Author Topic: New TI-84 Pocket adds anti-downgrade protection against 2.53MP and lower  (Read 24611 times)

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Correct. Omnicalc, for example, has problems. Although, I released a version which fixed some of the worst problems. I also found 2.53 to be generally quite unstable.
Yeah I heard about the stability issues too. Fortunately I rarely use MathPrint so I am fine, but I also saw some of my games didn't run well in it. An example is Reuben Quest and ROL2. I wouldn't be surprised if some other old games broke on ticalc. Ticalc got thousands of them, after all.

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Too bad! D: Find out a way to hack this asap!
I'm not a nerd but I pretend:

Offline Jim Bauwens

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The only reason why I think TI would do this is to force PTT on each new calculator. If this is true, then I'm sure you can expect the new 84's that will come out to have the 1.03 (or later) bootcode.

Offline AngelFish

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I'm probably in the minority here, but I've been using 2.53/2.55 for a couple years now with less than 3 RAM clears due to the OSes...

EDIT: @Jim, the boot code doesn't force PTT, which is also present on the normal calcs.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2011, 05:05:08 am by Qwerty.55 »
∂²Ψ    -(2m(V(x)-E)Ψ
---  = -------------
∂x²        ℏ²Ψ

Offline Jim Bauwens

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I know, but I mean that it will not be possible to downgrade to another os that doesn't have PTT.

Offline JosJuice

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EDIT: @Jim, the boot code doesn't force PTT, which is also present on the normal calcs.
Yes, but 1.03 will force the user to only use OSes that have PTT.


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I'm probably in the minority here, but I've been using 2.53/2.55 for a couple years now with less than 3 RAM clears due to the OSes...

EDIT: @Jim, the boot code doesn't force PTT, which is also present on the normal calcs.

I now run 2.43 since that's what my Wabbit runs, but I agree 2.53 isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be.

Offline Twerty

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I'm amazed that TI is so aggressive in their ways... Sony vehemently blocked downgrading of PSP firmware, but that was to prevent software piracy. Here, that isn't the case at all. Are they really losing any money here? I seriously doubt that anyone is not buying a calc out there because of lack of PTT. Especially when the very large majority of the public don't even seem know that they can upgrade their calcs. Even then, they won't be able to completely phase out the older models floating around.

Such a shame... will updates ever benefit anymore? :/

Offline Compynerd255

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This is how I first reacted when I read this:
Spoiler For First Reaction:
This can't be happening! They're defeating the programmers! How can they do this to us?

I think that someone should compile a list of all the CEOs and calc directors at TI, and see if changes in leadership have anything to do with what the code is. I suspect that TI's ambivalence might have to do with CEOs having different priorities.

One thing I also think about with these malicious attacks is that, although we are a minority of calc users, we are the Coders of Tommorow - their future employees. In today's time, there is a shortage of computer programmers (at least I think there is). TI wants to protect against hacking and exploitation, but they don't realize that there are plenty of programmers out there who got their start on hobbyist devices such as calculators. They need programmers to work their new devices, and if they defeat programmability, they are only defeating themselves.

We also have to remember that if there is a will, there is a way. TI's first offerings were not easily programmable, without native ASM support. The previous generation of TI programmers, with greats such as Joe Wimbergule and Sam Heald, were able to hack the 85 and bring ASM to the TI, which had influenced TI's decision making for the next several years. Now we are in the second generation, and TI is mounting their defenses again. They did it once. We can do it again.
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When I heard abouth ti releasing the lua sdk, I thought they would be caring a tiny bit about community, But now, they've proven (again) that they don't care abouth the community at all.

If they're going to take everything away from us, they almost force us to hack it. As long as the devices are programable, you will find a way to hack them. Ti adding any protection to hacking and programming, will only make it harder, not impossible. And ti trying to keep us out only makes it more challenging and more fun to hack it anyway ;)

Anyway, we should now all go buy casio graphing calcs, instaed of TI's. That'll teach them. >:D I beg that then, after a month, they will make their calcs more programmable again for a few years.

Anything can be hacked, when you'll try hard enough. Keep in mind that we're one of the most active calc hacking comunities. TI can't do anything abouth us.

EDIT: Ruler and everybody else that has "TI might not be so bad" in their signatures: You might want to take that out. You can maybe replace it with something like this:

TI became even worse
I hate TI more that ever

or just change it back to 'I hate TI right now'
« Last Edit: June 15, 2011, 04:29:49 pm by ben_g »
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Offline Munchor

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What a shame! Why? Why?! What a shame! Oh wait, what a shame!

Seriously now though, this is awful, this really sucks, why would they break their only programmable calculator?

Offline AngelFish

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I'm amazed that TI is so aggressive in their ways... Sony vehemently blocked downgrading of PSP firmware, but that was to prevent software piracy. Here, that isn't the case at all. Are they really losing any money here? I seriously doubt that anyone is not buying a calc out there because of lack of PTT. Especially when the very large majority of the public don't even seem know that they can upgrade their calcs. Even then, they won't be able to completely phase out the older models floating around.

Such a shame... will updates ever benefit anymore? :/

Sorry, off topic:


Just going to say that Twerty is *not* me under another account to avoid any possible confusion :P
∂²Ψ    -(2m(V(x)-E)Ψ
---  = -------------
∂x²        ℏ²Ψ

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Sorry, I've had a hard day as some of you have noticed.

I've tried a random game on my new TI-84 and it worked without any problem:

Do you want me to try some specific games?
« Last Edit: June 15, 2011, 05:01:25 pm by critor »
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@Ben, Scout, Compynerd, & others: Well, the new 84 is still programmable, just not downgradeable to a different OS (yet). While it is disappointing and causes some compatibility issues, it isn't the end of the world. A work-around is feasible and likely in my opinion anyway, so I wouldn't worry too much just yet.

Offline ACagliano

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Let me play devils advocate. What if the anti-downgrade protection is there because the hardware is designed in a way that would make any earlier OS incompatible or unstable?