I was playing around on Casio's Manager Plus free trial for the Prizm when I noticed some new functions. When exploring the memory management app I came across an option to import and export files from your computer. Curious as ever I took the latest build of Insight and sent it to the emulator. To my surprise it showed up on the main menu correctly and even more surprising it ran somewhat correctly. This is significant because it was previously believed that this emulator was of the OS only and not the actual hardware. There were a few discrepancies such as during the transparency test when a picture is supposed to be loaded and a few other minor glitches. One thing to note is that it is not a perfect emulation in that it is obvious that Casio modified the original OS to work for this emulator. Functions such as the battery are disabled. Most functions are around the same speed as the real Prizm with a few being faster such as screen drawing.
Issues that I did have with it was that multiple key presses are not supported which led the gif clip I took to end because I could not press the on button and 0 at the same time. Other things is that not being a full emulator means that we cannot upload new OS's the same way, but that could be possible via changing the data files. Interesting things that this provides us is a file called CPU73050.dll which contains the emulation code for the undocumented Super H CPU being used in the Prizm. It is essential now that we do are best to dissemble the code and document as much as we can. I do want to note that my Prizm emulator project Spectrum has not died as there is much to be improved upon, but it is not my top priority right now. This will though provide a good testing bed for the time being.
Steps to run emulator (No Prizm needed, but you do need a PC or wine)
1. Go to
https://edu.casio.com/freetrial/download.php/fx-cgm_90d_1.00_2.zip and download Manager Plus
2. Install the Manager Plus free trial
3. Download the latest build of Insight provided at the bottom of this post courtesy of Simon Lothar
4. Run the Manager Plus
5. Using the arrow keys navigate to Memory app or just press alpha F
6. Press F3 to import and export files
7. Press F1 to import
8. Find Insight.g3a on the new explorer window and press OK
9. Press F1 to save
10. Press exit to exit (duh)
11. Press menu to return to the main menu
12. Find the Insight app then press EXE
13. Do whatever you want here (I advise not going into the keyboard ports function as that requires multiple key presses to exit from. I would suggest playing around with the DD and VRAM demos along with WriteGraph. Syscalls is locked by default and can only be unlocked by building the Inisight code with removed comments.
14. Use this to play Prizm games if you don't have a Prizm
Steps for creating animated GIF's in calc capture
1. Start up calcCapture
2. Press Configuration
3. Select New
4. Type Prizm as the name of the emulator
5. Start the Manager Plus software
6. Select FX-CG10/20 MANAGER PLUS (90 DAY TRIAL) - [EMULATOR MODE] - KEYLOG1 as the window title or something similar to this
7. Press Capture
8. set width as 384, height as 216, top as 217, and bottom as 54, adjust as necessary based off the bottom window
9. back on the original screen select no borders and 256 colors
10. Select capture type as animation
11. write an image file name
12. Press activate then capture to begin
13. Upload your screenies