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Omnimaga seeks for RPG news editor
« on: November 10, 2005, 06:02:00 am »
Omnimaga is hiring once again. Right now we have a graphic designer (Master_Jc), a pixel art contest manager (me until christmas and arti afterward) and a programming tools news editor (solitaire710). However we have no more RPG news editor and we need a website link section manager.

If you remember Gimpynerd was RPG news editor back in june, but then dissapeared due to personnal and internet access problems, before school starts CDI got hired, but since he retired as well, I am doing the RPG news editor job along with other work on the website. Unfortunately I don't have the time anymore to do both coding and working on the website at the same time so I am retiring from my TI calc RPG news editor and website link section manager position, meaning that the link section will no be longer updated and there will be no more news about TI RPG on Omnimaga front page.

What it means is that if you are dedicated to contribute to make a website better, active and enjoyable, with lot of contents and keep people informed about RPG news in the TI community you might be the one we are looking for. Right now we are looking for 2 new staff, but most importantly a RPG news editor.

-As RPG news editor your job will be the same thing than what Solitaire710 does with programming tools, but for RPGs. Your job will be to browse most big forums like MaxCoderz, UnitedTI, EPS, TI-Freak Ware, Calchaven, Revsoft and Omnimaga itself as well as big news websites such as TI-News, Calcwebzine, Solitaire710 and You will check for updates on current and new RPGs projects and screenshots and announce them in the news sections here. We need active staff that will not have to retire after a few months to keep this community active and to keep members informed about news.

-If you are interested in Website link section manager you will search google for TI, Casio and HP calculator games related websites, non calc related RPG or gaming websites that aren't listed in the link section (mostly new websites). There is a very huge list of link on TI Freak Ware forums to go through (as we share calculator games related websites links). Also your job will be to check the mod CP regulary to check if someone added a website link in the pending queue (which actually doesn't happen often). Also your job will be to occasionally check for broken website links in the link section and move them in the staff forums so we can check later if it was down temporary or permanently.

Both of those job are not full time. Most of the time you will spend between 5 and 10 hours per week (between 30 minutes and 2 hours a day, at least twice a week) checking RPG progress posting news or checking for new links and adding them, depending of your staff position.

If you think you can do it and are willing to help out register an account on the forums and send me a private message.

As for me I'll continue keeping you informed about new Casio and HP stuff and website news, whenever there are, do backend work on the website and add new projects.

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Omnimaga seeks for RPG news editor
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2005, 07:06:00 am »
I can try to help with the TI Links, add them here as I add them to my site...
Projects: AOD Series: 75% | FFME: 80% | Pokemon: 18% | RPGSK: 60% | Star Trek: 70% | Star Trek 83+: 40% | TI-City: 5%


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Omnimaga seeks for RPG news editor
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2005, 08:57:00 am »
now there's something I CAN do :Dbiggrin.gif I don't mind being Omnimaga Staff again (the news thing was HARD :Dbiggrin.gif) but I could be a Link Manager if you think I can do it :Dbiggrin.gif

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Omnimaga seeks for RPG news editor
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2005, 09:46:00 am »
Hey, MY job!!  :angry:mad.gif:Pblah.gif
Projects: AOD Series: 75% | FFME: 80% | Pokemon: 18% | RPGSK: 60% | Star Trek: 70% | Star Trek 83+: 40% | TI-City: 5%


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Omnimaga seeks for RPG news editor
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2005, 09:58:00 am »
you said TILinks , I can cover anything else :Dbiggrin.gif (and probably looing for long lost RPGs too)

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Omnimaga seeks for RPG news editor
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2005, 10:06:00 am »
lol, that would work... :Dbiggrin.gif
Projects: AOD Series: 75% | FFME: 80% | Pokemon: 18% | RPGSK: 60% | Star Trek: 70% | Star Trek 83+: 40% | TI-City: 5%

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Omnimaga seeks for RPG news editor
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2005, 03:52:00 am »
send me a PM if you are interested in joining staff. that way it will be easier to choose if I have everyone PMing me for staff appplication  :)smile.gif

EDIT I felt kinda stupid after I written this because even guests and regular members can add links in the link section :Dbiggrin.gif . Only thing is that they need to be approved by staff anyway so I would need a staff for this anyway :Pblah.gif

Master Jc

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Omnimaga seeks for RPG news editor
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2005, 05:15:00 am »
Gaaah, a lot of people have been asking me for images/music/etc lately, so that's why not much has been done.  Trust me, something WILL happen.

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Omnimaga seeks for RPG news editor
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2005, 05:30:00 am »
Gaaah, a lot of people have been asking me for images/music/etc lately, so that's why not much has been done. Trust me, something WILL happen.
seeing your signatures pics I understand that O_Oshocked2.gif . Do you have a page where you put all your sigs you made since calchaven opened becaus it would be cool to see all of them :Dbiggrin.gif

now I have a new skin so it might be easier to make images that matches the skin :)smile.gif

I hope it will be easy to set the skin once IF will have upgraded to version 2.0 though

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Omnimaga seeks for RPG news editor
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2005, 05:35:00 am »
Do you know when that might happen?
Projects: AOD Series: 75% | FFME: 80% | Pokemon: 18% | RPGSK: 60% | Star Trek: 70% | Star Trek 83+: 40% | TI-City: 5%

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Omnimaga seeks for RPG news editor
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2005, 05:38:00 am »
dunno, work on IF 2.0 started on october 2004, it was supposed to be upgraded this summer, but it still under developpement, I guess they must be working pretty hard on it since they are recoding everything, including the admin CP

Offline tifreak

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Omnimaga seeks for RPG news editor
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2005, 05:43:00 am »
It would be nice if the admin panel reflected the look of the site...
Projects: AOD Series: 75% | FFME: 80% | Pokemon: 18% | RPGSK: 60% | Star Trek: 70% | Star Trek 83+: 40% | TI-City: 5%

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Omnimaga seeks for RPG news editor
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2005, 06:41:00 am »
indeed, but maybe it would involve more setting for CSSs


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Omnimaga seeks for RPG news editor
« Reply #13 on: November 11, 2005, 07:00:00 am »
Hmm... I would love to take on the challenge off the news editor. Im at school right now so ill send you the pm at home when I have time.

Master Jc

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Omnimaga seeks for RPG news editor
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2005, 02:09:00 am »
QuoteBegin-Kevin+11 November 2005, 11:3-->
QUOTE (Kevin @ 11 November 2005, 11:30)
Gaaah, a lot of people have been asking me for images/music/etc lately, so that's why not much has been done. Trust me, something WILL happen.
seeing your signatures pics I understand that O_Oshocked2.gif . Do you have a page where you put all your sigs you made since calchaven opened becaus it would be cool to see all of them :Dbiggrin.gif

now I have a new skin so it might be easier to make images that matches the skin :)smile.gif

I hope it will be easy to set the skin once IF will have upgraded to version 2.0 though  

 They're all saved on my computer... I COULD make a page for all of them...  even harder is all the music people ask me to write, because THAT takes a really long time... I current have to work on a sonic theme, a lightsaber battle scene, and a Unreal Tournament theme (well, that's for myself and my buds, but I want to finish it.)  I'll see what I can do right now for a sample button.

Actually, today, I'll have a lot of time, if I can finish writing Part 4 of my short story...

IF 2.0 will allow multiple skins, so we can do some pretty fun stuff with that hopefully.