could post them directly here. However, a lot of the stuff is missing, as I did not have time to check.

That said, no offense but I checked #ti and #inspired logs and didn't see anything bad happen. I don't know about #prizm and #tcpa, though, but #tcpa isn't a calc channel anymore anyway. The stuff that happened came from one channel and unfortunately it was the one you are in charge of. I think the line you quoted could be changed to "Cemetech team are the ones who decide what is allowed in their channel and what's not.", though.

Also our chan had similar issues before, same for one topic here in particular, but all were dealt with, which is why we mentionned we try to make sure that stuff is discouraged here. Merthsoft even received a PM containing these issues, to be fair.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2011, 09:43:58 pm by DJ_O »

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Re: Help our community by being a good example
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2011, 07:36:24 pm »
Singling out what many see as one's "rival" site on the front page would not be something I would allow a Cemetech staff member to do, because I could see how it would be provocative to the other site's members and staff, but as we've all agreed, neither of us or our staffs have any position to tell the others how to run their own site. :) I think the sentiments that Hot_Dog expressed in terms of everyone worrying about their own members being polite and following their own site's rules are very good; I think Jonimus' main concern was "If #cemetech can get away with this, it's their website, let them do what they want.  But let's not let Omnimaga turn into this.", which I'm sure Hot_Dog didn't mean as passive-aggressively as it sounded. :) At any rate, it's probably best to let sleeping dogs lie.

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: Help our community by being a good example
« Reply #17 on: April 10, 2011, 08:04:14 pm »
Yeah the major issue is really that certain people want each other's sites to be ran the way they want. I tried to make sure people keep their complaints about other sites on the appropriate sites but I did get similar complaints about Omnimaga is ran directly here too and I often saw Cemetech complaints on #cemetech too. That said, while I encourage people who have problems with Omni to directly come to the 4 regular admins, in the suggestions forum or even myself to attempt at solving the issue or giving suggestions about the site, it will have more credibility if it doesn't come with an encrypted hacking threat message. (yes, we actually had this happen before).

And although I am repeating myself here, I think it's important that if someone really has problems with a site but it is clear his wishes won't be answered, if that person isn't willing to cause problems, then at the cost of causing the loss of a site member, it's best that he leaves. In the end that will improve the site because there will be less tension. I believe I even suggested other sites to a forum member before due to that.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 08:07:22 pm by DJ_O »