Author Topic: Omnimaga Programming Contest 2011 Part 1: Axe Parser poll and judging starts  (Read 43516 times)

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^Like if the total file size comes to ~30k haha. If I had time for compression I might've been able to fit StickNinja all in the app though, hmmmm

Leafiness0; You should make Tag smoothscrolling. That way you could use 8x8 graphics :D Also I'm sad that it's 15mhz, :( running my batteries down =/
« Last Edit: July 16, 2011, 09:32:05 pm by squidgetx »

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^Like if the total file size comes to ~30k haha. If I had time for compression I might've been able to fit StickNinja all in the app though, hmmmm

Leafiness0; You should make Tag smoothscrolling. That way you could use 8x8 graphics :D Also I'm sad that it's 15mhz, :( running my batteries down =/
heh, I should make a 8x8 zoom in button for nymless.
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^Like if the total file size comes to ~30k haha. If I had time for compression I might've been able to fit StickNinja all in the app though, hmmmm

Leafiness0; You should make Tag smoothscrolling. That way you could use 8x8 graphics :D Also I'm sad that it's 15mhz, :( running my batteries down =/
heh, I should make a 8x8 zoom in button for nymless.

Nymless was great in it's drawing and physics, the only thing I would recommend is a level pack. Do that and its a fun game!
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^Like if the total file size comes to ~30k haha. If I had time for compression I might've been able to fit StickNinja all in the app though, hmmmm

Leafiness0; You should make Tag smoothscrolling. That way you could use 8x8 graphics :D Also I'm sad that it's 15mhz, :( running my batteries down =/
heh, I should make a 8x8 zoom in button for nymless.

Nymless was great in it's drawing and physics, the only thing I would recommend is a level pack. Do that and its a fun game!
That's the thing that killed me: having multiple levels on calc.
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Well, its like having 5, 6, or even 7 (depending on the diversity of the levels) different games. But you did good not trying to make a bunch of levels, you focused on the quality of the game, which is truely better.
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Well, its like having 5, 6, or even 7 (depending on the diversity of the levels) different games. But you did good not trying to make a bunch of levels, you focused on the quality of the game, which is truely better.
Gosh, thanks.
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Look in the help. 2nd to shift, Alpha to switch dimensions, although I think some levels have only one at a time.
2nd and shift doesn't do anything for me.  ???
It depends on if they're enabled in the options--so if 2nd doesn't shift or alpha doesn't switch then it's probably disabled.  Btw objects will only work if they both exist and are enabled.
Also, some of the levels have only one dimension ;) so if it looks like there's only one layer that's probably the case.
And yeah, I didn't spend too much time developing levels, I ran out of ideas and just ripped them off of some of my old screenies...

In DS there are only 4 levels, so from 0 to 3 work. the rest are just empty.
I need to fix that...instead of saying the level doesn't exist it makes a new blank one.  My bad :P

Trying out programs now...
btw @tloz AXLE threw ERR:INVALID initially, but after compiling for ion it worked.  I'm assuming you did DCS or something?  Still stuck in some endless loop in the first level (that room where you fall down through a bunch of coins, there's two doors (and only two) at the bottom, both of which redirect to previous rooms) :/

AXLE: Great.  Threw ERR:INVALID initially, but after compiling for ion it worked.  Still stuck in some endless loop in the first level (that room where you fall down through a bunch of coins, there's two doors (and only two) at the bottom, both of which redirect to previous rooms) :/
EasyGame: Awesome.  This is the next WFRNG.
Tag: Also awesome.  Only problem is that after I beat it and quit and it automatically saved: RAMClearRoll'D.
FPA Demo: Nice.  I have no idea how you did this, while buggy it's still pretty cool.

Still trying the rest..
« Last Edit: July 16, 2011, 10:24:38 pm by Darl181 »
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All of the entries were great in their own way!  :D

I still feel disappointed that I couldn't finish that random number generator on time.  :P
« Last Edit: July 16, 2011, 10:17:43 pm by ralphdspam »
ld a, 0
ld a, a

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Still stuck in some endless loop in the first level (that room where you fall down through a bunch of coins, there's two doors (and only two) at the bottom, both of which redirect to previous rooms) :/
There is a secret exit. Remember, nowhere in the level is off limits. Try jumping along walls.  ;)
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Still stuck in some endless loop in the first level (that room where you fall down through a bunch of coins, there's two doors (and only two) at the bottom, both of which redirect to previous rooms) :/
There is a secret exit. Remember, nowhere in the level is off limits. Try jumping along walls.  ;)

I found it ^^ I feel so proud of myself.
In-progress: Graviter (...)

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So you can walljump or something?
I found a sort of steps thing going up, but one of the steps was just one tile too high :P

Nvm, just held the key until one jump was higher fsr

EDIT: so you jump higher if you're running...doesn't make much sense imho but w/e
« Last Edit: July 17, 2011, 03:19:49 pm by Darl181 »
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Ok, I spent the last couple hours playing these games and here's my reviews, spoiler-d out for your convenience :

Spacky Emprise 12/20:
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Not my best work, I'll admit. I actually didn't know about the contest until exactly two weeks before submissions were due, so I just kind of thought, what the heck, why not. Anyways, it's my first platform game, and I'm planning on making a sequel that's hopefully loads better. Currently, though, Spacky Emprise is basically just another platformer. However, there is one thing in here that I'm proud of, and that I was disappointed that I didn't see in any other games - variable-height jumping. This is basically the concept that if you barely tap the jump button, you go about 1 millimeter off the ground, and the longer you hold down the button, the higher you jump. Just a nice little feature I kinda hoped to see in other games, but didn't

AXLE 17/20:
Spoiler For Spoiler:
Sigh....this game was so close to being my vote. It's an awesome platform adventure game, I love the goldilock physics (not too much, not too little, unlike those games *cough* Tag *cough* where you barely tap left and you go across half the screen), but I have one main issue. In an adventure game of any kind, be it platformer, rpg, fps, or anything else like that, there should never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, be a point where you have to start over the entire game. In AXLE, I got to the third stage, Pipeline Plummet, and then died, and got sent back to the first stage. After that I put it down, because even though it was fun, it was too epic to recreate the experience. Kind of like if you're watching LOTR, and you fall asleep halfway through, when you wake up, you don't want to start over the entire movie. You want to start halfway through. If that one annoyance was fixed, this game would've probably won it for me.

Fancy Pants Adventures World 1 Demo 8/20:
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This was pretty nice. I'm disappointed that it's not going to be continued, because it clearly has potential. I side with SirCmpwn about the whole entire-line-disappearing-when-it's-only-half-off-the-screen thing. I hope that even though Deep Thought isn't continuing it, someone will step up and complete the game.

Stick Ninja 16/20:
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This game, like AXLE, could have also been great. I love the graphics, the gameplay, and the level design is nice if a little hard. However I have two problems, one isn't very big but the other is gigantic. The small problem: Come on. He's supposed to be a ninja. Why can't he do backflips and stuff :) ? Seriously though, that would have been pretty freaking awesome. The big problem: This game is really, really, buggy. Weird things happen at arbitrary parts in the levels. The screen randomly wigs out, and I get the feeling that the pointer to the current level gets messed up or something. Anyways, it was really disappointing and made me want to stop playing. This game cleared my RAM three times, and one of those times, I had to pop a battery.

Tag 18/20:
Spoiler For Spoiler:
Wow. This game was pretty much the quintessential platform puzzle game. Great concept, however, this game has it's own share of problems, the most promiment of these being the difficulty of the game. I had to stop at level 8 because it was just too hard. I thought I figured out about how to do it, but after attempting the level for about fifteen minutes I just got sick of it. Another big problem is the physics. There's a point where it's just too much. Too often, I would try and inch to the left but go flying into those spike things that make you blow up (which was hilarious, btw, but only to a point) In spite of these problems, this game was well done and gets my vote for the contest.

Easy Game:
Spoiler For Spoiler:
No comment. Title says it all. This game put a smile on my face :) .

Cube Droid 15/20:
Spoiler For Spoiler:
I didn't really get this game. The graphics were great, but seeing as I haven't played the flash game and the readme was not very helpful, I didn't understand how to play. Here's what I perceived from level one: You're the little guy bobbing up and down and you can move around and push blocks and stuff. If you step in front of a laser, you get zapped and die. I think the goal was to collect all those battery-looking things, but after I did that strange things started happening and I had to stop playing. I tried to get into it, but couldn't because nothing made sense to me.

Anyways, there's my take. I don't have time to play the remaining three games, but if/when I get around to it I'll post what I think of them (and possibly change my vote? we'll see :) ). My apologies if you were offended by any of this, and I'm sincere when I say that all the games were great and I can tell a lot of blood, sweat, and tears (maybe) went into the creation of said games.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2011, 02:04:08 pm by buttsfredkin »
Completed Projects:
   >> Spacky Emprise   >> Spacky 2 - Beta   >> Fantastic Sam
   >> An Exercise In Futility   >> GeoCore

My Current Projects:

Projects in Development:
In Medias Res - Contest Entry

Talk to me if you need help with Axe coding.

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Not much yet, hopefully this section will grow soon with time (and more contests)

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Cube Droid 15/20:
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I didn't really get this game. The graphics were great, but seeing as I haven't played the flash game and the readme was not very helpful, I didn't understand how to play. Here's what I perceived from level one: You're the little guy bobbing up and down and you can move around and push blocks and stuff. If you step in front of a laser, you get zapped and die. I think the goal was to collect all those battery-looking things, but after I did that strange things started happening and I had to stop playing. I tried to get into it, but couldn't because nothing made sense to me.

Anyways, there's my take. I don't have time to play the remaining three games, but if/when I get around to it I'll post what I think of them (and possibly change my vote? we'll see :) ). My apologies if you were offended by any of this, and I'm sincere when I say that all the games were great and I can tell a lot of blood, sweat, and tears (maybe) went into the creation of said games.
Thank you very much for letting me know exactly what you thought of the game.  If you were concerned about my feelings (which you probably weren't, but I still feel like saying this), then I'm really glad you posted what you did.  You're feedback, though a little negative, is exactly what I want. :)  Thank you for posting why you didn't like it, as now I know what needs to be improved. :D

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You forgot Nymless!
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Sigh...why is my entry so buggy? I really don't know why, as my calc seemed to handle it perfectly fine, as did Wabbit =/