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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #60 on: March 13, 2014, 10:44:42 am »
No need for me to beat around the bush : ;)

I'm not going to be changing the folder structure of Omnimaga and adding junk to the urls. It looks unprofessional and it make maintaining the site that much more of a headache.
What's also unprofessional (and an actual, current issue) is for links on other websites to now be pointing at "random" other topics.

Why isn't url-rewriting possible ?
(detect old ones and apply the offset)

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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #61 on: March 13, 2014, 11:03:03 am »
No need for me to beat around the bush : ;)

I'm not going to be changing the folder structure of Omnimaga and adding junk to the urls. It looks unprofessional and it make maintaining the site that much more of a headache.
What's also unprofessional (and an actual, current issue) is for links on other websites to now be pointing at "random" other topics.

Why isn't url-rewriting possible ?
(detect old ones and apply the offset)
Old URLs are still valid current ones. Rewriting them would break current live links.

Having external links pointing to the wrong pages on our website does not make our site look unprofessional, it just means that the external sites are out of date and need to be updated. It is not the responsibility of any site to make sure that external sites have the right links to them. That is up to the site admin of that external site. We have done our due diligence and let people know that the links have changed, and we have provided a tool to fix the external links.

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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #62 on: March 13, 2014, 02:45:50 pm »
The issue is that this is the TI community and everyone have tried for years to make things easy for everyone, so I don't think that shifting the entire fault on other sites and acting like Omnimaga is perfect and never do anything wrong is the best thing to do. While you may think Eeems that your decision is the best, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's the case, even if you work in the web dev field.

However, as much as I disagreed with that decision, what I didn't like on TI-Planet was how some recent posts blamed the entire Omnimaga team for hurting its site activity and belittling other sites. The opinions of one admin may not necessarily represent the ones of the entire Omnimaga team. It's entirely possible that some other admins or support staff were against that move, but that a majority won, and arguably, perhaps some who voted yes were not as familiar with web design and thus, unaware of the possible consequences. Some admins don't read every topic and I don't think that all of them have access to Also, while support staff have admin privileges, they have no control on admin decisions, so for example, if Sorunome wanted to fix the IDs in a way that gives less work to other sites, it is not guaranteed that he will be allowed to perform such change.

I don't really care if someone complains about just one person on another site, but bashing an entire site admin base for one person is unfair and is definitively not how I will continue supporting the site from which it comes from. Also, as much as I was against the ID changes breaking external site links due to how it helped killing United-TI, with what happened between TI-Planet team and Omnimaga/Cemetech, it could be hard now, especially from Cemetech and Omni admins, to take any negative criticism coming from TI-Planet team seriously, and it will only worsen if TI-Planet team continues the public anti-Omnimaga libel.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 02:47:42 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #63 on: March 13, 2014, 02:56:20 pm »
@DJ_O Please stop increasing problems by reporting lies or exagerated things.  That's slander.
You're not helping the TI community.
Thank you.

You don't know what has happened.

I can see no post on TI-Planet bashing the Omnimaga community, as it is in no way reponsible for the admins behaviour.

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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #64 on: March 13, 2014, 03:02:47 pm »
I don't have much to say against this other then as a whole we decided the way of changing the post id's was best.  If he hasn't already he will be making an api/tool set for people to fix the links on their end. The decision was made between us having a maintenance nightmare or a quick fix on any site that is willing to cooperate.  We decided less work for everyone == better.

As for the rest of the post we have made our decisions and have done our best to make them clear.  I can't speak for them but cemetech seems to understand.  We hope ti-planet will to.  It's our site our rules.  Does not mean we are trying to be assholes about it we are just doing what we feel, as a team, is in omnimagas best interest.  Eeems acts with us and us with him.  Just for the record.

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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #65 on: March 13, 2014, 03:13:51 pm »
Thanks for explaining. I just think that the solution "less work for everyone == better" is not the one a website should choose. It should choose "no work for anyone external to the website". But that's just my opinion, maybe everyone else disagrees with me.
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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #66 on: March 13, 2014, 03:22:05 pm »
@DJ_O Please stop increasing problems by reporting lies or exagerated things.  That's slander.
You're not helping the TI community.
Thank you.

You don't know what has happened.

I can see no post on TI-Planet bashing the Omnimaga community, as it is in no way reponsible for the admins behaviour.
I am not slandering anyone, I am simply stating the truth. Besides, if you guys are allowed to say anything bad against Omni, then why should I restrain myself? Free speech is equal for everyone, not just the TI-Planet team. Stop trying to silence me when you find pleasure in bashing us. Also, just to tell you are trying to silence me, you locked the TI-Planet topic, yet the TI-Planet team still continues participating in it with no way for anyone else to defend Omni. Well, guess what? I'm gonna silence you too: Welcome to my ignore list (yes, SMF2 now has a forum ignore list)!

The libel I am talking about was found in this post:


Si Omni décline d'autant plus, ca sera vraiment de leur faute (et le pire c'est qu'il ont l'air de s'en foutre).

Ma foi, on pourra pas dire/reprocher qu'on n'a pas essayé de leur proposer une solution (url rewriting etc.) et au moins de leur faire voir les problèmes.

Basically, this accuses Omni as a whole (or at least the entire admin team) of not caring and that the ID change is all their fault, when in fact not every admin may be fine with the change. Also, who tells you that they don't care? Maybe Eeems actually CARES too, but found his decision to be for the best? If Eeems didn't care about the TI community, he would have left Omnimaga A LONG TIME ago. Same for Geekboy1011 and others. I am really astonished by how much work they put into Omni so far despite having to deal with many criticism (including from myself), when they could just have shut the site down entirely and moved on in life. You should feel lucky that Omnimaga exists today.

If that post above wasn't slander/libel, then I don't know what it is.

TI-Planet admins always act like they are perfect and never do anything wrong in the way that if we badmouth them, they immediately accuse the other party of slander and then wash their hands from anything they said. This is what killed the Omni/Cemetech vs TI-Planet partnership (just the JsTIfied incident and attacks against Kerm were the most retarded things I ever seen in the TI community). If you all stopped blaming Omnimaga/Cemetech admins for all of your problems and started accepting the fact that Omni and Cemetech can be ran the way they want, then maybe the sites would still be partners today.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 03:36:55 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #67 on: March 13, 2014, 04:26:36 pm »
What I was stating DJ, is that with the way you're taking care of problems you are just making things worse and adding more ressentment to already existing ressentment
What's your goal here ?

Quote from: DJ Omnimaga
I am not slandering anyone, I am simply stating the truth.
Wrong. Or you wouldn't have mentionned Cemetech.
You don't know the truth behind this. You just know what you've been told.

Quote from: DJ Omnimaga
Besides, if you guys are allowed to say anything bad against Omni, then why should I restrain myself?
1st: nothing bad was said against Omni. You should reread.
2nd: this in no way gives you the right to slander and report lies or incorrect fact

Quote from: DJ Omnimaga
Free speech is equal for everyone, not just the TI-Planet team. Stop trying to silence me when you find pleasure in bashing us.
Are you mad?
I find no pleasure in bashing Omnimaga and I did never bash Omnimaga.
If you want to understand, just use your brain - things are quite simple.

Quote from: DJ Omnimaga
Also, just to tell you are trying to silence me, you locked the TI-Planet topic
Locking the topic was not my decision.
And it's in no way a reason to come complaining here and reporting lies, like an immature teenage boy.

Quote from: DJ Omnimaga
yet the TI-Planet team still continues participating in it with no way for anyone else to defend Omni. Well, guess what? I'm gonna silence you too: Welcome to my ignore list (yes, SMF2 now has a forum ignore list)!
Oh yes... you're really going to solve problems like this... just go on... (sarcastic)

Then I can see no point in creating a problem in this topic first. What's your goal?<

Quote from: DJ Omnimaga
The libel I am talking about was found in this post:


Si Omni décline d'autant plus, ca sera vraiment de leur faute (et le pire c'est qu'il ont l'air de s'en foutre).

Ma foi, on pourra pas dire/reprocher qu'on n'a pas essayé de leur proposer une solution (url rewriting etc.) et au moins de leur faire voir les problèmes.

1st, I'm not the one who did write this.
So you're doing exactly what you're blaming us for and that we didn't do: instead of mentionning the poster, you're speaking of the whole TI-Planet community or team.
So you post was totally inappropriate.

2nd, I can see no libel - it's just facts.

3rd, just read the previous posts instead of quoting out of context - that's not very honest from you.
The comment was clearly intended at some Omnimaga admin.

I'm not answering the next part, or I'm going to say things about Eeems, and I don't want to add another out of topic problem to your out of topic problem.

Quote from: DJ Omnimaga
TI-Planet admins always act like they are perfect and never do anything wrong in the way that if we badmouth them, they immediately accuse the other party of slander and then wash their hands from anything they said. This is what killed the Omni/Cemetech vs TI-Planet partnership (just the JsTIfied incident and attacks against Kerm were the most retarded things I ever seen in the TI community). If you all stopped blaming Omnimaga/Cemetech admins for all of your problems and started accepting the fact that Omni and Cemetech can be ran the way they want, then maybe the sites would still be partners today.

Oh yes, we're at lies and slanders again...
Please link me any attack against KermM or immediately remove your slandering post.
And also link or quote where I'm stating I'm perfect.

Cemetech and Omnimaga can be run the way they want.
Where did you imagine anything else ?

But this in no way gives the right to an Omnimaga admin to make an arrogant reply.

Thanks to the Omnimaga team for accepting my reply post.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 04:35:39 pm by critor »
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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #68 on: March 13, 2014, 05:27:12 pm »
If you all stopped blaming Omnimaga/Cemetech admins for all of your problems and started accepting the fact that Omni and Cemetech can be ran the way they want, then maybe the sites would still be partners today.
I don't see where TI Planet accused other website admins to be the cause of their problems (I don't see any problem on TI Planet in fact), but I'd say that TI Planet is not the website that makes the less things, it's the one website that asks for links to be fixed so that programs and topics from Omnimaga can be linked, not the one website saying "there is a tool, just go through every post and convert every link with that".
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Sorry if I answer with something that seems unrelated, English is not my primary language and I might not have understood well. Sorry if I make English mistakes too.

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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #69 on: March 13, 2014, 05:35:21 pm »
Hey - can we just cut it out? Am I the only one here who thinks it's pointless?

The site's a work in progress. We all know it. Let's just stop all the "requests" that are on the admins' agenda that is here:
I am Bach.

Offline Adriweb

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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #70 on: March 13, 2014, 05:36:03 pm »
Just a few words about my tiplanet post, DJ, which you seem to have understood in a much worse way than it was intended anyway :

(in addition to the fact that I didn't even know the tiplanet topic was locked when I posted there)

What I've stated is for me just a fact, as what outside people / visitors perceive. What's wrong with that ?
Clearly when you have a lot of links that suddenly don't work, there is a problem.

The point I was making is that I found it to be a bad decision from the admins, even if one only may be the cause of this.
Why ? Because if there was such internal disagreement, as you say, about this topic ID issue, well, maybe this specific change should not have been made at all.
But I won't question/interfere Omni's way of deciding admin stuff, that's up to you guys, you do whatever you want.

BTW Geekboy stated the decision was made as a whole, actually, so I don't know what happened with that.
If you all believe it's better this way, then ok. But we sure don't, because thousands of links are just plain wrong.

And remember that this whole thing here is about making Omnimaga better, you see... Advices coming from the website that links you the most.
If you just don't want to offer what's best to visitors from any website by not finding a proper way to redirect people to get correctly linked to the topics, we can't do anything about it on our side, sorry, it's far too dangerous on phpBB.

And yeah, stop off-topic.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 05:38:05 pm by Adriweb »
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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #71 on: March 13, 2014, 05:39:00 pm »
@Critor &DJ: Please take your arguing elsewhere. You are both off topic and needlessly cluttering this topic. Thanks.

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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #72 on: March 13, 2014, 05:42:25 pm »
@Art_of_camelot When I'm being attacked, I just feel I have the right to reply, at least once.
Don't worry, I have no intention of adding anything unless it becomes needed again. :)

I'd just like to point out that it's just not the first time those last months that DJ_O comes complaining on Omnimaga about french words he misunderstood on TI-Planet or Omnimaga, from me or from other TI-Planet staff.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 05:45:34 pm by critor »
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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #73 on: March 13, 2014, 05:48:00 pm »
Well, maybe you guys can split the topic to a "topic ID issue debate" thing.
Again, I intervene here and there to try to make the whole deal with IDs better for Omnimaga & TI-Planet particularly (since we have a large amouns of links to you)

The feeling of stubborness I perceive just startles me, that's all (hence my posts).

And if there was anything in particular that I would have wanted to say directly to the admins, I would really have said it here and in English, believe me I wouldn't have done that just in French and in a locked topic, to feel protected or whatever one may think ;)
But anyway, you guys know how the whole tiplanet team feels about the IDs issue. No need to repeat us.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 05:49:51 pm by Adriweb »
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Re: Smf Upgrade - The Dawn of a New Era
« Reply #74 on: March 13, 2014, 05:52:48 pm »
Hey - can we just cut it out? Am I the only one here who thinks it's pointless?

The site's a work in progress. We all know it. Let's just stop all the "requests" that are on the admins' agenda that is here:
Well we know it's a work in progress. We are not saying "links don't work", we are saying "fix them for real instead of using a workaround that only fixes a quarter of the problem".

But anyway, you guys know how the whole tiplanet team feels about the IDs issue. No need to repeat us.
Not just the TI Planet team, I am not part of that team and spent a lot more time on Omnimaga than on TI Planet.
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Sorry if I answer with something that seems unrelated, English is not my primary language and I might not have understood well. Sorry if I make English mistakes too.

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