Author Topic: Kalan secret revealed  (Read 8548 times)

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Kalan secret revealed
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2006, 10:02:00 am »
QuoteBegin-kalan_vod+3 February 2006, 15:32-->
QUOTE (kalan_vod @ 3 February 2006, 15:32)
QuoteBegin-elfprince13+3 February 2006, 14:03-->
QUOTE (elfprince13 @ 3 February 2006, 14:03)
oh come on guys, I know xLib is great, but seriously making a good game in pure Basic is a lot more impressive IMHO.....good job Kalan on the game though. Highly addicting (like all minesweeper games)

Well I am glad you think that my game is < a pure basic game that has crappy graphics, and is slower.

I think your game is great. I also think that making good games in pure Basic is more impressive than making good games with a lib.

Just for a challenge try to rewrite that in pure Basic and you'll see what I mean.

On the other hand if everyone only made games in pure Basic we wouldn't have as many good games...(thinks of everyone here).

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Kalan secret revealed
« Reply #16 on: February 03, 2006, 11:09:00 am »
Well I did try to write this in pure basic, and I wasn't successful. Though I may give it another shot with the nolib sprite routine (your guide I believe?).
Btw this has been mentioned at and also Ti-news  


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Kalan secret revealed
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2006, 11:15:00 am »
QuoteBegin-kalan_vod+3 February 2006, 17:09-->
QUOTE (kalan_vod @ 3 February 2006, 17:09)
Well I did try to write this in pure basic, and I wasn't successful. Though I may give it another shot with the nolib sprite routine (your guide I believe?).
Btw this has been mentioned at and also Ti-news

yes it is.....I have nothing I against using libs either (I used to use them a lot), doing a good game in pure basic is more impressive to me.

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Kalan secret revealed
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2006, 01:50:00 pm »
I doubt this was the right place to post this elfprince13, considering the huge amount of people using xLIB and other asm libs on this forum. This almost seems like a troll. I know making pure basic games prove you master the language more and can bring it to its full potential but on a other hand its nice to have good graphics and maps without having to either learn asm or use basic and wait 10 secs between maps. I was almost tempted to delete the post but then I decided to let them here since it's your opinion. Just Please try to be constructive, thanks


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Kalan secret revealed
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2006, 01:59:00 pm »
QuoteBegin-xlibman+3 February 2006, 19:5-->
QUOTE (xlibman @ 3 February 2006, 19:50)
I doubt this was the right place to post this elfprince13, considering the huge amount of people using xLIB and other asm libs on this forum. This almost seems like a troll. I know making pure basic games prove you master the language more and can bring it to its full potential but on a other hand its nice to have good graphics and maps without having to either learn asm or use basic and wait 10 secs between maps. I was almost tempted to delete the post but then I decided to let them here since it's your opinion. Just Please try to be constructive, thanks  

 how do I always get into these situations....

as I was saying I have nothing against libs, I just think pure Basic is more impressive and you guys were acting like the reason its a good game is because it uses xLib  :(sad.gif

I have no more to say in this topic because I dont want to start a flame war, and because I already feel like Im repeating myself.

I have nothing but respect for the guys on this forum who strive to bring us the best games possible.

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Kalan secret revealed
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2006, 02:15:00 pm »
thats fine, it's just because the guy prbly put lot of effort into making that game and chosen to use xLIB because he was impressed by what he could do with it and I think its always better to keep criticism constructive when it comes to programming or creating stuff. Some stuff are better to be kept for ourselves sometimes. I left UTI during 4 months last year because of people flaming games using them and those libs themselves as well.QuoteBegin-elfprince13+3 February 2006, 19:59-->
QUOTE (elfprince13 @ 3 February 2006, 19:59)
you guys were acting like the reason its a good game is because it uses xLib

Offline kalan_vod

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Kalan secret revealed
« Reply #21 on: February 03, 2006, 05:08:00 pm »
I don't mind the critisim from elfprince, in fact I am happy he decided to say it. I have just started to program this game in pure basic. The games of course loads the maps slowly (just the first time) but I think I can fix that :Dbiggrin.gif. And thanks for what you had to say kevin, but I hope that you (elf) come and post here and all over this forum as I think you have saved me (kinda :Pblah.gif) as I was getting board with ddr, Res atm... :Dbiggrin.gif