We are sorry to announce the retirement of Simplethinker as Omnimaga staff. He has been part of Omnimaga for 3 years and became part of our programming team 1 year ago. Afterward, he also became in charge of the programming contest and contributed a lot to the community with help and projects. Unfortunately, school made him busier and busier, to the point where he hasn't visited the site for almost an entire month, and has announced he will no longer be able to contribute. With his demotion, me and Eeems remains the two only remaining admins on the site for now.
Hosting-wise, despite the recent talk about the possibility that payments for this hosting account ends on October 23rd 2010, the site would remain open anyway. It would just most likely move on TI-Freakware host under omnimaga.tifreakware.net if this had to happen. Otherwise, the site will remain at its current location.