Author Topic: Omnimaga has reborn!  (Read 2270 times)

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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Omnimaga has reborn!
« on: February 01, 2005, 10:00:01 am »
Ok here is what happened: Back in november 8th, I definitively left school so I didn't have internet access until today. To make matter worse, near the end of December, my webhoster moved to another server, but not the hosted files so Omnimaga got shutted down. This might have left many people thinking that the website closed since it haven't been updated since the early November. Now it's back (hopefully I make lot of backups :)smile.gif), at Earthforge. That being said, I upgraded Omnimaga to version 1.2 and I made major update on the website. Here is the list of updates:

-Made a better background (not with MS Paint this time), and it doesn't scrool anymore.
-The main page now shows 5 news at time. Click on the link below them to view all news.
-Archive page now show how many files there is in each directory
-Added links to old website versions in the "About" section
-Changed some text font size and colors in page descriptions
-Fixed some minor display bugs, altough there may still be remaining ones (thanks to my crappy HTML knowledges :Pblah.gif)
-Changed some text font size and colors in page descriptions
-Added a "Projects" section
-As you may have noticed, the banner subtitle changed. Now instead of saying "Your TI-Calc RPGs Headquarter" it says "Your Calculator RPGs Headquarter". In fact Omnimaga now follows Epic Programming Studio so it's not only TI-related anymore. Now my website will offer RPGs and programming tools for all brands of graphing calculators: TI, Casio and HP!
-Added Casio and HP section in the archives
-The link page now display which calculator brands each links covers.

Right now there is only one program avaliable for Casio and HP because I lost all the games I downloaded before my computer crash in early october and I have to get them back. Talking about programs, the Casio program I added is a Graph 100 and AFX emulator and I added 7 TI programming tools (including one made by me). I also added my two newest releases, Reuben Quest: Ev Awakening and Reuben Quest: The Lost Mirror (the sequel), two BASIC puzzle-RPGs featuring grayscale graphics. More programs and game should come soon :)smile.gif. Now let's talk about programming, projects and other stuff. Aura (from EPS), Destiny Realm (from UnitedTI) and Zelda (from a guy on MaxCoderz forums) RPGs are currently progressing nicely and The Verdante Forest (MaxCoderz) is finally complete and has been updated in the archives. Also, non-french speaking people now have access to the serie that introduced the world of Omnimaga: Illusiat. I started translating all of them and Illusiat 1 to 3 and 5 to 11 are alerady avaliable on this website in english. As you can see, the TI community is currently running quite well, except for one project who officially died in November: The Reign of Legends 4ever.