Author Topic: New HP Prime OS Version: 2014.0331  (Read 23097 times)

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Re: New HP Prime OS Version: 2014.0331
« Reply #30 on: June 10, 2014, 04:04:26 pm »
Yeah the music track is from this artist: . I chose that song because it sounds similar to the song I created for the Axe Parser tribute video, so I thought it would be fitting.

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Re: New HP Prime OS Version: 2014.0331
« Reply #31 on: June 10, 2014, 04:10:33 pm »
Epic music for a epic programming language.

Offline iconmaster

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Re: New HP Prime OS Version: 2014.0331
« Reply #32 on: June 24, 2014, 08:12:40 am »
A new OS version?? Every time I get around to learning there's a new one out, it's like Christmas and my birthday at the same time! It's nice to see such an open changelog and a continual development process.

Okay, let's see what in the new version...


The Geometry app is even better, not that it wasn't already the best oncalc geometry app I've ever seen.

Custom color selection is nice. We needed that.

The new form of INPUT looks great. Good calculators have good dialog systems. It was why I worked with so much TI-89 coding, really.

Apparently, my calculator hardware can't do wireless?? That's concerning, and would have been nice to know at, you know, some point.

Anyways, with summer in full swing, perhaps I should really look into more HPP programming...

EDIT: I found some more stuff.

When you get an error in your program, you can conjure up the line it occurred on with a new selection. It's slightly useful, I guess.

You have the choice to make a CAS function in the New Program screen too. Interesting.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 06:19:44 pm by iconmaster »

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Re: New HP Prime OS Version: 2014.0331
« Reply #33 on: June 24, 2014, 08:06:08 pm »
Yeah the lack of wireless in old models is something that should have been warned about right from the start so that it doesn't look like false advertising. If many people actually bought the calc when it came out, back when they advertised wireless capabilities via the add-on, then HP has just opened themselves to potential class actions or petitions for refunds or getting a new hardware model in exchange, since law forces sold products and services to offer everything advertised.

Other than that, there has been plenty of amazing work in the OS. I hope all big bugs are fixed soon so that when the calc meets the back-to-school rush, it doesn't get bad reviews about reliability

I wish there were more HP PPL programmers actually. We had some at first but then they all vanished within a week span and never came back.

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Re: New HP Prime OS Version: 2014.0331
« Reply #34 on: June 26, 2014, 09:54:59 am »
Yeah the lack of wireless in old models is something that should have been warned about right from the start so that it doesn't look like false advertising. If many people actually bought the calc when it came out, back when they advertised wireless capabilities via the add-on, then HP has just opened themselves to potential class actions or petitions for refunds or getting a new hardware model in exchange, since law forces sold products and services to offer everything advertised.

Other than that, there has been plenty of amazing work in the OS. I hope all big bugs are fixed soon so that when the calc meets the back-to-school rush, it doesn't get bad reviews about reliability

I wish there were more HP PPL programmers actually. We had some at first but then they all vanished within a week span and never came back.
Well as far as the beginnings go, it's clear that HP released an unfinished product but they have come a long way and it's almost perfect now. That's what I gather from the reviews that come with each update.

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Re: New HP Prime OS Version: 2014.0331
« Reply #35 on: June 26, 2014, 11:45:38 am »
Indeed, but there are still a bunch of stability issues apparently, despite being much less bad than the original firmware and especially the HP 39gII (the ancestor of the HP Prime). Some of the bugs were introduced in the recent update too. But again, this seems common practice now among software developers because this happens with games too (especially Electronic Arts material). Just see the earlier TI-Nspire OSes.

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Re: New HP Prime OS Version: 2014.0331
« Reply #36 on: July 21, 2014, 01:10:46 pm »
I checked the Office de la Protection du Consommateur du Québec website and found the following: (French) (French)

If I had bought my HP Prime in a brick and mortar store or HP outlet located in the province of Quebec that was advertising wifi capabilities or future wifi capabilities, only to find out later that my calc lacks such compatibility, then I could have reported the store for false advertising, gotten a refund (or perhaps a revision C model in exchange, if available) then the store would be in legal troubles with the law. In Quebec, when a merchant offers a product of service, it has to be in stock, sold exactly as advertised and for the advertised price (including promotions). Of course, I bought mine online internationally so that law wouldn't apply for me (plus I won't report them since I had zero interest in wifi capabilities, let alone spending $100-500 on the required add-on), but it's an example of how much legal risk HP took with this mistake, there.

I am sure that similar laws exist in other countries, provinces, states or for online purchases within the same country, and that HP or the stores having falsely advertised future or present wifi capabilities for revision A models could have gotten themselves in the middle of a class action or mass recall if people wanted to.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2014, 01:17:55 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

Offline Streetwalrus

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Re: New HP Prime OS Version: 2014.0331
« Reply #37 on: July 25, 2014, 10:35:19 am »
I can confirm than non compliance with advertised features is illegal in France as well. It's pretty weird that rev A calcs don't support USB properly. :/

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Re: New HP Prime OS Version: 2014.0331
« Reply #38 on: July 25, 2014, 12:31:33 pm »
Well, what I found strange, though, is that initially, the send button worked between the emu and the calc. It was only removed in the latest revision. Apparently that button now only shows up for Revision C models. THis tells me HP was just too lazy to make two different OSes or an exception for when the target device is detected as emulator rather than a real calc, or they are planning to make it a "premium" feature.

That isn't really the main issue, though. The issue is that many websites including HP themselves or their official resellers used to advertise the calc as one that will eventually have a wireless add-on sold separately and when the new firmware came out it soon became clear that those advertisements, which have been corrected since, were fake. Of course I personally don't care if my own calc supports wireless or not because I know that the adapter will most likely cost over $200 (just look at how much the one from TI costs) and I'm not gonna pay $200-400 just to play a potential KermMartian Obliterate clone for the HP Prime via HP-gCn nor connect a calculator to a network. It's just that HP did a big mistake there that could have (or might eventually) put them into legal troubles

The ones that are to blame are the ones who work in HP's marketing department, which has failed multiple times before in the last decade or so by either misinforming customers or retailers, not marketing their products properly (not even a single HP scientific calc, let alone a graphical one, is available in any physical store over here) and making it incredibly hard to find any product info. A lot of hard work was spent in the OS so far and the developers have listened to the community a lot compared to companies like TI and it would be a shame if its reputation was tarnished by shady business practices from management.