Author Topic: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era  (Read 42697 times)

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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #30 on: March 04, 2014, 11:26:09 am »
 When I saw different GUI here I was thinking, that omnimaga site is broken. So it is not broken, but it is an upgrade.
Any chance to switch back to the original design ?
Please read the news post fully before asking questions.
I like the simplicity and clean looks of the new design. Gives the site a more "serious" touch. But I miss the news roll and the "recent posts" list on the hp. Especially with the removing the news roll omni kinda shoots itself in the leg, because if you're not logged in, you basically have no means of telling what this site is about.

Btw I didn't receive a notification either.
News roll? The main page is suppose shows the news, but it seems someone was playing around with the permissions again. That should be fixed now.

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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #31 on: March 04, 2014, 11:30:08 am »
Still wondering about two things:
Will post ratings/karma be restored (edit sorry, didn't see the post in the previous page) ?
Will the Recent posts show links to posts instead of showing their content directly ?

And a third thing that is not so important, but the Recent posts are in "Unread" even if they are read. So maybe it would be better if it was in the "top bar" directly, as it used to be before the upgrade.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2014, 11:38:11 am by Hayleia »
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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #32 on: March 04, 2014, 02:00:56 pm »
Slowly getting used to the new theme and I must say, Eeems' KISS puristicy (wut) seems to pay off, it looks nice. Only the navigation bar needs a revamp. I would like if it was somewhat wider, just like on the old forums.
If that's added, I'll be very content and happy. :3
Actually my main gripe with the navbar is that I am so used to New Posts being last. However, I think they tried to group things together via drop-downs, so having two forum-related links would have made no sense. However, I really can't wait until the old new posts list is back. Omni activity skyrocketed shortly after it was implemented and many people used it.

As for telling what the site is about, what we need back is the intro we had on the front page saying what Omni is about and how it's meant to be free of hostility and all. Since there isn't enough space for calc screenshots in the banner, a small strip of calc screenies of popular Omnimaga projects could be added inside the Welcome to Omnimaga box in the middle. The about page is nice, but we really need an (updated) summary on the front page, like we had and like what Cemetech currently has. The free of hostility part could also continue to deter sign ups of certain troublesome users (although negative post ratings usually did the work once they signed up).

Also, am I the only person to have received a notification e-mail? O.O

News roll? The main page is suppose shows the news, but it seems someone was playing around with the permissions again. That should be fixed now.

I think his issue is that if you go to the news section of the forums, now the topics are not only ordered by last reply instead of starting date, but their actual start date no longer shows up below topic titles (the old SMF board, along with the Invisionfree ones, used a mod for that). It makes it next to impossible to find any older news because the Omnimaga search is completely broken (most results are irrelevant and we can no longer search for digits, such as "7 years").
« Last Edit: March 04, 2014, 02:07:23 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #33 on: March 04, 2014, 03:08:23 pm »
And a third thing that is not so important, but the Recent posts are in "Unread" even if they are read. So maybe it would be better if it was in the "top bar" directly, as it used to be before the upgrade.
Please send all requests to instead of posting them. I do not have the time to go through every single post in the forum to find all user requests.
Will the Recent posts show links to posts instead of showing their content directly ?
As mentioned before, yes. If you really want the links to posts etc though, use the unread/replies pages instead though.
Slowly getting used to the new theme and I must say, Eeems' KISS puristicy (wut) seems to pay off, it looks nice. Only the navigation bar needs a revamp. I would like if it was somewhat wider, just like on the old forums.
If that's added, I'll be very content and happy. :3
Actually my main gripe with the navbar is that I am so used to New Posts being last. However, I think they tried to group things together via drop-downs, so having two forum-related links would have made no sense. However, I really can't wait until the old new posts list is back. Omni activity skyrocketed shortly after it was implemented and many people used it.
Honestly unread/replies works way better then the others for seeing activity. Plus we have post notifications on IRC.
As for telling what the site is about, what we need back is the intro we had on the front page saying what Omni is about and how it's meant to be free of hostility and all. Since there isn't enough space for calc screenshots in the banner, a small strip of calc screenies of popular Omnimaga projects could be added inside the Welcome to Omnimaga box in the middle. The about page is nice, but we really need an (updated) summary on the front page, like we had and like what Cemetech currently has. The free of hostility part could also continue to deter sign ups of certain troublesome users (although negative post ratings usually did the work once they signed up).
Make requests to the requests form please.
I think his issue is that if you go to the news section of the forums, now the topics are not only ordered by last reply instead of starting date, but their actual start date no longer shows up below topic titles (the old SMF board, along with the Invisionfree ones, used a mod for that). It makes it next to impossible to find any older news because the Omnimaga search is completely broken (most results are irrelevant and we can no longer search for digits, such as "7 years").
Try searching by '7%years'. It's not as exact as '7 years' (ie: it can return results for "7. This example will take years") but it does work. The search itself is actually not broken. It is now using a fulltext index to search the forum which provides enhanced search speed and less cpu usage on searching. I just tried to do some generic searches and almost none of the results were irrelevant.

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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #34 on: March 04, 2014, 07:53:05 pm »
I don't like this one bit.

My Rep is at 0 D:

EDIT:Why can't I change back to the old theme? It isn't an option on the homepage.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2014, 07:54:40 pm by annoyingcalc »
This used to contain a signature.

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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #35 on: March 04, 2014, 09:03:25 pm »
It isn't an option because none of the old themes have been converted yet.

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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #36 on: March 04, 2014, 09:06:04 pm »
I don't like this one bit.

My Rep is at 0 D:

EDIT:Why can't I change back to the old theme? It isn't an option on the homepage.
Please read the news post in full before asking questions.

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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #37 on: March 04, 2014, 09:39:38 pm »
Hey guys! This is alberthrocks, your friendly invisible CoT! A couple things to clarify:
  • This is technically Omnimaga v2.0, big upgrade. No kidding, we did a super big upgrade, which is no small feat!
  • That said, the upgrade is a WIP. Call it Omnimaga v2.0 SUPER ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA. Consider the website in alpha right now, with tons of bugs and problems at the moment. We're actively working to fix all of them, but for now, we ask that you bear with us during the upgrade. To repeat, the upgrade is not complete yet!
  • The old theme WILL be back - we've planned this from the start. This is just a temporary theme that we'll continue to tweak to make better until upgrades are complete. Once done, we'll begin working on porting the older theme to v2.0, and bring it back eventually. You'll have the option to pick the current new theme or the old theme once the upgrade is done.
  • We upgraded to protect you from hacking! The reason why we are upgrading this fast is because we were running on an older, unsupported version of SMF. For you guys, that means spambots, super prone to hacking attempts, etc. (Some bots even managed to start going through accounts and steal personal info, like your email!) We upgraded to stop that from happening, as we believe that's really important to protect!
  • Help us help you! Please report issues using this form, not here! We want to make this upgrade a success, so please report issues there! Reporting it on that form helps us more than posting about it here!
  • Finally, please stay put as we work through this - don't harass/complain/etc. until we announce that we're done! We know there are issues, so please use this form to report it! We're working around the clock to fix stuff, and we'd appreciate if you tell us about the problem! Once we get out of alpha, we'll open up for changes and such. For now, to keep our admins sane, please use the form to tell us about issues and hold tight till its done!
Thanks for reading!
« Last Edit: March 04, 2014, 09:50:09 pm by alberthrocks »
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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #38 on: March 04, 2014, 09:42:55 pm »
I thought it was Omnimaga v7.0 Beta?

Omnimaga v6: the old one before we switched
Omnimaga v7.0 Alpha: When we installed SMF2 and tested it behind the scenes
Omnimaga v7.0 Beta: When we switched

Otherwise, thanks Albert.

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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #39 on: March 04, 2014, 09:44:34 pm »
Made a quick edit and linking quoting into the front post

Thanks Alb!

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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #40 on: March 04, 2014, 09:49:56 pm »
A quick note on that post Albert, this isn't a temporary theme per say. This is a WIP of the new 2014 theme. The other old themes will be brought back eventually though. They are not a priority due to other more pressing things that need fixing though.

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #41 on: March 04, 2014, 10:51:32 pm »

  • This is technically Omnimaga v2.0, big upgrade. No kidding, we did a super big upgrade, which is no small feat!
  • That said, the upgrade is a WIP. Call it Omnimaga v2.0 SUPER ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA. Consider the website in alpha right now, with tons of bugs and problems at the moment. We're actively working to fix all of them, but for now, we ask that you bear with us during the upgrade. To repeat, the upgrade is not complete yet!

2004: Version 1.0
2004: Version 1.1
2005: Version 1.2
2005: Version 2.x
2006: Version 3.0
2008: Version 4.0
2010: Version 5.0
2013: Version 6.0
2014: Version 2.0

Nice version number evolution :P

Actually my main gripe with the navbar is that I am so used to New Posts being last. However, I think they tried to group things together via drop-downs, so having two forum-related links would have made no sense. However, I really can't wait until the old new posts list is back. Omni activity skyrocketed shortly after it was implemented and many people used it.
Honestly unread/replies works way better then the others for seeing activity. Plus we have post notifications on IRC.

Not to be rude, but I think you need to listen to Omnimaga users more, like the rest of the admins have been doing. While you think that unread/replies works better, it is your opinion and many Omnimaga users have expressed the opposite one (they prefer the big new posts list that listed every thread regardless of if they were already read or not and even if they didn't participate in them). I'm pretty sure that if every comment on this thread were properly sent as requests that you would have many requests about the New Posts page return. While the return of such feature is not a big priority right now, I would hate if you started doing like big companies such as Facebook, Microsoft and Youtube and tried to impose feature changes based solely on your own preferences and ignoring any negative comment about the change. At the very least, once the site is fixed completely, allow another admin or Sorunome to add features that many users would like to have back if you aren't willing to add it.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2014, 11:09:50 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #42 on: March 04, 2014, 11:03:03 pm »
Thanks :P we like it to because to the majority of the populous it is version 2 as they only knew version 5/6. So telling them its v2 makes sense :P

Quote from: DJ Omnimaga
Actually my main gripe with the navbar is that I am so used to New Posts being last. However, I think they tried to group things together via drop-downs, so having two forum-related links would have made no sense. However, I really can't wait until the old new posts list is back. Omni activity skyrocketed shortly after it was implemented and many people used it.
Honestly unread/replies works way better then the others for seeing activity. Plus we have post notifications on IRC.

Not to be rude, but I think you need to listen to Omnimaga users more, like the rest of the admins have been doing. While you think that unread/replies works better, it is your opinion and many Omnimaga users have expressed the opposite one (they prefer the big new posts list that listed every thread regardless of if they were already read or not and even if they didn't participate in them). I'm pretty sure that if every comment on this thread were properly sent as requests that you would have many requests about the New Posts page return. While the return of such feature is not a big priority right now, I would hate if you started doing like big companies such as Facebook, Microsoft and Youtube and tried to impose feature changes based solely on your own preferences and ignoring any negative comment about the change. At the very least, once the site is fixed completely, allow another admin or Sorunome to add features that many users would like to have back if you aren't willing to add it.

And if you had been paying you would know we are working on fixing it and including everything and he has been listening and agreeing you just do not see it because unlike us he is DOING IT whilst we are handling everything else.  And if you had read the post we intend on bringing back as many features as feasible and more if we can. No offense DJ but read and think before you post please.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2014, 11:28:56 pm by Geekboy1011 »

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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #43 on: March 04, 2014, 11:58:50 pm »
I tried to reply to this but suddenly got logged out (reported), so I won't bother spending another 30 minute typing a post from scratch, especially that I pretty much replied on IRC earlier.

I am a bit irritated at some stuff that happened in this thread, so I am quite impatient in such state, but why I am irritated is based on my opinion I guess.

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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #44 on: March 05, 2014, 03:51:59 am »
Will the Recent posts show links to posts instead of showing their content directly ?
As mentioned before, yes. If you really want the links to posts etc though, use the unread/replies pages instead though.
Yeah, but UnreadReplies only shows unread posts -.-
What I'd want is the list in Recent but showed with the "format" of UnreadReplies ._.
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