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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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« on: May 16, 2005, 09:10:00 am »
Finally now redirect to so you can access the new site from the same old URL! For those who were still visiting Omnimaga at Earthforge, welcome to the new site. :)smile.gif

As posted before this new portal will allow me to update the website more easily, without having to edit a HTML source just to add a newstiem, a file or a website links. It also allow you to post comments on newsitems, write your own file reviews, post comments on the projects and post updates about your project if your RPG is included in the project list. I also added a guestbook, if you register you can send me private messages if you have any question and suggestions and there is lot of other features now avaliable on Omnimaga v.2.0! The archives aren't all back up yet but in a few day all the files should be downloadable again (thanks to Gimpynerd and Solitaire710 for their help) :)smile.gif . I archived the old website with version 1.0 and 1.1 for those who are nostalgic. Go if you need to download a file that isn't avaliable on the new website yet. I hope you will enjoy your visit.  :Dbiggrin.gif