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Omnimaga activity skyrockets, Cemetech follows suit
« on: July 01, 2010, 03:30:07 am »
It seems like the English z80 TI community is slowly getting centered on fewer forums again, like how it was in 2003-04, when MaxCoderz and UTI were the two only TI-83 Plus forums with considerable activity. This time, it seems like it's Omnimaga and Cemetech. For the first half of 2010, there has been almost as much posting activity in most of the English z80 community than the entire year 2009 alone, but almost 90% of it was on these two sites alone.

The graphics below shows the yearly activity of several z80 English TI forums since 2005. One shows the activity per forums, the other shows the total of all and the other shows the activity ratio between each of them. It is not 100% accurate, as it includes deleted posts, but it should still give an overview of how things evolved over the years. Click the image to show a larger, more readable view.

As you can see, most other forums still seems to be on the drop. Could this be due to inactivity from staff and admins? Hopefully, it is not too late for certain of those communities. In 2008, both Omnimaga and Cemetech were at their lowest and one year later, they lead the community. From what we could see in the last few months, TI-BASIC Developer has done a comeback, MaxCoderz got a few new active members and Revsoft has some project progress. United-TI activity has periods of higher activity and get a bunch of members, altough activity is not stable. Cemetech almost has as many posts for the first half of 2010 as they did for the entire year of 2009 and Omnimaga is getting close to its record of 30132 in 2006, only 6 months into 2010. Could this be the Doors CS and Axe Parser effect on respective sites?

Nonetheless, calculators have done a big comeback in a way. There are more featured programs on, although several got missed. Cemetech had its first 200+ post day since 2007 this month, which got over 2500 in total. Omnimaga got 17 days over 200 posts in June alone, 7 of which were above 300 and 2 in a row above 400. A total of 7251 posts were made on our board just in June, beating by far our April 2010 record of 5430.

The upcoming Summer activity slump looks like it will not be as bad as previous years, as several new projects were recently announced, many of which are for the two programming contests. Also, hopefully the activity of both leading forums might eventually bring some new members to other forums and in long term have a mutual effect.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 03:33:24 am by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: Omnimaga activity skyrockets, Cemetech follows suit
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2010, 10:56:48 am »
Wow.  Omnimaga and Cemetech both have a ton of activity.  I remember when I first found Omni and thought activity was high...  Look at it now! ;D

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Re: Omnimaga activity skyrockets, Cemetech follows suit
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2010, 10:58:23 am »
And TI Bank? :p
Projects :

Worms armageddon z80 :
- smoothscrolling Pixelmapping : 100%
- Map editor : 80%
- Game System : 0%

Tutoriel français sur l'Axe Parser
- 1ère partie : en ligne.
- 2ème partie : en ligne.
- 3ème partie : en ligne.
- 4ème partie : 10%
- Annexe : 100%

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Re: Omnimaga activity skyrockets, Cemetech follows suit
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2010, 11:00:12 am »
Since this only shows the English z80 Ti Forums, TI-Bank isn't on there.  That being said, it would be a very interesting comparison. ;D

Offline kindermoumoute

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Projects :

Worms armageddon z80 :
- smoothscrolling Pixelmapping : 100%
- Map editor : 80%
- Game System : 0%

Tutoriel français sur l'Axe Parser
- 1ère partie : en ligne.
- 2ème partie : en ligne.
- 3ème partie : en ligne.
- 4ème partie : 10%
- Annexe : 100%

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Re: Omnimaga activity skyrockets, Cemetech follows suit
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2010, 11:33:16 am »
'Tis still a separated world, TI-Bank/yAronet and the anglophone community...

Most of the competent Dutch-speaking members of have signed up on at least one American forum. But maybe this has to do with the fact that the ti-wereld community alone is not capable of maintaining itself, something TI-Bank does easily.

I also have a suspicion that all the top-notch stuff made in the French community is done by people active in both. (this is just an observation, I'm not being contemptuous) There are exceptions on yAronet, of course. Practically the whole nSpire cracking project was done there.

(I read a post from critor iirc where he stated that most people on TI-Bank were no developers. I can't remember which thread. (it was on TI-Bank) That doesn't stop it from being a big and helpful forum, though. :) I got some of my help there, in the beginning, by reading their help section)

So what do you think? Is it a good thing that the 'centre of gravity' of developers lies in the American fora, or should we diversify?

EDIT: or do you totally disagree about my 'observation'. It's, of course, partly due to what I judge to be revolutionary. :P
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 11:34:21 am by mapar007 »

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Re: Omnimaga activity skyrockets, Cemetech follows suit
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2010, 05:36:12 pm »
I think it is more due to English not being focused on much in France. It seems a lot of dutch calculator programmers speak english well. What I think is that the innovations and contributions, calc dev-wise, from Critor and other TI-BANK members have helped them a lot. There is so many interesting stuff on that site.

The main reason why I did not cover the french TI forums in my graphs, though, is because in 2008, the french community did not go as inactive as the english one. They did not have to deal with trollfests like us from 2006 to 2010 in the z80 community. The graph above was mostly to show how the English community is coming back now.

Another reason is that none of the French TI forums use forum systems from which the stats can be grabbed the way I did with UTI and Cemetech. This is the reason why I did not include CalcGames either.

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Re: Omnimaga activity skyrockets, Cemetech follows suit
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2010, 08:04:32 pm »
The thing is that a lot of the French or Dutch ti site members speak English pretty well. When people born and raised in the good ol' red white and blue really dont speak many other languages beside English well. I can speak a bit of Spanish and I took Latin in high school but could I hold a conversation not likely. Unlike those in other countries who are taught at least one other language as well as their native one. Its no wonder our schooling lacks compared to other countries. I do like to see the stats though of all the English ti sites.

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Re: Omnimaga activity skyrockets, Cemetech follows suit
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2010, 10:20:23 pm »
I hope UnitedTI gets pulled into this too, and then we'd have a complete revival :)

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Re: Omnimaga activity skyrockets, Cemetech follows suit
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2010, 02:18:21 am »
Yeah me too. Sadly some people there did not help much the situation from 2009 to 2010 and to a much lesser extent, the second part of 2008. In the past, when such things happened, I tried to convince them to put an end to it to not lose members, but I was never taken seriously by any admin/staff on other forums and it pissed me off. I stopped doing this in 2009 because it's not good for me and it doesn't do any help on other forums, not to mention now I think each forum admins should run their forums as they wish.

The consequence of this, though, is that several people got tired of what was happening and migrated to Omnimaga one after another through Spring 2009 and Fall 2009, as they saw our site did not condone rude behavior toward members, especially newbies, and rarely posted on UTI afterward. Some even pretty much completly left (for example, I do not recall Ztrumpet and Geekboy1011 posting there in the last 5 months). They only post in the Robot War topic. I am pretty sure when those events happened, that some newer members got discouraged too, because there are a lot of faces I no longer see around there. Bad behaviors no longer seems to happen on UTI now but it might be because the contributors are barely active these days.

The reason why Cemetech did not get hit as much is because of the dedication of Kerm Martian and its core Cemetech usergroup to the site and the fact their rules advertise their site as it really is, unlike UTI, which has a rule #1 about respect like us, but do not enforce it. I believe Cemetech even has a warning about potential offensive comments. At least on Cemetech and Omni, when you sign-up, you know what you're up to.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2010, 02:23:52 am by DJ Omnimaga »

Offline Galandros

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Re: Omnimaga activity skyrockets, Cemetech follows suit
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2010, 04:18:44 am »
Our fears of drop of activity during summer hasn't happened for now. Instead happened the reverse.

I don't post much on UTI anymore because there is no discussion that gets me into participating. If DigiTan posts on Robot War, for example, I reply because is a damn good game. I think it is the same reason for ztrumpet and geekboy. Before there was always 3-5 topics of TI-BASIC to help others or discussing. Now there isn't one single post. And the admins and moderators are a bit absent in UTI. :( That is not the main cause but doesn't help. The UTI admins are not like DJ Omnimaga or Kerm Martian in terms of posting.

Cemetech on the other hand has always Kerm Martian posting and some regular members there. That always draws attentions.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2010, 04:19:47 am by Galandros »
Hobbing in calculator projects.

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Re: Omnimaga activity skyrockets, Cemetech follows suit
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2010, 10:08:05 pm »
Ticalc features from December to June, (December, since POTY cutoff date is December 1st,) each POTY year:

2003 - 27 (note that this includes the e-book ticalc newsletters and WFRNG)
2004 - 55
2005 - 18 (including Reuben Quest series, missing from the list)
2006 - 11
2007 - 6
2008 - 1
2009 - 4
2010 - 13

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Re: Omnimaga activity skyrockets, Cemetech follows suit
« Reply #12 on: July 03, 2010, 11:28:12 am »
2010 - 13

As for myself, I don't post on UTI much anymore because of the attitudes of some of the members.  I've only posted in The Penguin's release topic since this March. :)

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Re: Omnimaga activity skyrockets, Cemetech follows suit
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2010, 03:47:31 pm »
Yeah 2010 seems quite good so far. 2009 looks crappy but most features came out in July through September. I think in 2009 as a whole there were more features than 2007 (and maybe 2006?), so it is rather promising for 2010 now

Offline Galandros

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Re: Omnimaga activity skyrockets, Cemetech follows suit
« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2010, 12:04:46 pm »
Kerm Martian is animating Cemetech quite well.
But Omnimaga looks unstoppable now. It is really a pleasure to contribute to this forums.

Sometimes, in certain topics, I would prefer a little bit less spam and offtopic but because the spirit is nice, it is ok. :)
And not forgetting, I do have my moments in offtopic.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 12:07:05 pm by Galandros »
Hobbing in calculator projects.