Author Topic: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!  (Read 97177 times)

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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #60 on: July 16, 2010, 09:19:31 am »
Altough I am not very active right now, I just saw this after returning from work and was very dissapointed by Texas Instruments.

Something I have been wondering, is this legal from them? Are they allowed by human software rights to prevent people from using the OS they want on the handheld they BOUGHT?

They are really going far, now, and IMHO, this deserves to be seen by the rest of the world, not just the community. Because of this, I have decided to submit this to Digg.

Link below:

If enough people digg this article, it will show up on Digg front page and more people will see it, then it will get spread among other sites, if they consider this as worthy as the similar crap Apple and Sony has been doing with their products.

Does anyone know the french equivalent of Digg? It should be submitted there too, linking to TI-BANK. I wonder if it would be Slashdot-worthy?

Anyway critor, I am moving this on front page. The 30132 posts in a year record breaking can wait. Thanks a lot for letting us know about this. I am gonna edit your news, adding a third link, to the Digg article.

Please, people, do not upgrade, even those with the Touchpad! What if TI blocked every possible ways to install Ndless on this OS?
Dug this, Can you Dig it sucka? (Translation more people dig this!)

There are valid reasons for TI to not support older OSes as many of them are either buggy or incompatible with their new (click pad) Nspires. Also keep in mind that most of these old OSes are not publicly available for TI's site anymore, so there really isn't any reason (for TI) to support them. I'm not saying that their motivation was for these reasons entirely, because it is peculiar that the OSes that are blocked are the ones that allow for third party software to be executed. I wonder if perhaps a patch could be written to allow the reinstall OS function to still allow older OSes to be sent? This certainly does put a damper on things, but I am hopeful that the community will find a workaround.

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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #61 on: July 16, 2010, 01:20:46 pm »
While reading the Google group about the TI-Nspire (basically a group of teachers who are against ASM programs) someone said:

 I would imagine in March when the next version of the
OS is realsed, you would see some things to get excited about.

This worries me.  If it has some things "to get excited about" it might motivate people to upgrade their OS, making even more Nspires not compatible with Ndless. :(
« Last Edit: July 16, 2010, 01:22:15 pm by apcalc »

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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #62 on: July 16, 2010, 01:26:58 pm »
This. is. WAR!
I could imagine what a lot of talk in that google group is like :P
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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #63 on: July 16, 2010, 01:36:14 pm »
This. is. WAR!
I could imagine what a lot of talk in that google group is like :P

Some of their discussion makes me sick because they praise some of the useless features of the nspire and say bad things about ndless.  I only read it to find out news about the Nspire, like this.  This is also where I found out about OS 2.1.

You are right, this is war.  The community has to do something to stop this.  Maybe we can prepare a ton of C/ASM programs for the Nspire to be released at the same time and then get a large feature on to try to lure users into sticking with OS 1.1?

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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #64 on: July 16, 2010, 01:45:43 pm »
ah, this reminds me of the fight between the palm pre and itunes where palm kept sending web os updates to get into itunes, then apple kept sending itunes updates to keep the palm out of itunes. Like I said, the war has just begun.
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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #65 on: July 16, 2010, 01:56:20 pm »
Some of their discussion makes me sick because they praise some of the useless features of the nspire and say bad things about ndless.  I only read it to find out news about the Nspire, like this.  This is also where I found out about OS 2.1.
Well, they are teachers :P (lol, j/k, I've had some really good teachers)
You are right, this is war.  The community has to do something to stop this.  Maybe we can prepare a ton of C/ASM programs for the Nspire to be released at the same time and then get a large feature on to try to lure users into sticking with OS 1.1?
Interesting idea. Possibly better is to create programs for OS 1.7, and when Ndless is released for that OS, release them all at once, since new Nspires will come with 2.1
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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #66 on: July 16, 2010, 01:57:59 pm »
Some of their discussion makes me sick because they praise some of the useless features of the nspire and say bad things about ndless.  I only read it to find out news about the Nspire, like this.  This is also where I found out about OS 2.1.
Well, they are teachers :P

Hey, I'm a teacher... :-(
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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #67 on: July 16, 2010, 01:59:31 pm »
Oops, sorry. :( You forgot to quote the part where I said "j/k"
Also, you're on our side :)
Edit: for clarification, no hard feelings meant
Also, 500th post!
« Last Edit: July 16, 2010, 02:00:19 pm by calcdude84se »
"People think computers will keep them from making mistakes. They're wrong. With computers you make mistakes faster."
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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #68 on: July 16, 2010, 02:06:10 pm »
You know, what motivated me to get a graphing calc for school in 2001 is the fact we could play some games and program some on it. I know it was useful primarly for maths, but had games been impossible on calcs, I would simply have borrowed the TI-82s in math classes or I would have bought the cheap $49.99 Casio Staples had at the time (I don't remember what was the model.). I didn't felt like spending $139.99 plus taxes on a TI-83+ if it was just gonna do some math stuff, not knowing if it was ever gonna be useful anymore once I graduate.

Also, Mic on TI-BANK is a teacher as well. I think someone who used to frequent #tcpa and #ti is now a math teacher, too.

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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #69 on: July 16, 2010, 02:06:30 pm »
I assume this is the google group you're talking about:

What worries me about this group, besides their lack of knowledge of our community and the fact that any effort to stop "3rd party programs" would just be a stupid battle on TIs part. Its that they all seem to be conspiring against us. They argue that kids dont pay enough attention to them in class. I don't think it's TIs fault or us developers, maybe if the teachers were more engaging and interesting they wouldnt have this lack of attention. They are obviously aware of and that could bring a whole lot of bad attention to us developers. What I mean by that is all the copyright names/games that we infringe on. Up until this point it has been mainly April Fools jokes, but its possible that some of those great games would have to be removed, they would never be lost though.

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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #70 on: July 16, 2010, 02:13:18 pm »
This is not to mention that certain TI calc-related softwares used to come with a CD filled with games. It was removed due to an ASCII porn program reported by a parent, though.

Also Madskillz, there have been three events of C&D in the TI community regarding copyrighted games: Kirk Meyer's Monopoly clone in 1998 and Tenniskid493's Golden Sun: The Chosen One in 2005. I believe Threefingeredguy's Space Station Pheta project was hit by one, too, but both him and the original company finally came to an agreement allowing 3fg to release his clone of the game. I do not recall any other DMCA/C&D incidents regarding copyrighted games in the TI community, though.

In Monopoly case, I don't remember what happened, but he somehow released it 2 years later. I guess he came with an agreement too
In Golden Sun: The Chosen One Case, our former Omnimaga staff Tenniskid493 was forced to remove any Golden Sun references from his game and renamed the game to just "The Chosen One". Sadly, the project never got completed.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2010, 02:18:27 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #71 on: July 16, 2010, 02:21:06 pm »
1. Thhis iss, baad

2. I didnt try it out, but it seems all that "new math functions" is a bunch of hyped up crap, only feature is the block

3. Damnit, just damnit

4. Well big problem for me is that I dont use 1.1 because of that little LCD bug, the patch is very annoying to use every time.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2010, 02:25:26 pm by qazz42 »

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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #72 on: July 16, 2010, 02:22:52 pm »
1. Thhis iss, baad

I could not agree more. :(

2. I didnt try it out, but it seems all that "new math functions" is a bunch of hyped up crap, only feature is the block

This is completely true.  Also, they added some new features for teachers, most likely to get them to upgrade everyone's OS.

3. Damnit, just damnit

I could not have said it better. :(
« Last Edit: July 16, 2010, 02:25:09 pm by apcalc »

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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #73 on: July 16, 2010, 02:32:08 pm »
I have applied for membership on that Google group. If people there are posting too many uninformed or hostile crap, then we should try gently fixing them :)
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Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« Reply #74 on: July 16, 2010, 02:38:10 pm »
I have applied for membership on that Google group. If people there are posting too many uninformed or hostile crap, then we should try gently fixing them :)

I'm a member too. Essentially for staying informed of the good and bad things coming from TI.
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