Author Topic: PRIZM LAN party by Qwerty.55 & z80man goes wrong  (Read 15558 times)

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Re: PRIZM LAN party by Qwerty.55 & z80man goes wrong
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2011, 08:06:13 pm »
To clarify, the following things in the news are real:

-Both staff promotions (notice their green nicknames)
-The PRIZM smelling bad

- The LAN party and the paramedics

We were actually playing Crysis II though :P
∂²Ψ    -(2m(V(x)-E)Ψ
---  = -------------
∂x²        ℏ²Ψ

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Re: PRIZM LAN party by Qwerty.55 & z80man goes wrong
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2011, 08:22:52 pm »
Lol :P

However a nDoom port with the addition of multiplayer would be awesome. :D

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Re: PRIZM LAN party by Qwerty.55 & z80man goes wrong
« Reply #17 on: April 19, 2011, 02:15:44 am »
I don't know what will happen to the processor (other than higher heat production), but given that the feature is supported by the manufacturer, I'd hope that the appropriate cooling systems exist.
* z80man decides to add a liquid cooling system to his Prizm
As can be told from this quote from the early days of Prizm hacking, there were plans to install a liquid cooling system to prevent the catastrophic meltdown that was experienced earlier today. Unfortunately the coolant had not arrived in time for the LAN party which therefore caused the excessive heat and fumes. Luckily the shipment is expected to arrive by next week allowing all future overclocking endeavors to be done in a much safer manner. I'm happy to report that the only harm done to me was a large fluctuation in my nasal hair. My Prizm on the other hand required a new processor due to the extreme heat damage. As of now it has been replaced with the new SH5 proc to replace the aging SH4 version that previously inhabited the Prizm. Overclocking tests on the prototype Prizm emulator have shown to produce similar fumes.

List of stuff I need to do before September:
1. Finish the Emulator of the Casio Prizm (in active development)
2. Finish the the SH3 asm IDE/assembler/linker program (in active development)
3. Create a partial Java virtual machine  for the Prizm (not started)
4. Create Axe for the Prizm with an Axe legacy mode (in planning phase)
5. Develop a large set of C and asm libraries for the Prizm (some progress)
6. Create an emulator of the 83+ for the Prizm (not started)
7. Create a well polished game that showcases the ability of the Casio Prizm (not started)

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Re: PRIZM LAN party by Qwerty.55 & z80man goes wrong
« Reply #18 on: April 19, 2011, 09:43:45 am »
O.O Are there any plans for another LAN Party? I wanna play Call of Duty  :hyper:

Offline JosJuice

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Re: PRIZM LAN party by Qwerty.55 & z80man goes wrong
« Reply #19 on: April 19, 2011, 09:50:39 am »
O.O Are there any plans for another LAN Party? I wanna play Call of Duty  :hyper:
Or maybe a gCn party? ;D

Offline Munchor

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Re: PRIZM LAN party by Qwerty.55 & z80man goes wrong
« Reply #20 on: April 19, 2011, 10:19:46 am »
O.O Are there any plans for another LAN Party? I wanna play Call of Duty  :hyper:
Or maybe a gCn party? ;D

I'd like Kerm to finish Doors PRIZM first. Only then gCn.

Offline z80man

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Re: PRIZM LAN party by Qwerty.55 & z80man goes wrong
« Reply #21 on: April 19, 2011, 02:22:59 pm »
O.O Are there any plans for another LAN Party? I wanna play Call of Duty  :hyper:
Or maybe a gCn party? ;D
I'd like Kerm to finish Doors PRIZM first. Only then gCn.
Why do you need Kerm to finish Doors? As a note I'm already working on an asm shell that when finished will be extremely powerful. One of its strongest features is allowing programs to register a file extension for themselves so if for example a Prizm notepad program was ever made, it would then register .txt to itself. Then whenever you click on a txt file from the main menu, notepad will then open that file.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2011, 02:23:27 pm by z80man »

List of stuff I need to do before September:
1. Finish the Emulator of the Casio Prizm (in active development)
2. Finish the the SH3 asm IDE/assembler/linker program (in active development)
3. Create a partial Java virtual machine  for the Prizm (not started)
4. Create Axe for the Prizm with an Axe legacy mode (in planning phase)
5. Develop a large set of C and asm libraries for the Prizm (some progress)
6. Create an emulator of the 83+ for the Prizm (not started)
7. Create a well polished game that showcases the ability of the Casio Prizm (not started)

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Re: PRIZM LAN party by Qwerty.55 & z80man goes wrong
« Reply #22 on: April 19, 2011, 02:24:28 pm »
O.O Are there any plans for another LAN Party? I wanna play Call of Duty  :hyper:
Or maybe a gCn party? ;D
I'd like Kerm to finish Doors PRIZM first. Only then gCn.
Why do you need Kerm to finish Doors? As a note I'm already working on an asm shell that when finished will be extremely powerful. One of its strongest features is allowing programs to register a file extension for themselves so if for example a Prizm notepad program was ever made, it would then register .txt to itself. Then whenever you click on a txt file from the main menu, notepad will then open that file.

I don't need him to finish Doors, I need someone to make a shell, or is there an easy way to run Asm files?

Offline JosJuice

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Re: PRIZM LAN party by Qwerty.55 & z80man goes wrong
« Reply #23 on: April 19, 2011, 02:28:36 pm »
I don't need him to finish Doors, I need someone to make a shell, or is there an easy way to run Asm files?
The OS supports g3a files (add-ins) which are kinda like apps on the 84+. All current programs are in that format.

Offline z80man

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Re: PRIZM LAN party by Qwerty.55 & z80man goes wrong
« Reply #24 on: April 19, 2011, 03:20:14 pm »
The problem being with apps/g3a is that
1. That they run from flash which isn't all that bad, but prevents the use of self modifying code
2. The header size is 29 kb
3. There are extensive formatting and checksums necessary in the header
4. Startup code is required to run apps

List of stuff I need to do before September:
1. Finish the Emulator of the Casio Prizm (in active development)
2. Finish the the SH3 asm IDE/assembler/linker program (in active development)
3. Create a partial Java virtual machine  for the Prizm (not started)
4. Create Axe for the Prizm with an Axe legacy mode (in planning phase)
5. Develop a large set of C and asm libraries for the Prizm (some progress)
6. Create an emulator of the 83+ for the Prizm (not started)
7. Create a well polished game that showcases the ability of the Casio Prizm (not started)

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: PRIZM LAN party by Qwerty.55 & z80man goes wrong
« Reply #25 on: April 19, 2011, 03:26:50 pm »
Yeah it would be nice to have an actual shell that can run ASM/C files, to save space. Doors CS would be a nice shell, although since there are some people who dislike the mouse cursor Kerm would have to ensure that HomeRun is possible on the Prizm.

Other shells are welcome too, as long as they're compatible with each others. Just for the sake of user preference.

Offline Deep Toaster

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Re: PRIZM LAN party by Qwerty.55 & z80man goes wrong
« Reply #26 on: April 19, 2011, 08:21:31 pm »

EDIT: Welcome to the team, Qwerty and z80!
« Last Edit: April 19, 2011, 08:21:50 pm by Deep Thought »

Offline z80man

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Re: PRIZM LAN party by Qwerty.55 & z80man goes wrong
« Reply #27 on: April 20, 2011, 12:17:06 am »
Yeah it would be nice to have an actual shell that can run ASM/C files, to save space. Doors CS would be a nice shell, although since there are some people who dislike the mouse cursor Kerm would have to ensure that HomeRun is possible on the Prizm.

Other shells are welcome too, as long as they're compatible with each others. Just for the sake of user preference.
About a month ago Qwerty drew up a proposed file format for Prizm asm programs that I'm now implementing in a shell with only minor modifications. What I like about his format is its clean packet layout that allows for near unlimited future additions, backwards compatibility, and cross-compatibility. I'm also making a big deal of cross-compatibility in allowing libraries to be treated as individual files that can be imported to the shell during runtime. As a note this is much easier than it sounds because the Prizm memory follows the FAT32 protocol allowing it to act like a standard usb drive when attached to a computer and also negating the need for TI-connect like software. 

List of stuff I need to do before September:
1. Finish the Emulator of the Casio Prizm (in active development)
2. Finish the the SH3 asm IDE/assembler/linker program (in active development)
3. Create a partial Java virtual machine  for the Prizm (not started)
4. Create Axe for the Prizm with an Axe legacy mode (in planning phase)
5. Develop a large set of C and asm libraries for the Prizm (some progress)
6. Create an emulator of the 83+ for the Prizm (not started)
7. Create a well polished game that showcases the ability of the Casio Prizm (not started)

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: PRIZM LAN party by Qwerty.55 & z80man goes wrong
« Reply #28 on: April 20, 2011, 12:41:49 am »
Good to hear. On a side note I'll need to setup some sub-forums for your projects soon, although I'll have to make sure to sticky some threads at the top of the Prizm development board or figure out how to alias sub-forums to show up at multiple locations so things aren't too much all over the place on the site. I could always do the same thing as the Axe board, however, and put links to each board at the top. :)

But yeah compatibility is important. If KermMartian didn't allow DCS to run any single Ion/Mirage/BASIC/no-stub games and only allowed the DCS ones, it would never have gotten success, because MirageOS grew a massive fanbase for 9 years prior that.

And yeah I'm glad the Prizm allows USB drive mode. It makes it so much easier to send stuff to my calc compared to my TI-Nspire.

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Re: PRIZM LAN party by Qwerty.55 & z80man goes wrong
« Reply #29 on: April 20, 2011, 12:49:43 am »
Sadly, I was not  able to participate in the LAN party as I just got my Prizm yesterday. I am glad  however that I was not part of the unfortunate "Stanky calc. incident of 2011" that was caused by the overheating Prizms. It is fortunate that noone was seriously injured, and that the overheating issues have been (supposedly) addressed for next time. On another note; I'd like to congratulate Qwerty and Z80man on the promotions! :D