Author Topic: Lua on the Nspire?  (Read 32644 times)

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Offline Snake X

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Re: Lua on the Nspire?
« Reply #45 on: April 13, 2011, 04:16:37 pm »
hmmm, I only know lua to program models in this game called Rigid Chips. It's the same lua, but im not sure how to do like programs
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Offline willrandship

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Re: Lua on the Nspire?
« Reply #46 on: April 13, 2011, 11:12:33 pm »
yeah, basically those games (GMod has it too, and a bunch of others) use their own custom libs that interface with the game's engine, allowing for programs with Game output. It's pretty cool!

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Re: Lua on the Nspire?
« Reply #47 on: April 13, 2011, 11:15:13 pm »
There are lost of good interpreted languages out there :) Java is one! 

And before you say its compiled, know that it is 'compiled' into bytecode, not assembly, and then it is interpreted :P

Offline willrandship

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Re: Lua on the Nspire?
« Reply #48 on: April 13, 2011, 11:16:08 pm »
Which is also what Java, TI-86 BASIC, and a few other langs do.

Offline z80man

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Re: Lua on the Nspire?
« Reply #49 on: April 14, 2011, 01:03:22 am »
Earlier I was thinking about creating a new version of Casio BASIC for the Prizm that was still interpreted, but was tokenized before running and extremely fast. It would be easier to learn than Java (which is also in development) as it would be just the BASIC language and would be safer and still easier than the currently being developed Axe port. But now if I'm wondering if I should lean more to Lua/python side for the easier to write code. The only downside is that I might have to give up the on-calc coding coding which is a big plus.

List of stuff I need to do before September:
1. Finish the Emulator of the Casio Prizm (in active development)
2. Finish the the SH3 asm IDE/assembler/linker program (in active development)
3. Create a partial Java virtual machine  for the Prizm (not started)
4. Create Axe for the Prizm with an Axe legacy mode (in planning phase)
5. Develop a large set of C and asm libraries for the Prizm (some progress)
6. Create an emulator of the 83+ for the Prizm (not started)
7. Create a well polished game that showcases the ability of the Casio Prizm (not started)

Offline Lionel Debroux

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Re: Lua on the Nspire?
« Reply #50 on: April 14, 2011, 02:26:31 am »
Lua is usually considered a good choice for embedded platforms, indeed. The Lua runtime doesn't have too high requirements, in terms of API breadth and code consumption.
I tried to compile it yesterday evening for the TI-68k/AMS platform, which revealed that it needs strtod, errno, stdin, stderr (and, I guess, stdout, though that one didn't appear in the file that made me give up). PedroM and Punix are nearer from a POSIX platform, Lua may be easier to port on them.
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Offline willrandship

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Re: Lua on the Nspire?
« Reply #51 on: April 14, 2011, 02:32:02 am »
Considering the 86 had a much worse CPU, its BASIC is really fast. It's as fast as 83+ BASIC I daresay. But, you'd have huge source because of the ASCII-Based coding. Fortunately there was the 96k of ram, but no archive X(

Lua seems nice enough, basically fancy basic. Can we have more than one XML per doc, say, in problem2?

Offline Lionel Debroux

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Re: Lua on the Nspire?
« Reply #52 on: April 14, 2011, 02:37:30 am »
Lua seems nice enough, basically fancy basic. Can we have more than one XML per doc, say, in problem2?
I don't have time to test that right now, and won't have before tonight at best.
But feel free to beat me, using manual hex editing, or further modification with AdRiWeB's Lua -> TNS converter, which I modified to take arguments ( ) :)
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Offline willrandship

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Re: Lua on the Nspire?
« Reply #53 on: April 14, 2011, 02:43:09 am »
Still can't :P no OS 3.0 on mine, prob. won't be for a while, I've got a big Axe project now. Unless it supports 1.4, then I'd do it.

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Re: Lua on the Nspire?
« Reply #54 on: April 14, 2011, 03:31:37 am »
Considering the 86 had a much worse CPU, its BASIC is really fast. It's as fast as 83+ BASIC I daresay. But, you'd have huge source because of the ASCII-Based coding. Fortunately there was the 96k of ram, but no archive X(

Lua seems nice enough, basically fancy basic. Can we have more than one XML per doc, say, in problem2?
Really? I ran the exact same program on my TI-82, 83, 83+, 85 and 86 once, and the 86 version ran about 1.5 times slower ??? . I heard it was because of the paged RAM memory.

Offline Adriweb

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Re: Lua on the Nspire?
« Reply #55 on: April 14, 2011, 03:43:53 pm »
All right, I'll also write here what I found with some "hacks" :

I'm able to kind of "dump" some lua functions in the API.

here's a screenshot for example

So far, I found some functions, tables, read-only values etc. like

"Platform" (table) -> apilevel, window, isDeviceModeRendering, gc, isColorDisplay.

"gc" (graphics component/controller) -> drawArc, clipRect, setColorRGB, drawLine, getStringHeight, drawImage, fillPolygon, begin, setPen, setFont, drawPolyLine, drawString, fillArc, finish

_G (which is temporary but can be interesting) -> _G, _VERSION, assert, class, clipboard, collectgarbage, coroutine, cursor, D2Editor, document, error, gcinfo, getfenv, image, ipairs, load, loadstring, locale, math, newproxy, next, on, pairs, pcall, platform, print, rawequal, rawget, rawset, select, setfenv, setmetatable, string, table, timer, tonumber, toolpalette, var, xpcall (and some more, like functions I defined)
« Last Edit: April 14, 2011, 03:44:51 pm by adriweb »
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Offline ExtendeD

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Re: Lua on the Nspire?
« Reply #56 on: April 14, 2011, 04:59:07 pm »
Some of the last ones are actually standard functions.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2011, 04:59:40 pm by ExtendeD » with the finest TI-Nspire programs

Offline Adriweb

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Re: Lua on the Nspire?
« Reply #57 on: April 14, 2011, 05:00:52 pm »
Some of the last ones are actually standard functions.


And I managed to improve the dump program to show the whole (well, a big part) structure of the api (including lua's standard) :

-> Examining 'table: 0x58cef0
**** string  (table: 0x585f60)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x585f60
-------- split  (function: 0x57ced0)
-------- match  (function: 0x56e8b0)
-------- gmatch  (function: 0x576ec0)
-------- upper  (function: 0x591270)
-------- gsub  (function: 0x5bce10)
-------- format  (function: 0x576e40)
-------- lower  (function: 0x5bce90)
-------- sub  (function: 0x591230)
-------- usub  (function: 0x57ce90)
-------- gfind  (function: 0x576e80)
-------- find  (function: 0x59e110)
-------- char  (function: 0x59e090)
-------- dump  (function: 0x59e0d0)
-------- reverse  (function: 0x56e930)
-------- byte  (function: 0x585f80)
-------- uchar  (function: 0x598450)
-------- len  (function: 0x5bce50)
-------- rep  (function: 0x56e8f0)
**** xpcall  (function: 0x590f60)
**** tostring  (function: 0x584930)
**** print  (function: 0x55ec80)
**** tellme7  (function: 0x5920d0)
**** image  (table: 0x5c4840)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x5c4840
-------- copy  (function: 0x592e80)
-------- new  (function: 0x592f30)
-------- height  (function: 0x5c4860)
-------- __index  (table: 0x5c4840)
-------- __gc  (function: 0x5c4880)
-------- width  (function: 0x5c48a0)
**** unpack  (function: 0x590f00)
**** getfenv  (function: 0x58cf10)
**** tellme5  (function: 0x592090)
**** tellme6  (function: 0x5920b0)
**** setmetatable  (function: 0x5848b0)
**** next  (function: 0x585950)
**** assert  (function: 0x592960)
**** tellme2  (function: 0x59bcd0)
**** tonumber  (function: 0x5848f0)
**** rawequal  (function: 0x585350)
**** dump  (function: 0x5aa9f0)
**** collectgarbage  (function: 0x5d8ed0)
**** gcinfo  (function: 0x5d8f30)
**** getmetatable  (function: 0x5bc840)
**** document  (table: 0x5983b0)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x5983b0
-------- markChanged  (function: 0x5983f0)
**** tellme8  (function: 0x5acca0)
**** timer  (table: 0x582570)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x582570
-------- start  (function: 0x582590)
-------- getMilliSecCounter  (function: 0x5825b0)
-------- stop  (function: 0x5825d0)
**** tellme3  (function: 0x59bcf0)
**** coroutine  (table: 0x57f7f0)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x57f7f0
-------- resume  (function: 0x592840)
-------- yield  (function: 0x5ddb30)
-------- status  (function: 0x5928c0)
-------- wrap  (function: 0x5ddaf0)
-------- create  (function: 0x592940)
-------- running  (function: 0x592880)
**** tellme9  (function: 0x5c8d70)
**** rawset  (function: 0x5853d0)
**** _VERSION  (Lua 5.1)
**** table  (table: 0x5c3760)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x5c3760
-------- setn  (function: 0x57cde0)
-------- insert  (function: 0x5725e0)
-------- getn  (function: 0x572560)
-------- foreachi  (function: 0x5c37c0)
-------- maxn  (function: 0x5725a0)
-------- foreach  (function: 0x5c3780)
-------- concat  (function: 0x562410)
-------- sort  (function: 0x57ce20)
-------- remove  (function: 0x57cda0)
**** locale  (table: 0x5826d0)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x5826d0
-------- name  (function: 0x582710)
**** platform  (table: 0x5c6ba0)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x5c6ba0
-------- apilevel  (1.0.0)
-------- window  (userdata: 0x584124)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x5a4eb0
---------------- height  (function: 0x5be840)
---------------- invalidate  (function: 0x5c3f60)
---------------- __index  (table: 0x5a4eb0)
---------------- width  (function: 0x5ddc50)
-------- isDeviceModeRendering  (function: 0x5840c0)
-------- gc  (function: 0x5c6c30)

++  -->  -> Examining gc : '' table: 0x59de80
-------- drawRect  (function: 0x57ce20)
-------- setAlpha  (function: 0x585f00)
-------- getStringWidth  (function: 0x5976f0)
-------- fillRect  (function: 0x59c8d0)
-------- __index  (table: 0x59de80)
-------- drawArc  (function: 0x59c920)
-------- clipRect  (function: 0x5c3990)
-------- setColorRGB  (function: 0x585f40)
-------- drawLine  (function: 0x5980a0)
-------- getStringHeight  (function: 0x5976b0)
-------- drawImage  (function: 0x57cda0)
-------- fillPolygon  (function: 0x5bceb0)
-------- begin  (function: 0x5dddf0)
-------- setPen  (function: 0x5b4080)
-------- setFont  (function: 0x585f80)
-------- drawPolyLine  (function: 0x57cde0)
-------- drawString  (function: 0x5bce30)
-------- fillArc  (function: 0x5bce70)
-------- finish  (function: 0x597670)

-------- isColorDisplay  (function: 0x584080)
**** tellme4  (function: 0x592070)
**** var  (table: 0x5c6bf0)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x5c6bf0
-------- monitor  (function: 0x5a1f40)
-------- list  (function: 0x5a2010)
-------- recallstr  (function: 0x57cfb0)
-------- unmonitor  (function: 0x57d080)
-------- store  (function: 0x5c6c10)
-------- recall  (function: 0x5e6e00)
**** math  (table: 0x5a4ef0)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x5a4ef0
-------- log  (function: 0x597fc0)
-------- eval  (function: 0x521780)
-------- acos  (function: 0x5a4f10)
-------- huge  (inf)
-------- ldexp  (function: 0x571680)
-------- pi  (3.1415926535898)
-------- cos  (function: 0x5976d0)
-------- tanh  (function: 0x586800)
-------- pow  (function: 0x5b40e0)
-------- deg  (function: 0x597710)
-------- tan  (function: 0x5a7150)
-------- cosh  (function: 0x597690)
-------- sinh  (function: 0x5c3990)
-------- random  (function: 0x5c3910)
-------- randomseed  (function: 0x5c3950)
-------- frexp  (function: 0x571640)
-------- ceil  (function: 0x59c930)
-------- floor  (function: 0x5befe0)
-------- rad  (function: 0x5b4120)
-------- abs  (function: 0x57f810)
-------- sqrt  (function: 0x5867c0)
-------- modf  (function: 0x5b40a0)
-------- asin  (function: 0x5a4f50)
-------- min  (function: 0x598040)
-------- max  (function: 0x598000)
-------- fmod  (function: 0x5bf020)
-------- log10  (function: 0x5716c0)
-------- atan2  (function: 0x59c8b0)
-------- exp  (function: 0x5befa0)
-------- sin  (function: 0x586780)
-------- atan  (function: 0x59c8f0)
**** cursor  (table: 0x582790)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x582790
-------- show  (function: 0x59b850)
-------- hide  (function: 0x59b810)
-------- set  (function: 0x5827b0)
**** pcall  (function: 0x585990)
**** clipboard  (table: 0x556810)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x556810
-------- getText  (function: 0x597a30)
-------- addText  (function: 0x5979f0)
**** class  (function: 0x5aaa10)
**** type  (function: 0x590ec0)
**** toolpalette  (table: 0x43e1cc80)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x43e1cc80
-------- enableCopy  (function: 0x5217c0)
-------- enablePaste  (function: 0x5cb510)
-------- enableCut  (function: 0x521700)
-------- register  (function: 0x43e1cca0)
-------- enable  (function: 0x521720)
**** D2Editor  (table: 0x5e6e40)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x5e6e40
-------- newRichText  (function: 0x5a33e0)
-------- move  (function: 0x5e6e80)
-------- setText  (function: 0x5e6ec0)
-------- __gc  (function: 0x5a3400)
-------- getText  (function: 0x5e6e60)
-------- setReadOnly  (function: 0x5216a0)
-------- setFormattedText  (function: 0x5cb560)
-------- __index  (table: 0x5e6e40)
-------- resize  (function: 0x5a1fa0)
**** select  (function: 0x59de70)
**** _G  (table: 0x58cef0)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x58cef0
-------- string  (table: 0x585f60)
-------- xpcall  (function: 0x590f60)
-------- tostring  (function: 0x584930)
-------- print  (function: 0x55ec80)
-------- tellme7  (function: 0x5920d0)
-------- image  (table: 0x5c4840)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x5c4840
---------------- copy  (function: 0x592e80)
---------------- new  (function: 0x592f30)
---------------- height  (function: 0x5c4860)
---------------- __index  (table: 0x5c4840)
---------------- __gc  (function: 0x5c4880)
---------------- width  (function: 0x5c48a0)
-------- unpack  (function: 0x590f00)
-------- getfenv  (function: 0x58cf10)
-------- tellme5  (function: 0x592090)
-------- tellme6  (function: 0x5920b0)
-------- setmetatable  (function: 0x5848b0)
-------- next  (function: 0x585950)
-------- assert  (function: 0x592960)
-------- tellme2  (function: 0x59bcd0)
-------- tonumber  (function: 0x5848f0)
-------- rawequal  (function: 0x585350)
-------- dump  (function: 0x5aa9f0)
-------- collectgarbage  (function: 0x5d8ed0)
-------- gcinfo  (function: 0x5d8f30)
-------- getmetatable  (function: 0x5bc840)
-------- document  (table: 0x5983b0)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x5983b0
---------------- markChanged  (function: 0x5983f0)
-------- tellme8  (function: 0x5acca0)
-------- timer  (table: 0x582570)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x582570
---------------- start  (function: 0x582590)
---------------- getMilliSecCounter  (function: 0x5825b0)
---------------- stop  (function: 0x5825d0)
-------- tellme3  (function: 0x59bcf0)
-------- coroutine  (table: 0x57f7f0)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x57f7f0
---------------- resume  (function: 0x592840)
---------------- yield  (function: 0x5ddb30)
---------------- status  (function: 0x5928c0)
---------------- wrap  (function: 0x5ddaf0)
---------------- create  (function: 0x592940)
---------------- running  (function: 0x592880)
-------- tellme9  (function: 0x5c8d70)
-------- rawset  (function: 0x5853d0)
-------- _VERSION  (Lua 5.1)
-------- table  (table: 0x5c3760)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x5c3760
---------------- setn  (function: 0x57cde0)
---------------- insert  (function: 0x5725e0)
---------------- getn  (function: 0x572560)
---------------- foreachi  (function: 0x5c37c0)
---------------- maxn  (function: 0x5725a0)
---------------- foreach  (function: 0x5c3780)
---------------- concat  (function: 0x562410)
---------------- sort  (function: 0x57ce20)
---------------- remove  (function: 0x57cda0)
-------- locale  (table: 0x5826d0)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x5826d0
---------------- name  (function: 0x582710)
-------- platform  (table: 0x5c6ba0)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x5c6ba0
---------------- apilevel  (1.0.0)
---------------- window  (userdata: 0x584124)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x5a4eb0
------------------------ height  (function: 0x5be840)
------------------------ invalidate  (function: 0x5c3f60)
------------------------ __index  (table: 0x5a4eb0)
------------------------ width  (function: 0x5ddc50)
---------------- isDeviceModeRendering  (function: 0x5840c0)
---------------- gc  (function: 0x5c6c30)
---------------- isColorDisplay  (function: 0x584080)
-------- tellme4  (function: 0x592070)
-------- var  (table: 0x5c6bf0)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x5c6bf0
---------------- monitor  (function: 0x5a1f40)
---------------- list  (function: 0x5a2010)
---------------- recallstr  (function: 0x57cfb0)
---------------- unmonitor  (function: 0x57d080)
---------------- store  (function: 0x5c6c10)
---------------- recall  (function: 0x5e6e00)
-------- math  (table: 0x5a4ef0)
-------- cursor  (table: 0x582790)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x582790
---------------- show  (function: 0x59b850)
---------------- hide  (function: 0x59b810)
---------------- set  (function: 0x5827b0)
-------- pcall  (function: 0x585990)
-------- clipboard  (table: 0x556810)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x556810
---------------- getText  (function: 0x597a30)
---------------- addText  (function: 0x5979f0)
-------- class  (function: 0x5aaa10)
-------- type  (function: 0x590ec0)
-------- toolpalette  (table: 0x43e1cc80)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x43e1cc80
---------------- enableCopy  (function: 0x5217c0)
---------------- enablePaste  (function: 0x5cb510)
---------------- enableCut  (function: 0x521700)
---------------- register  (function: 0x43e1cca0)
---------------- enable  (function: 0x521720)
-------- D2Editor  (table: 0x5e6e40)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x5e6e40
---------------- newRichText  (function: 0x5a33e0)
---------------- move  (function: 0x5e6e80)
---------------- setText  (function: 0x5e6ec0)
---------------- __gc  (function: 0x5a3400)
---------------- getText  (function: 0x5e6e60)
---------------- setReadOnly  (function: 0x5216a0)
---------------- setFormattedText  (function: 0x5cb560)
---------------- __index  (table: 0x5e6e40)
---------------- resize  (function: 0x5a1fa0)
-------- select  (function: 0x59de70)
-------- _G  (table: 0x58cef0)
-------- on  (table: 0x5cb4a0)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x5cb4a0
---------------- paint  (function: 0x555e50)
-------- rawget  (function: 0x585390)
-------- loadstring  (function: 0x55ec20)
-------- tellme  (function: 0x584af0)
-------- newproxy  (function: 0x576b20)
-------- setfenv  (function: 0x59deb0)
-------- pairs  (function: 0x58c970)
-------- ipairs  (function: 0x58c910)
-------- error  (function: 0x5859c0)
-------- load  (function: 0x5bc880)
**** on  (table: 0x5cb4a0)
 -> Examining 'table: 0x5cb4a0
-------- paint  (function: 0x555e50)
**** rawget  (function: 0x585390)
**** loadstring  (function: 0x55ec20)
**** tellme  (function: 0x584af0)
**** newproxy  (function: 0x576b20)
**** setfenv  (function: 0x59deb0)
**** pairs  (function: 0x58c970)
**** ipairs  (function: 0x58c910)
**** error  (function: 0x5859c0)
**** load  (function: 0x5bc880)
« Last Edit: April 14, 2011, 05:13:17 pm by adriweb »
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Re: Lua on the Nspire?
« Reply #58 on: April 14, 2011, 05:55:44 pm »
IS there much hope for a documented API in the near future?
This looks like it is going to be fun
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PS+ PE+ Y+ PGP++ t 5? X R tv-- b+++ DI+ D+ G++ e- h! !r y

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Re: Lua on the Nspire?
« Reply #59 on: April 14, 2011, 06:01:50 pm »
IS there much hope for a documented API in the near future?
This looks like it is going to be fun

I asked TI about that on their facebook page lol
My calculator programs co-admin.
TI-Nspire Lua programming : Tutorials  |  API Documentation