Author Topic: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!  (Read 97179 times)

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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #45 on: July 15, 2010, 08:57:14 pm »
the war has just begun.
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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #46 on: July 15, 2010, 09:06:25 pm »
What I mean is, I remember teachers complaining about the Ti-83+, Ti-84+, etc. being able to hold custom games students could play in class, so I didn't know if TI was trying to prevent it for the Nspire
That could be a possibility, but I doubt it. Calc gaming has been huge for at least a decade. Over one year before I got my own graphing calc, my brother was talking about how at the school he was going to, a bunch of people were playing Tetris on their TI-82 calculators. When I started going to that school, in 2000, I saw by myself, then I got a calc in 2001 and saw even more, since I started going in classes that required a calc. Games in classes has been a problem for much longer than that I am sure, because I played TI-82 games dating from 1994 before. I am sure TI would have done something long before that if it was such a big problem to them.

There was an article about this from 1998, btw: .

Also I agree this should be slashdotted. Unfortunately I do not know how to use Slashdot, though.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2010, 09:07:01 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #47 on: July 15, 2010, 09:06:38 pm »
the war has just begun.

And TI strikes again allready...

The new TI-Nspire classroom accessory, the TI-Nspire Docking Station, is going to force teachers to install the 2.1 OSes on all their school and student calculators...

I cannot see at all why the 2.1 OS would be required to make the Docking Station work. TI probably did this on purpose, too...

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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #48 on: July 15, 2010, 09:34:32 pm »
Wow, that docking station looks like a mass execution device for Nspires (wait, that is what it is :().  Dosen't it seem odd that it can transfer 2.1 to a lower OS, but not documents to a lower OS.  You are correct, the war has begun and we need to strike back!

I am glad the teachers in my school don't use Nspires.  I would fight back if I was forced to upgrade my OS.  On a side note, can a teacher force me to upgrade my operating system?
« Last Edit: July 15, 2010, 09:35:59 pm by apcalc »

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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #49 on: July 15, 2010, 09:41:18 pm »
*calcdude opens his coding environment and dons his lobster rage fists :P
On a more serious note, this is indeed ridiculous, and reminded about this article: about "anti-features"
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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #50 on: July 15, 2010, 09:41:58 pm »
Hopefully this will inspire Ndless development to continue, or cause more people to get involved in the project?

I don't even have an Nspire, but this is ridiculous. Would it be possible for TI to remove assembly support on a newer version of the TI-OS (83+/84+) or AMS (68k calcs)? Would they be likely to?

Or, rather than outright do that, they could just release a really buggy OS that messes with a lot of existing assembly programs, slows down anything dealing with the home screen, introduces compatibility problems... if you were a conspiracy theorist there would be plenty of material for one right there.

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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #51 on: July 15, 2010, 09:45:56 pm »
Seeing that they did it with the Nspire, I fear that they (TI) could probably block ASM on the 83/84 or 68k calcs.  But, especially with the 68k calcs, I highly doubt they will because they don't really care about these series of calcs anymore.

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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #52 on: July 15, 2010, 09:46:31 pm »
They could, but are unlikely. If they do, it will be very difficult for them to prevent downgrades because of [ON]+DEL, not to mention the boot code's unchangeability and, as far as I know, the certificate can't be changed to support only certain OS versions, not to mention there's always a certain boot code exploit to allow you to run arbitrary code.
I am less sure about the 68k series, which someone with more expertise in that area can answer.
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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #53 on: July 15, 2010, 09:53:21 pm »
Would it be possible for TI to remove assembly support on a newer version of the TI-OS (83+/84+) or AMS (68k calcs)?

Or, rather than outright do that, they could just release a really buggy OS that messes with a lot of existing assembly programs, slows down anything dealing with the home screen, introduces compatibility problems...

You know what? They allready did it.
OS 2.53MP for the TI-84+ is buggy, slows down anything dealing with the home screen, introduces compatibility problems...

TI is far more evil than you can imagine, you know...
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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #54 on: July 15, 2010, 09:56:06 pm »
Sneaky, TI, sneaky. You did it (math print) so much better for the 73, which is just an 83+, really.
BrandonW could fix some compat problems, but not the slowness...
Goodness, I am somewhat surprised they ever officially endorsed ASM, anyway...
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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #55 on: July 15, 2010, 10:02:26 pm »
Would it be possible for TI to remove assembly support on a newer version of the TI-OS (83+/84+) or AMS (68k calcs)?

Or, rather than outright do that, they could just release a really buggy OS that messes with a lot of existing assembly programs, slows down anything dealing with the home screen, introduces compatibility problems...

You know what? They allready did it.
OS 2.53MP for the TI-84+ is buggy, slows down anything dealing with the home screen, introduces compatibility problems...

TI is far more evil than you can imagine, you know...

I was referencing 2.53MP when I wrote that. ;)

But what happened at TI? Was there a change in management or something? Because up to 2004 (Titanium's release) they seemed to be supporting on-calc assembly programming. Didn't they advertise it as a feature? Why are they against it so much now?

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And in addition to calculator (and Python!) stuff, I mod Civilization 4 (frequently with Python).

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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #56 on: July 15, 2010, 10:05:32 pm »
That is strange that they suddenly stopped supporting ASM programs.  I would think that TI started developing the TI-Nspire in 2004, about three years before it came out.  Maybe TI asked teachers what they wanted to see in a new calculator and they asked for games to be blocked?

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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #57 on: July 15, 2010, 11:02:30 pm »
That is strange that they suddenly stopped supporting ASM programs.  I would think that TI started developing the TI-Nspire in 2004, about three years before it came out.  Maybe TI asked teachers what they wanted to see in a new calculator and they asked for games to be blocked?
- I definitely think that is part of the reason for games being blocked. Education is a big purchaser of their products. They'd be dumb not listen to what the teachers wanted. And I know my teachers back in high school hated the kids playing calc games. However to block the functionality of a product (ASM) on the 83s/84+ would be stupid as well. The underground movement, if you will of developers, users and the forums past and present is huge. It has become a great hobby for many and for me at least made me believe that I could do this programming stuff and pushed me forward into other languages and platforms.

As for the docking station, all I know is the schools around me are struggling to make ends meet, I dont see them getting a bunch of these.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2010, 11:03:49 pm by Madskillz »

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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #58 on: July 16, 2010, 01:30:13 am »
Of course TI's misbehaviour needs to be slashdotted, with a reference to several articles on ticalc, and the previous Slashdot article :)

Would it be possible for TI to remove assembly support on a newer version of the TI-OS (83+/84+) or AMS (68k calcs)?
Of course. But now that we have factored all public RSA signing keys and deduced the private keys, it wouldn't be such a big deal. And even before that, as far as TI-68k calculators were concerned (it's different for TI-Z80 calcs), the unfixable exploit to modify the OS at will has been known for 10-11 years.
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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #59 on: July 16, 2010, 02:00:41 am »
I don't own anything TI but a 83+, I don't really care about the Nspire, but this shows for sure that TI is evil, like Microsoft and Apple. Of course, calculators are made for calculations and not as a full-fledged computer, I would understand that TI wants us to use our calculators as calculators only. But the community will find a workaround. Like the community jailbreaked all the iPhones and nearly all the z80 line of TI calculators.

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