Author Topic: Put both Ndless and OS 3.6 in your TI-Nspire  (Read 26614 times)

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Put both Ndless and OS 3.6 in your TI-Nspire
« on: November 01, 2013, 09:24:17 pm »
Many of you chose the TI-Nspire CX for back to school 2013, hoping to be able to play Game Boy Advance games or to store scrollable and zoomable images with mViewer,  and therefore many of you have been disappointed not to be able to use the required tools anymore.
Indeed, Texas Intruments banned community jailbreaks Ndless and nLaunch on their new TI-Nspire CX hardware revision J and later.

But apparently, this was not enough for TI. With the release of the OS 3.6, TI tried has tried to ban Ndless and nLaunch from older TI-Nspire models and hardware revisions too.

In fact, once installed OS 3.6 :
  • forbids you to downgrade to any older OS version including the 3.1 version required by Ndless
  • installs the new Boot2 3.2.4 which is incompatible with nLaunch
  • self-destructs itself after its first start if any resource is modified or absent from the installation file (like Boot2 3.2.4 or samples removed with TNOC), but still increases the minimum installable OS version to 3.6, making the calculator unusable until you accept to install the full OS 3.6 with its Boot2 3.2.4...
The first workaround was out within 24 hours after the discovery of OS 3.6, as a patched OS for the TI-Nspire CX CAS to be used with nLaunch, followed a week later by a similar patch for the TI-Nspire CX.

So, for the first time in the history of the TI community, this was a widely illegal infringement because of the distribution of modified executable copyrighted code from TI.
Fortunately, Excale and Lionel Debroux analyzed the modified versions of OS 3.6 and ported all necessary chances in a new version of nLaunch! nLaunch now dynamically patches the OS 3.6 when detected and there is no use of the counterfeit anymore! ;D

Today we finally released a version of our Ndless/3.6 switching pack using the new nLaunch and all links to counterfeits have been removed from the site.

This pack will enable TI-Nspire still able to use the OS 3.1:
  • to use the new OS 3.6 without having to give up Ndless / Nlaunch ;D
  • to be able to return to the OS 3.1 with Ndless anytime without the need of any computer! ;D
There is now support for TI-Nspire monochrome models . All supported models are:
  • TI-Nspire + TI-Nspire TouchPad
  • TI-Nspire CAS + TI-Nspire CAS TouchPad
  • TI-Nspire CX + TI-Nspire CX-C
  • TI-Nspire CX CAS + TI-Nspire CX-C CAS
Compared to the old Ndless/3.2 switching pack, the new installation tutorial for the TI-Nspire CX has been greatly improved and simplified ! ;D
For monochrome TI-Nspire you had reported us several errors with the ntnoc tool used in the pack. These errors were coming from the low capacity on these models (only 32MB NAND), in which no less than three TI-Nspire OS have to fit during installation. The new installation tutorial for the TI-Nspire monochromes takes this into account and has the same manipulations in a different order which does not seem to trigger any error anymore! ;D
The installation has been tested several times for hours and days without any problem on no less than 7 different TI-Nspire models including 5 monochrome ones.

It looks like a great achievement, doesn't it? But it's not a victory for the community. Indeed, this package just help current Ndlessable handhelds to go on using Ndless and doesn't make Ndless installable on more handhelds at at all...
Ndlessable TI-Nspire handhelds therefore continue to decrease, just not as fast or as far as TI had planned.

We have no illusions: when the popup about the availability of the new OS 3.6 will be trigerred soon in TI-Nspire softwares, most users will of course update without seeking any information online.
TI has therefore not completely eradicated Ndless on older models and hardware revisions, but it remains huge victory: TI almost eradicated Ndless on older models and hardware revisions.

Download :
Ndless/3.6 switching pack

Link :
Installation Tutorial for Ndless/3.6 switching pack

Source :
« Last Edit: November 01, 2013, 09:25:10 pm by critor »
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Re: Put both Ndless and OS 3.6 in your TI-Nspire
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2013, 02:09:57 am »
To be honest, to me the Ndless scene is pretty much like the TI-86/92/II scene: It's like if it was for discontinued calc models, so inevitably there will be fewer and fewer people doing Ndless programs or using them. On the other hand it's good that new tricks are found to make sure that Ndless can still run on as many old calcs as possible in the near future.

Good news about this program :)

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Re: Put both Ndless and OS 3.6 in your TI-Nspire
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2013, 04:41:43 am »
^that, i have the feeling the nspire community is dying because of TI >:(

But yeah, it is still good to see new ndless versions coming up :D

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Re: Put both Ndless and OS 3.6 in your TI-Nspire
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2013, 04:49:40 am »
But yeah, it is still good to see new ndless versions coming up :P
That's not a new version of Ndless :)
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Re: Put both Ndless and OS 3.6 in your TI-Nspire
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2013, 04:50:41 am »
erm, a workaround then or w/e >.<

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Re: Put both Ndless and OS 3.6 in your TI-Nspire
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2013, 04:58:38 am »
Well, it's a workaround but not for people with newer devices that can't downgrade. Or people that already upgraded to 3.6.

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Re: Put both Ndless and OS 3.6 in your TI-Nspire
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2013, 05:00:37 am »
Yeah I hope that a solution for these can be found. :/ Also with the HP Prime now the Nspire will likely be of lesser interest to the community once the former goes mainstream, due to more power and TI f-ing up.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2013, 05:01:05 am by Streetwalker »

Offline Lionel Debroux

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Re: Put both Ndless and OS 3.6 in your TI-Nspire
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2013, 05:02:01 am »
Also with the HP Prime now the Nspire will likely be of lesser interest to the community once the former goes mainstream, due to more power and TI f-ing up.
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Re: Put both Ndless and OS 3.6 in your TI-Nspire
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2013, 08:42:12 am »
Hey, I was trying to do it by following the README to put that set up in my TI-Nspire CAS TouchPad and I am now stuck in the
«Operating System not found. Install OS now.»
message and whenever i try to send nlaunch.tnc the computer link software gives me an error saying
"the calculator is low on batteries so it is not possible to install an operating system at the moment"
however it battery is fully charged and it runs on battery only: no AAA batteries.
Do I really need to get 4xAAAs?

Offline critor

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Re: Put both Ndless and OS 3.6 in your TI-Nspire
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2013, 09:15:32 am »
Well, it's a workaround but not for people with newer devices that can't downgrade. Or people that already upgraded to 3.6.

People who upgraded from 3.2.3 or older to 3.6 can still reflash Boot2 3.1 using an RS232 interface, install Nlaunch, and then install any OS.

Also with the HP Prime now the Nspire will likely be of lesser interest to the community once the former goes mainstream, due to more power and TI f-ing up.

You sure about that? I cannot see a wide interest into the HP-Prime for now. It interests some 'geeks', yes, but they won't be enough to make it a success.
It doesn't seem to really interest software/hardware tinkerers - we failed at running Linux on it in a few weeks after its release.

Hey, I was trying to do it by following the README to put that set up in my TI-Nspire CAS TouchPad and I am now stuck in the
«Operating System not found. Install OS now.»
message and whenever i try to send nlaunch.tnc the computer link software gives me an error saying
"the calculator is low on batteries so it is not possible to install an operating system at the moment"
however it battery is fully charged and it runs on battery only: no AAA batteries.
Do I really need to get 4xAAAs?

Yes. OS files are rejectected if the main power source is low. On TouchPad calculators, the main power source is the battery case, not the optional rechargeable battery.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2013, 09:16:09 am by critor »
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Re: Put both Ndless and OS 3.6 in your TI-Nspire
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2013, 09:27:49 am »
Yes. OS files are rejectected if the main power source is low. On TouchPad calculators, the main power source is the battery case, not the optional rechargeable battery.
I put some AAA batteries and it went well thank you

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Re: Put both Ndless and OS 3.6 in your TI-Nspire
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2013, 09:46:04 am »
Well, it's a workaround but not for people with newer devices that can't downgrade. Or people that already upgraded to 3.6.

People who upgraded from 3.2.3 or older to 3.6 can still reflash Boot2 3.1 using an RS232 interface, install Nlaunch, and then install any OS.

Yes, I know. But most people don't have an RS232 interface and/or lack the knowledge to use one.

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Re: Put both Ndless and OS 3.6 in your TI-Nspire
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2013, 03:30:01 am »
Also with the HP Prime now the Nspire will likely be of lesser interest to the community once the former goes mainstream, due to more power and TI f-ing up.

You sure about that? I cannot see a wide interest into the HP-Prime for now. It interests some 'geeks', yes, but they won't be enough to make it a success.
It doesn't seem to really interest software/hardware tinkerers - we failed at running Linux on it in a few weeks after its release.
I said /once it goes mainstream/. There are currently way too few people who own it unfortunately.

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Re: Put both Ndless and OS 3.6 in your TI-Nspire
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2013, 04:01:45 am »
The Prime is unlikely to ever become real mainstream, at least in the USA and several key countries, as TI is far too entrenched in the education market and has far too much lobbying power. However, there's a chicken-and-egg problem: if we, as a user and programmer community, don't show the Prime enough love until TI releases a new model (*), the Prime will get much less of a chance to become mainstream at all. We need to spend some time on it, even if we don't think the Prime will be a major hit in the end :)

(*) we already heard about a "CX Premium" as a side effect of a TI webinar.
Anyway, history shows that TI releases new models every 2-3 years: the V200 hit the market in 2002, the 89T in 2004, the Nspire Clickpad in 2007 (should have been 2006 with the CAS+, but it was too sub-par), the Nspire Touchpad (minor evolution) in 2010, the Nspire CX (major evolution) in H1 2011, the 84+CSE (at the low end) in H1 2013... and we're now well in Q4 2013. The "CX Premium" clearly wasn't targeted at the 2013-2014 school season (unlike the Prime, which missed the target), but assuming TI's release cycle remains similar, the next higher-end TI calculator is unlikely to hit the market later than Q4 2014 - H1 2015, ahead of time for the 2015-2016 school season.
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Re: Put both Ndless and OS 3.6 in your TI-Nspire
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2013, 07:31:45 am »
One issue with the Prime is that there are already a few games and programs out (including two periodic tables), but due to Omnimaga and TI-Planet rules, we are not allowed to share them (due to who created them). On Omni we can work around this by posting Hpcalc mirrors instead, but the issue is that on, it takes 6 months for your files to get approved. I also have plans for games, but sadly I need more time, plus I would like to create some for both the 84+CSE and the Prime.

Also another issue is that HP didn't even try to market the Prime yet. It was barely visible on their site and there is little info about where to buy it for now.