Author Topic: S.A.D: Seek & Destroy source code released  (Read 17379 times)

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Offline Hot_Dog

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Re: S.A.D: Seek & Destroy source code released
« Reply #15 on: June 30, 2011, 12:07:31 am »
Hey Hot_Dog, I was sorry to hear about your laptop getting stolen and the project getting disbanded. It was pretty impressive all the stuff that you accomplished though and the other stuff that you have done despite not releasing this is surely going to help the community. I cant wait to see what other "smaller, less important" projects you come up with, because they are gonna be great.

Edit: Ha ha yes I did mean Hot_Dog, sorry I was looking at something else when I was typing.

Thanks, Madskillz!  Yeah, even though these things happen, I certainly don't consider my time a waste considering that S.A.D. helped me learn enough to contribute everything else.