Author Topic: New ClassPad II (fx-CP400) OS released!  (Read 7657 times)

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New ClassPad II (fx-CP400) OS released!
« on: July 30, 2014, 01:35:49 pm »
Casio Australia has announced that a new OS for the ClassPad II calculator model, version 2.00, will be released soon. As reported by Casiopeia, it will come with the following improvements and additions:

Quote from: Helder7
Sliders & pinch zoom in graphs
Interact with secants and chords in the new Interactive Differential Calculus application
Plot the values of the tangent's slope and see the idea of a derivative function forming
Explore the connection between a function and its derivative function
Graphs can now be viewed horizontally
3D Graphing, with wire mesh and surface colouring
Physium periodic table

It is unclear if this new OS will improve BASIC language speed (which is particularly problematic on the ClassPad series) and if the Physium application will be built-in or available as separate add-in. However, if Physium comes in the form of an add-in, then could this mean that third-party ASM and C programs could eventually be made possible by the community in the same fashion as on the Casio PRIZM? Back in late 2010, a few Omnimaga members studied the add-in format on the Casio PRIZM then managed to create third-party ones before the calculator even came out, bringing ASM/C to the Casio fx-CG10/20 community.

You can download the OS here.



UPDATE (July 31st): mViewer GX has been ported to the ClassPad II, as it appears that the calculator has built-in image support. It is still in alpha stages, though, so bugs would have to be reported in the appropriate thread. Also remember to use common sense when using any calculator image converter.

It also appears that Physium is part of the OS, so no add-in support after all, meaning that Casio might have taken the same route as TI when it comes to locking down their calcs.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2014, 03:44:32 am by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: New ClassPad II (fx-CP400) OS released!
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2014, 03:35:28 am »
UPDATE: mViewer GX has been ported to the cp400, so it's now available on every color calc!

However, I would like to remind everyone to use common sense when using any calculator image editor or viewer out there (even TI-Connect), preferably restricting your use of it for BASIC games or for learning. The potential that community image converters might fall under the wrong hands (and result in Casio locking their calcs even more, which they did with the cp400, since Physium appears to be part of the OS) is why Cemetech has opened a topic asking if users think a similar SourceCoder 3 feature for the American PRIZM models would have its place or not (I'm personally for such feature, as my post states there, but they're free to do as they wish). . It is seen as a much smaller concern as it was back in 2012, though, because the HP Prime and 84+CSE models are accepted in tests despite having color image support and anybody can create 8-color PRIZM images on-calc as they see fit (although it will take a long while).

Otherwise, this could open new possibilities for BASIC coders, such as a Shining in the Darkness, Myst or Illusiat remake.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2014, 03:42:38 am by DJ Omnimaga »