Author Topic: Possible forum change  (Read 2894 times)

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Possible forum change
« on: April 23, 2005, 10:00:01 am »
Most of you who visit this website regulary probably noticed that the forums are down often. It's mainly due to the fact that the server seems to need lot of memory to run them so there is a lot of SQL errors. Also Earthforge is a server which receive a lot of hits per days. Because I want Omnimaga visitors to enjoy their visits on the websites and the forums as well, I am currently thinking about moving to a new forum. As for now I am waiting an awnser from my web hoster to know if I have PHPBB2 support or if the problems will be fixed soon and if not I will have to find a new host for the forum. The website, however, will remain on Earthforge.

By doing this this mean that Omnimaga will have an independent forum and there is some possibility that I'll allow users to have a section for their RPG projects.

Basically it should take a few days before I come back with news about this so stay tuned for updates.