Author Topic: New TI calculator model and rumors about a May 2009 release of TI-Nspire OS 1.7  (Read 11350 times)

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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Texas Instruments has released a new calculator model in France: the

This model is actually a downgraded version of the french version of the TI-82 STATS, the TI-82 (both of which are, contrary to popular belief, a TI-83, not a TI-82), made to ease up the introduction of graphing calculators in professional studying and to meet the new french education standards. We have no idea about which TI-BASIC functions from the TI-82 and TI-83 models that are not included in this new model, though, and if ASM programs from the original TI-83 from 1996 will work on it like they did on the TI-82 STAT series, but more information can be found on TI website (in french):

This news was found through TI-BANK website (also in french. Get your pop-up blockers ready if you decide to click it).

There are also a rumor about a new TI-Nspire OS (version 1.7) supposedly coming out this month, according to various sources such as TI-BANK, Lafacroft and this document. The rumor was apparently leaked on TI discussions group. Some sources says the release date was supposed to be May 09th, other said May 2009. We do not know if the rumor is true and what should be the improvements over the previous OS, though.

Casio also recently released new calculator models such as the FX-9860 GII and the cheaper FX-9750 GII. More info can be found on their product page:
« Last Edit: May 20, 2009, 02:38:50 am by DJ Omnimaga »

Offline kalan_vod

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Next calc should have a mini projector...

Offline noahbaby94

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I just want the v400 then my life will be complete.
That's what she said!!!

Offline BrandonW

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I'm very interested in buying this calculator, but I'm in the US. Is there a web site I could buy this from that ships to the United States, or could one of you who possibly lives in Europe help me in securing one?

EDIT: I'd also just be happy with a ROM dump if one of you already has it (and if it will let you dump it).
« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 09:02:36 pm by BrandonW »

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Unfortunately, looking at Ebay france, I couldn't find anything there. I think eventually, some of these calcs will appear there in the future, but judging by the price+shipping people charge for a TI-82 STATS on Ebay, I assume they'll charge around $80-100 for a TI-76. I think sometimes they charge $50 just for shipping. On top of that most sellers won't ship outside France.

I am really curious about if regular TI-83 ASM programs works on it, though, and what functions are missing from it.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2009, 12:59:02 am by DJ Omnimaga »

Offline BrandonW

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I would be willing to pay whatever it takes to get it here, whenever one shows up.

Is it documented anywhere what the exact technical differences are between the TI-83 and TI-82 Stats (meaning, the differences between ROM versions 1.10 and 1.11)?

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything regarding the difference between these calcs anywhere, as Datamath talks about the 82 STATS as if it was an upgrade to the TI-82 by stating all improvements over the TI-82. The french wikipedia, however, states that this calculator is identical to the TI-83 by its functions and that it's pretty much a TI-83 renamed as TI-82 Stats. In fact, the ROM version on is 1.10001. They even says that all ASM games on the TI-83 ran fine on the TI-82 STATS. I don't know the exact technical details regarding the code inside the ROMs 1.10 and 1.10001 since it's undocumented anywhere, though. The only real difference seems to come from the TI-82 Stats.Fr model and this difference is that all menus and functions have been translated into french

EDIT: I found a french PDF document with some more documentations about each z80 calc models and the avaliable TI-OSes. It says the TI-82 Stats command to launch an asm program is Send(9prgmNAME like on the TI-83. The ROM version for the Fr model is 1.11fr7
« Last Edit: May 22, 2009, 12:21:37 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

Offline Datamath

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And Datamath was wrong!

Fellow calculator collector Xavier Andréani started some time ago to compare the different software versions of TI’s graphing calculators while the Datamath Calculator Museum focused on their different hardware versions. In a joint effort we generated a comprehensive overview of the Texas Instruments graphing calculator architectures.
What we learned so far:
The TI-82 STATS and the TI-83 "Parcus" are 100% identical. Both use ROM-Version 1.10001.
The TI-82 (1.11fr7) and the TI-83 Plus (1.19) use identical hardware and have the same SW functionality.

Sorry for misleading the community with my remark about the "upgraded" TI-82.

Best regards,
Joerg Woerner
Datamath Calculator Museum

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Hi Datamath and welcome :)

No problem, I can understand in some ways, considering Texas Instrument is partly at fault for releasing a TI-83 under the TI-82 name x.x, it leads to confusion in some ways. I actually got the info confirmed only from certain french people and later Wikipedia that the TI-82 Stats was in fact a TI-83 (Parcus). I personally thought about buying one at one point, but given the prices on Ebay and the fact it's like a TI-83 I'm not planning to anymore.

Nice site by the way, though, this is actually where I learned about most older graphing calculator models and most of the least popular or small quantity produced ones.

Offline critor

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I'm glad to see that my french PDF is used in the english-speaking community.

I haven't updated it yet, but as you all seem to be interested, here is some information about the I've bought last week.

I assume its hardware is based on the TI-83 (like the TI-82 Stats).
(256K ROM, 32K RAM, no flash)

Many TI-82 features are missing.
(no matrix, no complex numbers, no GDB object, no backup/restore...)

The can receive programs including unsupported instructions from a TI-83/82 Stats/82
The unsupported instructions can't be executed (Error: Invalid), but they are properly displayed if put in a string for exemple.

The can also run TI-83 assembly programs (if they don't use specific ROMCALLs).

I could dump the ROM (256K) and launch it under TilEm and VirtualTI.
(VirtualTI detects a TI-83 with version 1.00...)

The standard self-test shortcut (MODE ALPHA S) doesn't work.

The ROM version... is 1.00fr5. I first found it by looking into the dumped rom file.
And given the message including that version, there is a self-test feature.
We just don't know the shortcut for now...


If I don't know the shortcut, then how did I do?

No I didn't cheat...
I've just used some assembly to directly launch the self-test code which (on THAT rom) is located at $0C000h in ROM page 3.

Here is the source:
Code: [Select]
(you may download the program directly at

I'll update my PDF including all those new informations soon.

Feel free to ask any question, or make any suggestion.

« Last Edit: August 28, 2010, 06:24:46 am by critor »
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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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mhmm interesting. I am curious if one of these calcs will land on Ebay soon (shippable internationally for not too expensive)