
Omnimaga => News => Topic started by: KermMartian on February 23, 2016, 04:02:11 pm

Title: SourceCoder 3 RC 1: TI-84+CE C Programming, More
Post by: KermMartian on February 23, 2016, 04:02:11 pm
It's been over two years since I first posted news entitled "SourceCoder 3 Nears Completion (", but today, I'm proud to say that SourceCoder 3 actually is nearing completion. Unless you looked closely at the version number at the bottom-right of SourceCoder 3's main menu, I bet you might not have realized that SourceCoder 3 was technically still in beta, but I'm happy to say that in preparation for T^3 2016 and as various planned features come together, it has reached Release Candidate status. The biggest brand-new feature is in-browser compiling of ez80 C programs for the TI-84 Plus CE, but myriad other tweaks, adjustments, fixes, and updates have been added to SourceCoder 3 in the past two years.

If you've hung around Cemetech long enough, you probably know what SourceCoder 3 (, but if not, it's a universal in-browser IDE for graphing calculator programmers. It can help you write BASIC, Assembly, and C programs for TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus graphing calculators, edit and export lists, numbers, matrices, pictures, AppVars, and more, and even edit Casio fx-9860 and Prizm programs and images. With the integrated jsTIfied emulator (, you can test programs right in your browser, take screenshots, and never need to use an offline calculator or offline emulators. In fact, SourceCoder and jsTIfied even work on smartphone and tablets (including the iPad), meaning that students in schools that issue Chromebooks or iPads can still use it.

I'll save the exhaustive list of features for the inevitable SourceCoder 3.0 announcement; for now, here are the highlights of what has been added to SourceCoder in the past two years: Have you found SourceCoder 3 useful? Let me know! Have you encountered bugs while using it lately? I definitely need to know that too. Finally, although I'm anticipating adding only one additional planned feature for SourceCoder 3.0, feature requests are always welcome.

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( SourceCoder 3 Online TI-BASIC, ASM, and C Editor and IDE (

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Title: Re: SourceCoder 3 RC 1: TI-84+CE C Programming, More
Post by: Eeems on February 23, 2016, 04:07:05 pm
Looking shiny :3
Title: Re: SourceCoder 3 RC 1: TI-84+CE C Programming, More
Post by: Sorunome on February 24, 2016, 10:13:37 am
This is looking quite nice, i like how you can compile c programs in your browser! :D