
Omnimaga => News => Topic started by: Adriweb on December 02, 2011, 09:19:51 pm

Title: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: Adriweb on December 02, 2011, 09:19:51 pm
What a great day :)

I had the chance to alpha-test an early preview of a CX-compatible Ndless 3 build.

Here are some photos and a video :

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

( ( )

It's coming soon, guys, it's coming soon :)

Source : TI-Planet (
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: annoyingcalc on December 02, 2011, 09:20:50 pm
HOLY CRAP /me wants SO bad! for the cx amazing!
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on December 02, 2011, 09:22:28 pm

(Also someone should move this to news (after resizing down the big image in the middle to 500 ish pixels, of course)
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: Juju on December 02, 2011, 09:22:35 pm
Awesome! So we can have Ndless games IN COLOR? Also nice crash on the vid :P
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: Adriweb on December 02, 2011, 09:23:10 pm

(Also someone should move this to news (after resizing down the big image in the middle to 500 ish pixels, of course)

I fixed it :P
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on December 02, 2011, 09:24:04 pm
Ok good. Darn this is impressive. I hope it can be made stable enough for a public beta at least eventually.
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: annoyingcalc on December 02, 2011, 09:25:32 pm
I cant wait to play castlevania or contra!
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: ralphdspam on December 02, 2011, 09:48:56 pm
Woah!  NES in color!?  O.O
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: Deep Toaster on December 02, 2011, 10:00:50 pm
I'm, uh, wow. Classic games in color finally come to calculators :o

Doing this ( on a calculator might not be so far in the future now O.O
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: Camdenmil on December 02, 2011, 10:01:03 pm
ndless on the CX, look at what's been done on the regular nspire and put it in color *.*
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: apcalc on December 02, 2011, 11:04:09 pm
Wow!  Extremely impressive! :)

Can I get information on how to draw to the Nspire CX's screen?  I would like to start updating my stuff (particularly nPlayer) and I need this info to proceed! :)
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: calc84maniac on December 03, 2011, 12:13:32 am
Wow!  Extremely impressive! :)

Can I get information on how to draw to the Nspire CX's screen?  I would like to start updating my stuff (particularly nPlayer) and I need this info to proceed! :)
The buffer has 16-bit pixel entries with 5 bits for red (mask 0xF800), 6 bits for green (mask 0x07E0), and 5 bits for blue (mask 0x001F). You can also change the color settings by interfacing with the LCD controller (look up PrimeCell PL111). The address of the buffer can be read from 0xC0000010 on all Nspire models.
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: Jim Bauwens on December 03, 2011, 03:13:54 am
Great news! Thanks for reporting Adriweb :)
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: Chockosta on December 03, 2011, 08:23:50 am
Amazing !

Is it stable yet ?
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: bsl on December 03, 2011, 09:23:08 am
Amazing !

Is it stable yet ?
It is still buggy, but it is running.....
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: Hayleia on December 03, 2011, 09:48:30 am
Yay !! Finally, 79€ for a CX are really worth it ;D
I hope TI will not block it soon D:
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: Nick on December 03, 2011, 09:53:01 am
what? €79??? where did you buy that one? here it's like €150...

same as my nr of posts btw xp
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: Hayleia on December 03, 2011, 09:58:56 am
what? €79??? where did you buy that one? here it's like €150...

same as my nr of posts btw xp
>:D Muahahahaha !!!
I had a huge bargain for that one (this is one of the reasons I didn't buy a Prizm) because my mother is a math teacher and teaches in a school of guys that don't even know how to use a 30XB Multiview, so she ordered it for me :D
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: Cuervo on December 03, 2011, 10:14:44 am
From April 2011 till 31. of December TI sells much stuff for a lower price for teachers in some countries.

In Germany we have
65,00 € for a CX,
70,00 € for a CX CAS,
28,61 € for the Teacher Software only (which can be used as CAS and non-CAS),
2,91 € for a battery charger (internal CX battery),
140,00 € for the LabCraddle,
83,03 € for the TI-84 SE,
58,38 € for the TI-SmartView Software (84+),
116,32 € for the TI-89 Titanium,
142,80 € for the Voyage 200,
133,28 € for the ViewScreen-Display (TI-84+/SE),
142,80 € for the ViewScreen-Display (TI-89 Titanium/Voyage 200),
124,95 € for the TI-Nspire Viewscreen (not the CX Models),
114,24 € for the CBL2 and
68,55 € for the CBR2.

The shipping charges for Hardware is 9,00 €, for Software only 4,00 €.
But you need a school's stamp for ordering this.

Because my school ordered them, I got a CX CAS for 75,00 €.. ^^
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: Lionel Debroux on December 03, 2011, 10:37:29 am
I hope TI will not block it soon :(
TI will certainly block this new incarnation of Ndless, just like they blocked all past incarnations of Ndless... and further reverse-engineering work will be required, on future OS and hardware versions, to eventually defeat them. It's just a matter of time, many manufacturers try to lock things down but fail again and again and again.
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: critor on December 03, 2011, 06:33:31 pm
Wow!  Extremely impressive! :)

Can I get information on how to draw to the Nspire CX's screen?  I would like to start updating my stuff (particularly nPlayer) and I need this info to proceed! :)
The buffer has 16-bit pixel entries with 5 bits for red (mask 0xF800), 6 bits for green (mask 0x07E0), and 5 bits for blue (mask 0x001F). You can also change the color settings by interfacing with the LCD controller (look up PrimeCell PL111). The address of the buffer can be read from 0xC0000010 on all Nspire models.

Could we have some code sample which would display black, white, red, green & blue pixels?

Many things seem different and unfortunately HackSpire is not up to date.
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: alberthrocks on December 03, 2011, 06:41:35 pm
Wow!  Extremely impressive! :)

Can I get information on how to draw to the Nspire CX's screen?  I would like to start updating my stuff (particularly nPlayer) and I need this info to proceed! :)
The buffer has 16-bit pixel entries with 5 bits for red (mask 0xF800), 6 bits for green (mask 0x07E0), and 5 bits for blue (mask 0x001F). You can also change the color settings by interfacing with the LCD controller (look up PrimeCell PL111). The address of the buffer can be read from 0xC0000010 on all Nspire models.

Could we have some code sample which would display black, white, red, green & blue pixels?

Many things seem different and unfortunately HackSpire is not up to date.
Yes, please do! I'd like to try and port SDL to this platform :D
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: calc84maniac on December 03, 2011, 07:16:06 pm
You can draw stuff exactly like on the Prizm. The buffer is a 320x240 array of shorts, so you can read and store the pixels directly by array indexing. Basically if you have red value 0-31, green value 0-63, blue value 0-31, you get short color = (red << 11) | (blue << 5) | green;

To get the buffer array, you might be able to do unsigned short buffer[320][240] = *(unsigned short**)0xC0000010; I'm not exactly sure of the correct syntax though.
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: Goplat on December 03, 2011, 08:32:02 pm
Code: [Select]
unsigned short (*buffer)[320] = *(unsigned short (**)[320])0xC0000010;and then individual pixels are accessible with buffer[y][x]. It's not too common to have a pointer-to-array in C, but it is legal :)
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: Lionel Debroux on December 04, 2011, 02:02:43 am
One can also define a single-dimensional array of LCD_HEIGHT (320) * LCD_WIDTH (240) elements, and access pixel at (x, y) by buffer[x+y*LCD_WIDTH].
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: ExtendeD on December 04, 2011, 03:59:05 am
Programs will be run in grayscale mode, although it is currently buggy.
You should set LCD Control (C0000018, and not C000001C as on classic TI-Nspire) bits 1-3. I'll add a function to libndls for this.
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: critor on December 04, 2011, 04:23:10 am
Ok, most Ndless 1.7/2.0 programs don't display anything on a TI-Nspire CX.
Because the screen buffer base address seems to have been changed.
So most programs who were using a hard-coded screen base address are writing outside of the screen buffer,which may crash/reboot the calculator.

Screen Buffer was at 0xa4000100 on TI-Nspire ClickPad/TouchPad.
If I'm not mistaken, it os now at 0x13FDA800 on TI-Nspire CX.

To make portable programs, you can get the screen buffer address which seems to be stored at 0xC0000010 on all models.

NESpire is working because it was recompiled for CX Nspires.
mViewer is working because it was allocating and using a second screen buffer.
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: Jim Bauwens on December 04, 2011, 06:03:30 am
Little question:
I should be able to code Ndless 3.1 programs with the current SDK, right?
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: ExtendeD on December 04, 2011, 06:06:07 am
Existing functions of the SDK continue to work, but programs will need to be rebuilt with v3.1 to be compatible with CX because of these hardware changes.
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: Jim Bauwens on December 04, 2011, 06:12:15 am
Okay, thanks for the information :)
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: critor on December 04, 2011, 06:24:31 am
After the NES emulator, here comes the 2nd color Ndless program, mViewer CX! :D


Check it here:
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: Adriweb on December 04, 2011, 07:49:57 am
Congratz ;)
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: TIfanx1999 on December 04, 2011, 08:50:17 am
Wow, I didn't realize this would come about so quickly. Awesome work guys! =)
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: Hayleia on December 04, 2011, 12:39:37 pm
By the way, what OS do we need to run it (when it comes out ofc) so I download it before TI removes all the available downloads to avoid people running it ? (that was a long sentence O.O)
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: calc84maniac on December 04, 2011, 12:44:17 pm
By the way, what OS do we need to run it (when it comes out ofc) so I download it before TI removes all the available downloads to avoid people running it ? (that was a long sentence O.O)

Latest version, of course. They'll only pull the old versions after they've fixed their glitches and released a new version :P
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: Hayleia on December 04, 2011, 12:46:23 pm
They'll only pull the old versions after they've fixed their glitches and released a new version :P
So we have time :P

Latest version, of course.
OS ?
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: Yeong on December 04, 2011, 01:05:11 pm
so this doesn't work for normal cx yet?
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: renatose on December 04, 2011, 01:05:37 pm
Latest version, of course.
OS ?

so this doesn't work for normal cx yet?
I think it started working on the normal CX earlier than on the CX CAS.
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: Yeong on December 04, 2011, 01:13:49 pm
oh. :P
I've never heard of that. :D release for ndless 3?
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: epic7 on December 04, 2011, 01:15:49 pm
If CX ndless comes out for Christmas.... Im probably also getting a cx for christmas so....

Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: renatose on December 04, 2011, 01:31:36 pm
I don't know when it will be released. It works, but needs to be polished before release.
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: Lionel Debroux on December 04, 2011, 01:54:41 pm
Whether Ndless will be released for Christmas, or any given date, depends on how much people can spend time on it, how stable it is, etc.
I would hate people to get their hopes high, and then criticize ExtendeD and the crew for not delivering "on time" :)
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on December 04, 2011, 03:17:43 pm
My worry right now is will it be hard to maintain cross compatibility between platforms for developers? I remember nDoom working right on touchpad models but on the blue powder Nspire model it crashed after 1 minute of gameplay.
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: apcalc on December 04, 2011, 08:21:12 pm
You can draw stuff exactly like on the Prizm. The buffer is a 320x240 array of shorts, so you can read and store the pixels directly by array indexing. Basically if you have red value 0-31, green value 0-63, blue value 0-31, you get short color = (red << 11) | (blue << 5) | green;

To get the buffer array, you might be able to do unsigned short buffer[320][240] = *(unsigned short**)0xC0000010; I'm not exactly sure of the correct syntax though.

Wait, is it supposed to be short color = (red << 11) | (blue << 5) | green; or short color = (red << 11) | (green << 5) | blue;???
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: AzNg0d1030 on December 04, 2011, 08:47:00 pm
How did I not see this thread... YES!

Darn good job!

(P.S. My CX CAS was $127 (USA)) :angel:
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: yunhua98 on December 04, 2011, 08:49:58 pm
Yay!  I'm gone for a while, and all this cool stuff happens./me goes to charge his CX
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on December 04, 2011, 08:59:53 pm
Come back soon D:
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: yunhua98 on December 04, 2011, 09:02:05 pm
Come back soon D:
Oh, I meant I was gone for a while.  If got my wifi access back.  I will resume my old activity as soon as I finish semester exams, but for now, I have full access again.
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: calc84maniac on December 04, 2011, 09:31:53 pm
You can draw stuff exactly like on the Prizm. The buffer is a 320x240 array of shorts, so you can read and store the pixels directly by array indexing. Basically if you have red value 0-31, green value 0-63, blue value 0-31, you get short color = (red << 11) | (blue << 5) | green;

To get the buffer array, you might be able to do unsigned short buffer[320][240] = *(unsigned short**)0xC0000010; I'm not exactly sure of the correct syntax though.

Wait, is it supposed to be short color = (red << 11) | (blue << 5) | green; or short color = (red << 11) | (green << 5) | blue;???
Erp, you're right. It can actually be BGR or RGB, and the OS chooses the latter.
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: kyllopardiun on December 06, 2011, 08:21:21 pm
There is a way to apply for be an "alpha tester"?

What are the biggest issues on the ndless 3.* so far?

//I couldn't find these answers anywhere =/
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: annoyingcalc on December 06, 2011, 09:00:07 pm
I would LOVE to be a tester too if I can
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: AzNg0d1030 on December 06, 2011, 10:47:44 pm
O.o I'd be happy to test it on my CX CAS too!  If that's allowed.

Problem is though, I feel like if there are too many testers, the file may go public and others will dive for it...
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: Lionel Debroux on December 07, 2011, 01:42:19 am
Problem is though, I feel like if there are too many testers, the file may go public and others will dive for it..
Yeah. Of course, anyone caught doing that would instantly become considered an unreliable jackass and be (morally) excluded from the community for leaking sensitive information and thereby helping all too quickly (*) TI work against our elementary rights as users (do what the heck we want with the hardware we own, because we bought it - for short, "freedom to tinker").

Under no circumstances should an unpolished, unreliable version be leaked. It would be bad for the community's reputation, both in the open development community (users mistaking the unstable version for the real thing, and saying that it's no good) and TI (mostly, some of their pundits on official, or like-minded, communication channels, could easily blame the community for releasing unstable stuff).
That's how it works in other open communities aiming at native code execution on their favorite platform, e.g. gaming consoles, and facing the same kind of manufacturer hostility as we do - and years of experience seem to show that it isn't a bad pattern :)

That said, there is a fine line of balance to be found: too few testers increases the risk to release a product with at least one rough edge, while too many testers might be bad for the reasons stated above :)

(*): the next OS version will certainly fix the holes, even if Ndless 3 is released shortly before the next OS version. TI is very serious about closing the holes, or even the possibility to interact with their calculators through clear-text formats, as they have shown in the past. But giving them more time to close the holes, by releasing raw exploits before there's a companion SDK, doesn't help programmers users in any way - it actually probably hinders them.
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: kyllopardiun on December 07, 2011, 05:41:55 am
That said, there is a fine line of balance to be found: too few testers increases the risk to release a product with at least one rough edge, while too many testers might be bad for the reasons stated above :)
Lionel, do you know how many testers are out there?
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: Adriweb on December 07, 2011, 06:19:44 am
I believe we are 7-8.
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: annoyingcalc on December 07, 2011, 08:30:45 pm
Problem is though, I feel like if there are too many testers, the file may go public and others will dive for it..
Yeah. Of course, anyone caught doing that would instantly become considered an unreliable jackass and be (morally) excluded from the community for leaking sensitive information and thereby helping all too quickly (*) TI work against our elementary rights as users (do what the heck we want with the hardware we own, because we bought it - for short, "freedom to tinker").

Under no circumstances should an unpolished, unreliable version be leaked. It would be bad for the community's reputation, both in the open development community (users mistaking the unstable version for the real thing, and saying that it's no good) and TI (mostly, some of their pundits on official, or like-minded, communication channels, could easily blame the community for releasing unstable stuff).
That's how it works in other open communities aiming at native code execution on their favorite platform, e.g. gaming consoles, and facing the same kind of manufacturer hostility as we do - and years of experience seem to show that it isn't a bad pattern :)

That said, there is a fine line of balance to be found: too few testers increases the risk to release a product with at least one rough edge, while too many testers might be bad for the reasons stated above :)

(*): the next OS version will certainly fix the holes, even if Ndless 3 is released shortly before the next OS version. TI is very serious about closing the holes, or even the possibility to interact with their calculators through clear-text formats, as they have shown in the past. But giving them more time to close the holes, by releasing raw exploits before there's a companion SDK, doesn't help programmers users in any way - it actually probably hinders them.
Very well said, a good idea though is to download os 3.1.0 right now as a backup for when TI blockes ndless 3. Until then be happy that TI at least put in lua, and play around with lua until ndless is officially released
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: AzNg0d1030 on December 07, 2011, 09:55:47 pm
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: willrandship on December 08, 2011, 12:05:28 am
At the very least, now we will have 3D graphing and Ndless at the same time!

I got really hyped when I saw gbcnspire was already ported. :D I totally want to port a SNES emu to this!
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: Munchor on December 08, 2011, 06:39:19 am
I will try to install Ndless 3 in the next few days so that I can report bugs and help. Looking awesome so far.
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: Jim Bauwens on December 08, 2011, 07:59:43 am
Well, it isn't out yet :)
Unless you are a Alpha tester, of course.
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: annoyingcalc on December 08, 2011, 10:37:36 am
I totally want to port a SNES emu to this!

really? I thought about that last night!
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: Scipi on December 08, 2011, 11:55:01 am
Since it's in Alpha testing now, will the Beta be more open?
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: ExtendeD on December 08, 2011, 12:00:19 pm
This version follows Ndless's usual release process, so yes the beta will be open to everyone.
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: jmpmbs on December 08, 2011, 07:10:10 pm
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: AzNg0d1030 on December 08, 2011, 10:44:26 pm
This version follows Ndless's usual release process, so yes the beta will be open to everyone.
Yes.... >:D
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: annoyingcalc on December 08, 2011, 10:52:31 pm
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: willrandship on December 08, 2011, 11:59:20 pm
Glad to hear it! I look forward to devving for the 3.0 OS!
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: AzNg0d1030 on December 09, 2011, 07:29:59 pm
Any idea when the beta might be out or no like everything else? ???
Title: Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
Post by: willrandship on December 10, 2011, 04:55:09 pm
I'm betting that's a no, since deadlines have a tendency to create problems in Open-Source projects. The 'when it's done' approach, while sometimes irritating, allows for an easy excuse if you're later than expected.