As mentionned in the previous news, there will be some site updates for a while. Last night and today, the first update involved changes in the sub-forums order on the board index:
-The Members-Only section was removed and its content was moved in the community one, except the TI game walkthroughs sub-forum, which was moved with the other calculator-related sub-forums.
-Some sections merged together. The Starcraft one merged with Gaming and the Featured Calc RPG Projects merged with Major TI Community Projects.
-The Gaming and Anime/Mangas boards are now visible to guests.
-Those last two sections as well as Randomness and Miscellaneous Talk are now sub-forums of the new Random Discussion one.
-The two Dutch sub-forums as well as the other language ones were removed completly.
-The front page discussion area was updated to accomodate those changes.
This was done in attempt to put more focus on calculator-related discussion as well as development and creation as well as reducing the amount of sub-forums that appears on the board index, especially the non-calc-related section and the members-only one. Also in the international section, only the french ones were used, despite our increasing amount of dutch users, so it made no sense to keep the rest.