Author Topic: Omnimaga Programming Contest 2011 Part 3: Casio Prizm poll and judging starts  (Read 28823 times)

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Re: Omnimaga Programming Contest 2011 Part 3: Casio Prizm poll and judging starts
« Reply #30 on: September 19, 2011, 03:44:54 pm »
Yea I got a casio prizm for school (but mainly because it looked neat w/ the color screen and stuff)

I like the idea of the prizm city game, but I cannot figure out how to place roads and buildings and stuff. I know the shift key sets what type of area it is supposed to be (not sure if thats necessary) but shift doesn't place anything else. Also, a way to save would be nice, that way I don't have to keep generating a map that isn't too big in the first place.

But thats just my thoughts.

P.S. If somebody good at programming could even make the simplest form of minecraft, I would love you to death, this prizm tanks game is getting a tiny bit boring for me :P

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Re: Omnimaga Programming Contest 2011 Part 3: Casio Prizm poll and judging starts
« Reply #31 on: September 20, 2011, 07:32:47 am »
Yea I got a casio prizm for school (but mainly because it looked neat w/ the color screen and stuff)
Welcome to the Casio Prizm community!
I like the idea of the prizm city game, but I cannot figure out how to place roads and buildings and stuff. I know the shift key sets what type of area it is supposed to be (not sure if thats necessary) but shift doesn't place anything else. Also, a way to save would be nice, that way I don't have to keep generating a map that isn't too big in the first place.
I believe that your role in the game is to take care of zoning for the city.  Then private builders will come and build whatever you said they could build there.  The contest release is really only a demo for what is to come.  Its just a matter of patience; such things will take some time but the wait will be worth it.

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Re: Omnimaga Programming Contest 2011 Part 3: Casio Prizm poll and judging starts
« Reply #32 on: September 20, 2011, 05:45:47 pm »
So, since Ashbad kinda isn't here anymore, is he still eligible for the 100$?
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Re: Omnimaga Programming Contest 2011 Part 3: Casio Prizm poll and judging starts
« Reply #33 on: September 21, 2011, 07:20:46 am »
He put a lot of work into his game and I don't want to see that effort wasted.

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Re: Omnimaga Programming Contest 2011 Part 3: Casio Prizm poll and judging starts
« Reply #34 on: September 21, 2011, 07:41:02 am »
So, since Ashbad kinda isn't here anymore, is he still eligible for the 100$?
Yes, he will be.

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Re: Omnimaga Programming Contest 2011 Part 3: Casio Prizm poll and judging starts
« Reply #35 on: September 21, 2011, 08:03:09 am »
Sorry for off-topic, but what happened ? I never use #omnomIRC so I don't know anything...

Getting back to the topic, I voted for Sequenced. I like both Sequenced and PrizmCity, but since prizmCity has awesome graphics, I think it will get more votes.

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Re: Omnimaga Programming Contest 2011 Part 3: Casio Prizm poll and judging starts
« Reply #36 on: September 22, 2011, 04:56:44 pm »
Voting was hard because each of the main games had complete opposite upsides and downsides so I was forced to do some sort of scoring the other day. I PM'ed myself the results so I can post them later and here they are now. In my case my vote went for Ashbad's entry (On a side note he's still eligible even if he left because his ban was 1 week long. If it was a permban, his account would have been deleted so the lack of an Omnimaga account would have disqualified him.)
9/10 Very original idea. There are some sim city clones for calcs but this one looks like it will be the most complete one so far.
10/10 Sure it is not super complex maps like we see on a SNES (Final Fantasy IV and Chrono Trigger comes to mind), but it is the first tilemapper on the Prizm and the graphics are still looking great, especially the icons, trees and mountains.
2/10 This is probably because it was not implemented yet due to being a demo, but I never could figure out how to build structures or how to get them built. In the readme I never could figure out either. As a result, I couldn't do much besides waiting for the map to load then zoning the map for commercial, residential and industrial construction. Also, controls would be better if EXE or Shift were used for menu selections and placing icons/stuff on the map, with alpha to cancel, which is the standard in calc gaming.
Replay value/Entertainment value.
4/10 As it is now, it is not very much in a playable state, but the game looks promising and when we are on the map we are intrigued and want to mess around with controls and buttons for a while.
25/40 This score will most likely skyrocket once this is finished. As it is now very awesome looking program, but I could never figure out what to do (which is probably because stuff wasn't implemented yet)

3/10 Although it is a bit more complex, in the end it is just another number guessing game.
5/10 Since it's based on number guessing, graphics are pretty much just text-only, but the color usage is rather good
9/10 Good in general and easy to understand how to use
Replay value/Entertainment value
4/10 Due to the saturation of the calculator game scene with number guessing games, the replay value of this game will not be very high and some people might get bored fast, although it can still be fun for a while
21/40 Easy to use and well layed out, although there have been a lot of guessing games so far on calcs, which dragged the originality score a lot.

Very Easy Game
2/10 Wat
1/10 Wat
1/10 Wat
Replay value/Entertainment value
0/10 Wat
4/40 I lost the game

« Last Edit: September 22, 2011, 04:58:50 pm by DJ_O »


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Re: Omnimaga Programming Contest 2011 Part 3: Casio Prizm poll and judging starts
« Reply #37 on: September 25, 2011, 09:38:07 pm »
Sorry for off-topic, but what happened ? I never use #omnomIRC so I don't know anything...

Bad place to ask, use the PM system plz

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: Omnimaga Programming Contest 2011 Part 3: Casio Prizm poll and judging starts
« Reply #38 on: September 25, 2011, 09:43:55 pm »
Well if anything very bad happened just now like trolling we won't hesitate to publicly announce it (like we did with SirCmpwn). However it has been a week so I think it's best to let it go and not hold grudges.


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Re: Omnimaga Programming Contest 2011 Part 3: Casio Prizm poll and judging starts
« Reply #39 on: September 25, 2011, 09:45:17 pm »
Well if anything very bad happened just now like trolling we won't hesitate to publicly announce it (like we did with SirCmpwn). However it has been a week so I think it's best to let it go and not hold grudges.
Sorry for off-topic, but what happened ? I never use #omnomIRC so I don't know anything...

Bad place to ask, use the PM system plz

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: Omnimaga Programming Contest 2011 Part 3: Casio Prizm poll and judging starts
« Reply #40 on: September 25, 2011, 09:50:31 pm »
Why are you requoting your post in response to mine, Ashbad? I read it very well, and was clarifying. Don't start trolling Omnimaga Ashbad now that you're back else you might be banned. I saw you badmouth runer again earlier. Stop with the <censored> hate.

[19:19:40] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Ashbad> Ew, a Pt-Get() routine?
[19:19:43] <+Runer112> step BACKWARDS
[19:19:46] <+Runer112> I've wanted that so many times
[19:19:52]  * +New post by DJ_O in Staff music download section n
[19:19:56] <+Buckeye> thats what i started work on
[19:19:58] <@calcdude> Ashbad, it's useful.
[19:20:00] <+Buckeye> its very hard though
[19:20:00] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<mrmprog> ...
[19:20:08] <+Buckeye> and requires some overhead
[19:20:11] <@Tribal> I made an astounding discovery today
[19:20:17] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<mrmprog> the point get seems pretty good
[19:20:24] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Ashbad> Either way ew
[19:20:30] <@Tribal> Bashing a empty water bottle on my keyboard doesn't result in keys being pressed
[19:20:31] <+Runer112> I guess Buckeye
[19:20:34] <+Runer112> Ashbad, it can be quite useful
[19:20:38] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<mrmprog> lol
[19:20:52] <+Runer112> if you have a game like graviter where the tilemap isn't drawn every frame
[19:20:55] <+Runer112> just a few sprites
[19:21:07] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<Ashbad> I don't see why there's axioms if every sliced-bread routine is added on request
[19:21:08] <+Runer112> not having to copy the entire tilemap back to the main buffer every frame would save lots of time
[19:21:19] <+Runer112> I thought Pt-Get was pretty cool
[19:21:21] <+OmnomIRC> (O)* Ashbad doesn't listen to Runer
« Last Edit: September 25, 2011, 11:00:32 pm by DJ_O »


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Re: Omnimaga Programming Contest 2011 Part 3: Casio Prizm poll and judging starts
« Reply #41 on: September 25, 2011, 09:51:58 pm »
Because another comment about it was unnessicary.  The more comments about it, the more people will ask about it on IRC, in this thread, etc.

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Re: Omnimaga Programming Contest 2011 Part 3: Casio Prizm poll and judging starts
« Reply #42 on: September 25, 2011, 09:52:44 pm »
I don't give a <censored> Ashbad. You screw up, I won't try to protect you afterward by hiding what you did.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2011, 10:02:57 pm by Qwerty.55 »


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Re: Omnimaga Programming Contest 2011 Part 3: Casio Prizm poll and judging starts
« Reply #43 on: September 25, 2011, 09:56:20 pm »
Spoiler For quote of foul language from previous post:

Ok, I get it.  Make it public then, I don't really care.  Obviously my efforts above were to no avail.

On a side note, only a few more days until the contest voting period ends \o/
« Last Edit: September 25, 2011, 09:57:58 pm by Qwerty.55 »

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Re: Omnimaga Programming Contest 2011 Part 3: Casio Prizm poll and judging starts
« Reply #44 on: September 25, 2011, 09:56:55 pm »
One more comment from either of you (whether you were flaming or not) and I'm locking this thread.

EDIT: DJ, stop undoing my edits. I wouldn't be censoring you if you weren't cursing.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2011, 10:03:33 pm by Qwerty.55 »
∂²Ψ    -(2m(V(x)-E)Ψ
---  = -------------
∂x²        ℏ²Ψ