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Normally they join around 14-16 but we sometimes get 12-13 years old members too as well as adult ones who programmed calcs for ages before joining or older people in their 40s who are just interested in old school hardware. People who join past 14 usually stay until they start college and turn 18 and the 12-13 years old members usually stay for less than 6 months since at this age they have a much shorter attention span.
calculators could possibly either become a thing of the past or be adopted by vintage computer programmers and the like.
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on September 01, 2014, 10:08:51 pmNormally they join around 14-16 but we sometimes get 12-13 years old members too as well as adult ones who programmed calcs for ages before joining or older people in their 40s who are just interested in old school hardware. People who join past 14 usually stay until they start college and turn 18 and the 12-13 years old members usually stay for less than 6 months since at this age they have a much shorter attention span.That sounds about right. I guess it starts going into high school where students get graphical calculators and begin programming, and they might join some forums along the way.I haven't posted much in the last year, and at one point just forgot about calculators, but I have a secret project that I've recently resumed on.Nevertheless, Omnimaga and other calc sites fill a niche of calculator development that is really unique and I hope it continues to live for many years to come. Because for me, and possibly for many others, calculator programming taught me the basic constructs of programming in general.
No that's not what I mean. Basically, when Minecraft became popular, half of Omnimaga userbase vanished entirely. Those people got so much into Minecraft that they stopped all calculator and programming development.