We are pleased to announce that Brian Rekoske (a.k.a
http://s7.invisionfree.com/Omnimaga/index.php?showuser=84) has been hired as the new RPG news editor. As you might guess he will be posting news about RPG projects progress and screenshots, as well as new release in the community.
Right now Omnimaga is lagging one month in news about RPGs, so don't be surprised if there is lot of news soon.
Thanks to everyone for applying. Like the last time we hired, if you applied and didn't got accepted, chances are big that if we ever need to hire again you'll be the next staff so if we are looking for new staff fin the future and you are still interested for a job here just PM me again.
Keep in mind that we are still looking for someone to manage the website links section so if you are interested register an account on the forums if not done alerady and send me a private message.