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Next-to-last calc program round-up news article
« on: September 22, 2014, 01:49:28 am »
During the last two years, you might have remembered how I sometimes post news articles featuring recent calculator program releases in batch, usually during Summer or at the start of school year. Unfortunately, this particular news article and the next one afterward will be my last dedicated coverage of TI/Casio/HP community releases. This news will cover utilities, while the next one will cover games. With a non-game feature pending queue spanning two years, I don't think I need to explain why I won't be doing such news afterward (unless of course I feel like writing a news but that won't be regular community coverage).

So now, here is part 1: Utilities and programming tools!

TI-z80 calculators

-UOSRECV (a little program for the 84+, 84+SE, and (yes) 84+CSE to receive unsigned OSes)

-Calc2Key (Control your computer with your TI-83+/84+. REQUIRES TILP)

-USBpad8x (Control your comp with 84+. No TILP install required)

-PixelScape (online Sprite/Map editor for Axe coders. Let's hope that this one, unlike Aichi's map editor, stays online for more than 1 year)

-TileIt (an on-calc one)

-Pageswap Axiom (the one that lets you use up to 40 KB of executable code)

-GPS for graphing calcs (another rocking hardware mod from Kerm)

-Since my program feature articles normally requires an actual executable download, the next program doesn't qualify, but since this is the last time I will ever cover community releases, I will let this one in anyway: Graph3DC! When this ASM 3D grapher comes out it will be amazing.

-KnightOS is worth mentionning since it progressed a lot in the past few months, although we still hope it gets finished, unlike the many other TI-OS projects in the last decade.


-Lua Cellular Automata (Self-explanatory. For the TI-Nspire)

-WP 34s emu for the Nspire (Emulator of the popular community calculator WP 34s based on HP's models. So now you can use this awesomeness on your TI-Nspire!)

-KuroRPG (not finished yet but if it comes out it's an RPG Maker XP port for the Nspire. Basically, you will be able to create RPGs without learning how to code)

-Back in 2012 and 2013, TI-Nspire window libraries were mainstream projects in the community. Three got released within a few months span at the time and they are all good: WZGUILib (the oldest one), Winbox and TI-Masterbox!

-MicroPython for the Nspire  (Vogtinator, the author, told me to wait before making a news about it since it's far from complete, but since I won't be doing news coverage after this set of two articles, I am mentionning it now. But yes, now you can program in Python on your TI-Nspire!)


-OS 2.04 for FX-9860 Slim (9860 Slim now upgradeable to OS 2.04, and we know this is something people have wanted for a long time, since Casio stopped supporting that model half a decade ago.)

-OS 2.00.1000 for ClassPad II (Minor update for the fx-CP400 model that mainly fixes e-Activity)

HP Prime

-Conway's Game of Life (New version of HP Prime Conway's Game of Life, that runs at 1.5 FPS instead of 0.2.)

For the next and last feature round-up, calculator games will be covered, after which news requests will have to be sent at
« Last Edit: September 22, 2014, 02:15:01 am by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: Next-to-last calc program round-up news article
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2014, 05:34:41 am »
Some comments:

-MicroPython seems really nice and might get me into learning python :D
-KnightOS: Don't worry, it /will/ get finished. I (and some more members) have been [trying to] help out, and the KnightOS community is really dedicated to the project. I'm pretty excited for it to come out ^^

Also you will have to write a post for when Streetwalrus' and my project comes out. No escape because we let you in on it early >:D
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Re: Next-to-last calc program round-up news article
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2014, 03:07:16 pm »
I am surprised you linked to the file for KnightOS, and not to SirCmpwn's website,
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Re: Next-to-last calc program round-up news article
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2014, 07:03:00 pm »
Utilpack for 68k is technically a pack, but actually sort of useless :P
but it's not in there :D

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Re: Next-to-last calc program round-up news article
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2014, 11:18:07 pm »
I am surprised you linked to the file for KnightOS, and not to SirCmpwn's website,
Yeah that was the first link I found, from the news article a while back (if you remember when it got featured with an interview). I also tend to link to big file archives or discussion threads with attachments whenever possible (Omnimaga, Cemetech,, TI-Planet, Planete-Casio), to ensure that the links will still work in a few years.

That said, Sir should feel lucky and proud that KnightOS even got featured in its current completion state on Omni. I've been in the TI community for 13 years and I have never seen a single 3rd-party OS project become usable by mainstream calculator users, let alone getting completed. As a result, I stopped featuring third-party TI-OS releases on front page news several years ago (not even CSX made it). However, three reasons made me feature KnightOS anyway:

-It's by far the most advanced TI-OS project in terms of completion.
-It's still being worked on regularly, even after 4 years. Most people don't stay in the TI community for more than 2 years.
-It's the last time ever that I'll be posting news about TI calculator tools/utilities, so I thought I would pre-emptively give KnightOS its Omni front-page moment of glory before it's too late. This is the same reason why I featured Graph3DC despite the lack of a download.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2014, 11:30:38 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: Next-to-last calc program round-up news article
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2014, 08:12:45 am »
Some comments:

-MicroPython seems really nice and might get me into learning python :D
Python is awesome! :D

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