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Why did i expect a rickroll So yeah, nice one
SetHook: ld hl,keysequence ld (keyseqloc),hl ld hl,HookStart in a,(6) bcall(4F7Bh) retHookStart: .db 83h cp 1Bh ret nz ld hl,(keyseqloc) ld a,(hl) or a jr nz,$+6Exithook: or 1 ld a,b ret;commands are:; bit 7 set means press Key, reset means set penrow ; if setting penrow and bit6 set, causes UP to be pressed, too. inc hl ld (keyseqloc),hl jp p,$+8 and 7Fh ld b,a jr exithook bit 6,a ld b,0 jr z,$+4 ld b,4 ;skup and 3Fh ld (penrow),a jr exithookkeysequence: .db 0;Use 0 to end the simulation.;Use 1 to 127 for regular keypresses. The OS defines them like skUp, skEnter, et cetera.;Use bit 7 set to set the pen-col coordinate, to [0,63] and bit 6 set as well will cause it to set the coordinate and simulate an UP keypress.